How do they react?

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How do they react when you say 'I want a baby'

Bim Trimer: He is in shock, but will happily comply.

Bingiplier: He feels like he is still not ready to be a father.

Darkiplier: He says he doesn't need another thing to take care of, aka his 'brothers' and his work.

Dr. iplier: Is absolutely down for it.

Googleplier: Has no idea what a child is.

Host: He's not ready to be a father yet.

Jim twins: They would love it.

king of the squirrels: He isn't much for kids other than his people.

Markiplier: He isn't ready to have a kid just yet.

Wilford Warfstache: NOPE!

Yanderilplier: Solid no.

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