Mystery box

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Google x reader
Picture not mine
Enjoy 😊
You laid in bed trying to fall asleep, you tossed and turned. Yet nothing. You tried to focus on something to see if sleep would take over, and then you heard the light taps of the rain outside. It was like music to your ears, you felt your body relax and your eyes closed. Only to hear a knock come from the downstairs area. Your eyes quickly opened, confused, you closed your eyes thinking that maybe you were imagining things. There was another knock, this time a little louder than the previous one.

You groaned, as you got your phone from your night stand to check the time, turning on the device, letting the light hit your eyes, blinding you for a moment. Your eyes then adjusted to the light of the device, looking at the time '12:00, who could be outside my house this late? Yet alone still be awake.'

You pushed the warm covers off your body, then moving your legs; so you were sitting on the edge of your bed. You slowly rise from the sitting position, and into a standing one slowly walking towards your bedroom door, opening it then making your way down the hallway, then making a turn walking downstairs passing the living room, then kitchen, then finally making it to the front door.

You look through the peephole to see. Nothing. You unlocked the door opening it to see no one.'Was this someone playing ding dong ditch?' As you were about to close the door, you noticed a small white box with a G in front of it.

'Who left it here?' You bent down and picked up the light box, getting back up into a standing position, then walking back inside closing, and locking the door behind you.

You carried the box into the living room setting it on the floor, sitting in front of it on the floor, you then noticed that the G was a note you picked it up and read it.

Dear Y/n,

We are glad to inform you, that you are one out of three people to be testing the new google IRL. He's designed, to answer your question as fast as possible, he also can clean, cook, grocery shop, and help your personal needs. To wake him, all you have to say is 'ok google', we hope that you enjoy your new A.I. , And if there is any problem, send him back to this direction, (random address).

          Sincerely, Google 

You look up from the note, and to the small box. "This has to be a joke. How can a robot, that was built to be the size of a human fit in such a tiny box, also why would google want me as one of the testers for there new prototype?"

So many questions ran through your head, but there was one way to find out if the bot was real, or this was just some joke.

You slowly crawled towards the box and open it, only to fall back on your back, letting the air leave you for a bit, before coming back to you making you take small breaths, until your normal breathing came back. You see a man with black hair that was nicely styled, his shirt was blue with a big G in the middle of the light blue shirt, along with his dark blue jeans, his shoes were some blue sneakers.

You stood up, the man that was the google IRL stood still you noticed that he was much taller than you, but yet again mostly everyone you knew was taller than you. From what you could tell he seemed to be 5'10, he had glasses that you did not notice before. You saw how realistic he looked, I mean yes he was meant to look like a real human, but you where so amused that google did a pretty good job.

You looked him up and down, and saw how built his body was, you walked around him checking him out, since, he was turned off. After you were satisfied, you then walked in front of him, and opened your mouth to say "ok google" you were excited to see what happen.

The G glowed and he opened his eyes to revel brown eyes, he then responded with a "hello" his voice was deep making him more attractive...wait what?

You stood there shocked he actually worked, you then wanted to see if it was true what google said his objective where.

"Google what is your primary objective?"

"Primary objectivity is to answer question as quickly as possible, along with helping around the house, and help you with your personal needs." The bot answers, looking at you with an emotionless face.


You thought about other questions you could ask only to be interrupted by the taller male.

"Do you have any other questions?" He said, with a small tilt of a head.

"No" you said seeing as there was nothing you wanted to ask.

You let a small yawn out, feeling yourself grow tried, you wanted to go to bed, but didn't want to leave google by himself. So you decide to take him to your guest room, for that shall be his room. For now.

As you closed the door for your A.I, You walked down the hall, and into the room closing, and locking the door behind just to make yourself feel a little more safe, you didn't know the robot living in your house or if his intentions were good.

You went into the warm comfy covers of your bed, getting into a comfortable position, you closed your eyes and let the darkness make you go into a deep sleep.
Hello welcome to my first chapter on this one-shot book hope you enjoyed~ love author.

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