Snapped Away and Back Again

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*Steve and Nat eloped while on the run after Civil War. This takes at the end of Infinity War and Endgame. Concerning Endgame, Tony doesn't die, he's just in a coma.*

Natasha had meant to tell Steve for the past days; she just wasn't sure how. Now she stumbled into the clearing, and saw Steve kneeling where Bucky had stood. Nothing was left but the soldiers gun. "Steve..." She muttered. A horrible, sickening feeling spread through her body as Natasha realized, clutching her stomach, what had happened to her.

Steve immediately turned around, hesitating a millisecond, as he waited to see if she would die too. When Natasha didn't he rose and hurried to her side. "Nat - you're alive. You're alright?"

No! No I'm not okay! Natasha wanted to scream, to cry, to tell him the truth. But she wouldn't - couldn't - do that to him, not now. Not ever. Natasha could not bear to see his face if she told him that the child they finally managed to conceive, was gone. Snapped away; like half of the universe.

Natasha nodded shakily, not daring to risk her voice, as she leaned into his embrace, holding tightly.


"We found something - a chance, maybe."


"Don't what?"

"Don't give me hope."

'I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner."

Clint had been the only other person to learn of her pregnancy. It was late on the night she had found him in Tokyo. "...I lost everyone Natasha. My wife, my kids. My whole family - simply gone."

"I lost my family too." Natasha said somberly, sitting next to Clint on a hotel bed.

Clint stared at her, brow furrowed. At first glance he thought she meant the Avengers; but upon looking deeper, he saw the truth. "Natasha, you don't...that means... You were going to be a mother."

Natasha nodded, watching her folded hands rest in her lap, not bothering to wipe at the stray tear dripping down her face. "Does Steve know?"

"No." She whispered hoarsely, "I learned a few days before...before Thanos, and I wasn't sure how to. The chance never came until it was to late. After that, it didn't seem fair to tell him."

"Oh Nat."  Clint pulled her close, comforting her as she cried.


Natasha stared at the stone. There had to be another way. A soul for a soul. She wouldn't accept that.

"This is it, Natasha. You know it, I know it." Natasha whipped her head around to look at Clint.

"No, don't say that-"

"You know that one of us must die. You know it deep down. I know who it needs to be." Clint countered.

Natasha stood in front of him, wishing with all her heart there was another option."So do I."

Clint smiled sadly, "I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Nat."

"The last five years I've been trying to do one thing: get to right here, that's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back." Natasha explained.

"Don't you get all decent on me now."

"What you think I want to do it? I'm trying to save your life you idiot."

"Yeah well I don't want you to, how's that? Natasha you know what I've done, what I've become..."

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