Internship part 2

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Peter was slowly given more important tasks as the weeks went by, but it wasn't until the third week in a Friday, that he was taken more seriously. While he was delivering a cup of coffee to another worker, he passed by two middle-aged scientists, standing by a white board. A complex equation was written on it, and after a minute of mental math, he turned told one of the scientists and told him the answer. The scientist, whose name was James looked at him, then the whiteboard, and back to Peter. "You... You're right. Wow, thanks kid."

"Anytime sir." Peter walked off, and deliver the coffee.


After that day, he was slowly given more and more important work, until he would receive thick packets full of mathematical equations and science questions. Everything given to Peter was done and handed in by the end of the day, which was surprisingly fast considering everything was done correctly.

Word of the brilliant teenager eventually made its way up to Tony Stark himself. One day, he decided to see just how smart Mr. Parker was. He grabbed a few sheets of paper, which contained an equation that him and Bruce had been trying to solve.

When Tony arrived on the correct intern floor, he saw Peter sitting down with a stack of papers. He stood behind Peter's desk and watched him work for a while. Then Peter spoke up, "I can hear you breathing, is there something I could-" Peter stopped when he spun his chair around and saw Mr. Stark himself. "M-Mr. Stark, wow uh I'm Peter, Peter Parker, bit you probably already knew that. I-is there something I can help you with sir?"

Tony was still wondering how the kid could've heard him, but answered the kids question, "Yeah. Me and Bruce have been working on this one problem for a while, but still can't seem to figure it out. I've heard from others you're kind of a genius, so I thought you could try." Tony handed Peter the papers.

Peter immediately spun around and started working on it. Seven minutes  later, when Tony was just about to leave, Peter turned around and handed Mr. Stark his papers. "Here you go, sir."

Mr. Stark look unconvinced that the kid had actually done it, but as he inspected the problem he realized the kid was correct. "Wow, you actually did it. I'm impressed."

"Th-thank you Mr. Stark." Peter said with a small smile.

Tony nodded and walked off, "See you around kid."


It turned out, that Peter would indeed  see more of Tony. The billionaire would often come down and give him work to do. After several weeks, Peter received an offer from him that was both exciting and terrifying.

Peter was zipping up his backpack, when he heard familiar footsteps behind him. He doing his backpack over his shoulder and turned, "Mr. Stark, I was about to head home, but is there something you need?"

"Yes. I want you to come work in the lab with me and Bruce. The work down here is below you and I'm tired of riding the elevator everyday to give you papers." Tony said, matter-of-factly.

Peter paled slightly, "That's wow Mr. Stark, that's very generous of you. But... I have to decline."

Tony took off his signature tinted glasses, "Let me rephrase that. I will see you tomorrow in the lab to work with me. No question about it."

"I-I," Peter wasn't sure what to say. He didn't want to lose the job, but working with Mr. Stark in his lab? What if Peter left his backpack open somewhere and Mr. Stark found out he was Spiderman?

"Great, see you then kid." Tony walked away not giving Peter a chance to respond.


Authors note:
Part two done, part three on it's way. Yes I realize each part is pretty short, but I prefer the flow of it when I just make new parts, so... Thanks for reading!
Lots of love,

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