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They were supposed to be fighting a small and mediocre, recently surfaced terrorist organization. The battle was supposed to be simple. It was supposed to be a good training experience.

Now Tony watched in horror as he spotted one of their weapons. As he realized what it would do, who it would hit. He watched in horror as the person it was aimed at was to preoccupied fighting some else. Tony watched in horror, while pushing his suit to fly as fast as it could, that he could not rescue the person. He watched in horror, a gut-wrenching cry escaping his lips, as one of the terrorist shot his Sonic canon at the person. At Spiderman. At Peter. Tony watched in horror as the young superhero fell to the ground clutching his ears, and the man he had been fighting shot his repulsor gun at his arm.


Tony landed and repeatedly shot both men at the same time. The suit retracted and he ran over to the kid. "Pete! Peter!" Tony knelt beside the boy, supporting his head with his hands. Gently removing the mask, he could barely look at the sight. The kid-his kid- barely conscious from pain, blood splattered on the sides of his face, more pouring from both ears. Peter's arm was a ripped up, raw mess of skin and blood

Peter looked tiredly at Tony, and whispered, "I'm sorry." Peter's eyes closed, and he didn't move.

Tony's eyes widened. He was terrified. Frantically, he pressed to fingers to the kids neck, relaxing only slightly at the weak pulse he felt. "Guys," he said over the coms, "me and Spiderman are out, the rest are up to you." He didn't wait to hear their replies, instead, muting his ear piece as the suit surrounded him. "Jarvis," he asked, picking Peter up and beginning to fly to the Compound, "call Dr. Cho, tell her it's urgent."

Tony soon touched down on the landing pad outside the med bay. He rushed inside and was greeted with the sight of Dr. Cho and her team awaiting their arrival. Tony placed the still unconscious teen on the bed. He was pushed back by one of the nurses who was telling him it was best to leave. Jarvis had already alerted Pepper of the situation and she hurried into the med bay. "Tony."

At the sound of her voice Tony took his gaze off Peter for the first time. Pepper grabbed his hand and led him outside to waiting area. She opened her arms and Tony instantly melted into her hug, a sob leaving his lips. This was his fault, Peter never would have been injured if they could've retrieved more information about this group, knew what they were capable of, or if he just hadn't allowed the kid to come along. It was his fault Peter was laying, broken and bloodied, on a bed in the hospital. And it was his fault.


Pepper had moved Tony, much against his will, to wait in the living room. Within the hour Steve and the rest of the team-Natasha, Rhodey, Bucky, Bruce, Clint, Sam, and Wanda-all arrived. "Tony, what the heck was that? You just left us out there alone!" Steve shouted.

"It's not like there were very few of you..." Tony mumbled, staring at the floor and holding Pepper's hand.

"That doesn't matter! In a battle every man counts." Steve berated.

That's when Tony snapped. "You're right," Tony barked out a, only slightly, deranged laugh, "for once in your darn life you're right Capsicle. Every man does count so that's why I left." Tony was right in front of Steve, staring him straight in the eyes. "Because if I hadn't," he said quietly, "a man would have died."

Tony turned on his heels, and stormed to the med bay. Steve stood there shocked, sure he had seen Tony's anger before, firsthand in fact, but there was an underlying protectiveness in it this time. Almost like a parents.


Tony paced outside the med bay anxiously, afraid to go in yet. He watched his kid, his chest rising and falling with steady breaths. He had cotton and bandages on his head, and his whole left arm was covered as well. Then Tony noticed Peter's fingers move and the kid slowly began to sit. That's when Tony shoved the door open, swiftly moving to him. Only, Peter didn't seem to notice him.




More silence.

"Peter! Talk to me." Tony pleaded. Peter lazily lifted his head, but it didn't appear that he had heard Tony. When Peter's eyes landed on the man in front of him, he jumped a little.

"Mr. Stark?" He asked, quite loudly, considering Tony was right next to him. "I-I didn't hear you come in."

"Seriously kid? I wasn't that quiet." Tony studied Peter's face and watched as a look of a horrifying realization dawned on the kids features.

"M-Mr. Stark? I can't hear you. I-I can't hear anything."


Authors note:
Obviously, this is a multi part deal. I hope to write part 2 soon... Uh, thanks for reading, please tell me what you think of it in the comments.
Lots of love,

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