Internship part 1

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Peter's dream had come true. His crazy dream which he thought would never actually happen. When he came home from school, May told him that an 'official' looking letter was on his bed. Peter hurriedly dropped his backpack on the kitchen island and raced toward his room, picking up the white envelope. He instantly understood why may had called it 'official', it had the Stark Industries logo on it.

Peter had sent in an application for an after school internship, not really believing he'd be hired. Even though he was practically as smart as Tony himself, he was only in highschool. He tore open the envelope, and whooped for joy when it said he'd been accepted. Of course, the position was a lower one, but maybe he could climb through the ranks. This could even lead to a full-on job!

"May!" He shouted, "Get in here!" It took a few seconds longer than he would've liked, but she entered his room. "What's up, Peter?"

He shoved the letter into May's hands but didn't give her a chance to read it before hugging her tightly. "I got accepted, I was accepted May! I'm going to intern at Stark Industries!"

She pulled back, hands on his shoulders, eyes wide. "Seriously? Peter this is amazing. I didn't know you even applied."

"I didn't want to tell you, in case I wasn't hired." Peter said sheepishly.

"Well in this case, we need to go shopping for nice clothes. I just received a paycheck, let me grab my purse and then we can go to the bank and store. Sound good?" May told him. She expected him to disagree, and say they didn't have the money, which they usually didn't, but this time he just nodded excitedly.

"This is so freaking awesome!"


Peter hurried home after school the next Monday. Today would be his first day at the internship. He tugged on one of the four polo shirts they had bought, and tucked it into a new pair of khaki pants. He smoothed over his head and then headed out to catch the subway. May had wanted to be able to take him for his first day, but had to cover a shift for a coworker.

As he walked through the glass doors of Stark Tower he couldn't help but Marvel at how pristine and beautiful everything was. Even the floors!

Eventually the woman at the front desk looked up at him, "Can I help you?"

He whipped his head around to look at her. "O-oh yeah. I um, I'm here for my internship."

She laughed a little, "Sorry kid, we don't give internships to 14 year olds."


"Excuse me?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm 15 actually and look," he dug his letter from his backpack and handed it to the woman, glad he had brought it along. "Here, look up my name, I'll be in the system."

She raised an eyebrow skeptically, but  did in fact look him up. Her expression turned to one of shock as she realized he was in fact a new intern. "Huh, well Peter Parker. Here's your badge," she slid him a plastic card that would clip to his shirt, with his information and photo on it. How SI had obtained that photo he wasn't sure, but oh well. "Wear this at all times, and don't lose it. We don't make replacements."

"Thanks so much, uh," he looked at her name tag, "Megan." He started to walk away but then realized he wasn't sure where to go. Peter turned back to the woman, wearing a look of confusion and Megan pointed to the metal detectors and then an elevator behind them. He thanked her and went on his way.


When he arrived at the proper floor, (after having been scared by Friday), he was given menial tasks, nobody really believing he had an internship there yet. But that was ok, it was his first day after all.


Authors note:
Part one is out! Part two is in the making, hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for reading!
Lots of love,

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