Chapter 2: Squad 14 - Captain Kirino Setsaka

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Meanwhile in the downtown district, 
 Kirino!! shouts a teenage woman calling up to a room above. However, the woman would receive no answer so she would begin to make her way into the apartment complex to see if she could find her. The apartment complex in the downtown district was formed in the surviving dojo academy building for females who wanted a space for their own to be separated from the males, that is if they qualified for it. Entering the dojo she would see many young females chatting and going about their way as she dressed in her white uniform as her gun was holstered on her waist. Her dark red hair flowed down her back as she began to head towards the stairway giving shivers to the females who knew her that came across her path. 
"What's she doing here"
"Do you know who that is, I hear she's a legend"
"I heard she survived three encounters head-on with those aliens" 
 The woman would continue walking as she overhears the female's gossiping about their rumors. She would walk along the second floor until she reached room B-19, carefully sliding open the door she would enter and reclose the door behind her quickly looking around the room seeing shoes sitting beside the door meaning she was still inside. Heading further inside she would spot a girl standing a room as water ran down upon her almost like a shower. 
"I called for you," says the woman quickly startling the girl for a brief moment as she opens her eyes wide as she turns her eyes towards the direction of the voice. The girl would peek her head around the curtain for a moment and gaze upon the woman in her room...

Captain Ashley Armstrong 
Squad 14
Class B 

"Could you give me a moment ma'am, kind of trying to bath" explains Kirino as her soaking wet hair lays upon her back. Ashley would turn around pull some clothing off from the cabinet beside her, "Trust me there's nothing that I haven't already seen before now come on Setsaka we have work to do" replies Ashley as she waits as Kirino turns off the water.  As the water stops she would proceed to exit from behind to standing in front of Ashley so she could reach for her towel to dry herself. 
"What's this all about Captain?" asked the curious Kirino, The captain would begin to explain to Kirino that she had a very important task that she wanted her to handle with her squad. 
"I'm am hear by making you Captain of Squad 14," says Ashley with a very serious look upon her face causing Kirino to tremble in her hand as she held the towel dropping it by mistake...
"But I'm not ready just yet, their so many things I haven't learned yet or need to know" explains Kirino in panic. Ashley would close her eyes to Kirino as she placed a hand on Kirino's right shoulder, "Relax Kirino you will do fine I will still be here if you need me but today another captain is sick I have to take his place for now" she explained in a relaxing manner. 
 During these dark times, there is no who or when a person will be ready but in order to be ready the only thing we can do is put one foot forward at a time. Fear isn't anything that you shouldn't be feeling at this time but in order to overcome that fear, we have to take that fear head on to prove who we are. 
"These aliens may have come here but they underestimate what it means to be human, we humans will never give up, we shall survive" explains Ashley forcing Kirino to stand strong and tall. Ashley would begin to explain the importance of her squad and how she should care and learn all their weaknesses as it's up to the captain to keep them in line and alive at all times. As she was hearing these words Kirino would begin to think about all the members on her squad and how most of them are friends from school she knows and how she doesn't want anything to happen to them. 
"Now can you handle this task or not!" asks Ashley as she looks down towards Kirino removing her hand off of her shoulder...
"I.. I Kirino Setsaka will accept the task given to me, Captian Armstrong!!" she shouts bringing a smile to the captain's face as she turns and exits the bathroom to await on Kirino to get dressed. 
 Balling up her fist Kirino would look strong telling her self that she was able to do this task as she has what it takes as she couldn't stand to bear losing anyone else in her life. 

Exiting the so-called bathroom she enters her bedroom to finish getting dressed taking notice of a Captain's attire laid out for her in her size on the bed. As she got dressed in the uniform she watched herself in the mirror. As she looked at herself self she couldn't help but think it was the perfect fit, she looked almost like a superhero in her pink and white suit as her orange hair laid back over her shoulders.  
"I wonder if they think I've grown enough now, then again knowing those two they wouldn't know beauty if it was right in front t of their faces" laughs Kirino as she smiles and heads towards the door alongside Ashley. As they left the dojo Kirino would gaze up towards the crack in the ground above as it was their only source of sunlight, after she would proceed to travel alongside Captian Armstong as they made their way to the bunker as it was time to get today's mission started soon.  
 As she would be unaware as Kyoichi, Matt, and Ami would spot them leaving the dojo from a distance as they enter a jeep and head towards the bunker.
"Was that just... Kirino?" asked Matt as they all came to a stop, looking over towards the Dojo. Kyoichi would just look over towards the dojo as it all started to seem true as that dojo was owned by the military department. It began to bother him for a moment as he just didn't understand why would she join the military services as if she didn't know what those monsters outside the wall were capable of doing to her or anyone that stood against them. 
"WHY!" He asked himself over and over until then would begin walking again, one thing for sure is that he wasn't sure why Matt wasn't disturbed as much as he was as it was a big deal as Kirino was almost like a little sister to the both of them. 

Location - Sanctum Of Nebula 
The Bunker - Home of Military Forces and Weapons Development
 Once inside Matt would make sure Kyoichi and his little sister weren't separated in the large crowds as the crowds could get a bit pushy at times. Ami would hold onto her brother's hand until they would arrive at the elder's watch area to drop off Ami until they came back from their mission. The Elder's watch is mostly a daycare run by the ones unable to go on missions to the land above, but it's kind of sad as they are always stuck underground but it's better than being affected by all the pollution in the planet's atmosphere since the alien's arrival. For that reason alone it's important to have a helmet on at all times so you're able to breathe, because without it who knows what could happen but all we do know it's that it's deadly to breathe in. 
"You stay here Ami, we will be back for you in a little while" explains Kyoichi, angering her as always " You do know I'm not a little kid, I could help you all out if they would let me" she replies. Matt would laugh as Kyoichi and his sister talked but knowing Kyo he wasn't going to allow anything of that nature to come to her so if it means being stuck with a bunch of kids and elderly it better safe than to be sorry.  Upon leaving Ami, Matt and Kyoichi would head to their destination taking notice of a full room to take their seat until their chosen squads were called. 
 Suddenly a few soldiers would take center announcing a special report, "As of today Squad 6 and Squad 14 will be working together today on scavenger's duty, that is all for now " the shouted so the entire room could hear. Matt and Kyoichi weren't really sure what was going on but one thing is for sure he knew it had something to do with Kirino in some way or another...
 "SQUAD 14!!" five members would rise from their seats and head to the room before them to acquire their protective suits as the time was coming to head into the danger zone shortly. 
"Man what is going on here today, they call us out but we don't even see the Captian" explains Matt as they have never seen Captian Armstrong late...
Whoosh a metal door open into the dressing room, followed by Captian Armstong entering the room with someone tagging behind her... Suddenly bring a shock to Kyoichi as the rest of the Squad would be proud.
"K...Kirino" Kyoichi says softly as he was a loss for words at seeing his friend standing alongside the captain. 
"As of now I'm the captain of Squad 6 but I won't be too far but allow your new captain to introduce herself self" explains Captian Armstrong as the girl in pink and white walks forward placing her arms behind her back...

"Greetings fellow members of  Squad 14, I look forward to working with you all," she says Squad 14 - Captian Kirino Setsaka
age: Sixteen
Class: C   

As the greetings and announcements finished Matt would be one of the first to approach Kirino with a warm welcome.
"Well look at you Captian" jokes Matt as he looks towards Kirino as she looks towards her squad trying to look all serious as she tries to hide her excitement to be with her old friends again. However, Kyo couldn't bear to look her in the face at the moment. 
"Why.. Why!!" 


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