They have hell hounds

Start from the beginning

Sam and Dean glanced at each other. Ghost possession they seemed to decide without another word. "You see where she took off too?" Dean asked as Sam went to fetch the spare key to your room.

"Yeah, drove off towards Beacon Hills." The Sheriff said after some thought. Dean thanked him and waited as Sam jogged back over. They could see from the state of your room that you'd been mid hunt.

"Looks like she'd almost figured out who it was." Sam observed as he looked at your notes.

"She protected herself... look at this." Dean moved the duvet on the motel bed and they could see the salt ring around it. "Sheriff said he insisted on helping, and didn't think (Y/N) should be going around alone... Idiot probably got in the way."

Sam hummed in agreement as he read over your notes. Your laptop was sat next to the notebook and after an hour of digging he'd found who was possessing you. "Now we just gotta find her." Dean muttered as he packed up your things, putting them in the back of the Impala. They headed to the graveyard on the way out, salting and burning the bones for good measure, hoping they'd gotten it right before heading to Beacon Hills.


Peter and Derek had found you in the woods. You'd screamed as the ghost practically burned it's way out of you. Derek was only as kind as he needed to be while Peter hoisted you over his shoulder and lugged you to Stiles' house. You'd fallen asleep when Peter left you. What he'd said to them you had no idea. But Stiles was nervously hopping one foot to the other in the Stilinski's spare bedroom.

"Are you ok?" Stiles asked quietly when you sat up.

"Yeah, I'm so much better now." You grumbled out in one huffed breath. He looked nervous and you realised you hadn't meant your tone to sound quite so sarcastic. "You didn't need to worry."

"You were acting really weird." Stiles murmured awkwardly. When you winced as you tried to get up Stiles rushed over to help.

"Peter said something attacked you. We can help find it..." Stiles offered as if he wasn't quite sure what to say to you.

"That's ok. I think my brothers got it."

"Oh... I didn't know they knew about that kind of stuff."

As Stiles sat at the end of the bed there was a soft whooshing sound and Castiel appeared in front of you. Stiles squeaked and you were sure if he hadn't sat beside you on the bed he might have fainted.

"Hey Cas, I'm fine." You said with a sigh.

"Are you sure? Dean told me to heal you if you were hurt." Cas said quickly. He gave Stiles a curious look for a moment.

"I'm fine. I'm guessing they're on their way?"

"They're interrogating the Hale wolf... the big one." With that he vanished.

"That... what... Is he talking about Peter or Derek?" Stiles spluttered out and looked worried. He glanced at you then jumped up. "Did he just say Dean and you said Cas isn't that the angel that the Winchester captured?"

"We didn't capture him... he just sort of forgot to go home while keeping an eye on my brother." You said nonchalantly.

"You! You're a Winchester!" Stiles accused.

"Sure... I mean Sam and Dean are my half siblings but I'm a Winchester in the sense that my dad is John Winchester and I hunt bad things."

"Bad things? The Winchesters hunt everything."

"Well... I mean sure. It's not like we hunt good things. You know like Scott, we leave your lot alone. Although Dean would like the chance to hunt Peter. Sam says not to ask about that." You blabbered on, watching as Stiles backed away as if you'd strike at him any second. "I wanted to tell you but I wasn't sure how."

"Maybe 'hey Stiles me and my brothers hunt things like your friends for sport wanna hang out?'" Stiles said quickly as he flailed.

"Hey!" You snapped and stood up, frowning at Stiles. "We're not the Argents! My brothers have helped werewolves and other things. They once went into like limbo to help a reaper move a kid on."

"What!" Stiles said as he tried to figure out what you'd said.

"You know if you needed help and I asked them they would help." You said huffily.

"Can we interrupt?" Dean asked from the doorway. Stiles eyed him nervously. Dean didn't bother introducing himself to Stiles, he just headed straight to you to check on you. Sam made a big show of being friendly to Stiles who seemed to warm up to him.

"So... Cas said you were talking to..."

"Drop it." Dean said quickly. Sam raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"You know Peter might have saved me from being alone, passed out in the woods which are full of supernatural creatures." You pointed out. Dean glared and shook his head.

"Peter is kind of a dick." Stiles said quietly. Dean looked at him and nodded.

"I like that kid." He said quickly.

"Of course you do. He hates Peter, likes dinner food and wears plaid." You said quickly and Dean nodded, holding his hand out for Stiles to shake.

"Dean, (Y/N)'s bigger brother." Dean said quickly. You could see Stiles glanced at Sam as he struggled to bury the urge to point out that he might be the oldest brother, but he was by no means the biggest.

"Would you like to stay for dinner? I've heard about you at a police convention from a cop... think she was from Minisota? It'd be helpful to have some... constructive advice on the supernatural." Stiles' dad said from the doorway. You gave Sam a pleading look and you both looked at Dean who nodded.

"Sure, happy to help." Dean said with a smile that said if you and Sam make me stay here longer than I have too, I will be complaining!"

"Oh, I'll summon Cas!" You said happily.

"The angel? We're having an angel for dinner?" Stiles asked quickly, almost whispering as if he couldn't believe it.

"He is family... If you'd prefer I could summon Crowley but he'd probably bring his hellhound."

"Oh! We've got one of those, he works for my dad!" Stiles piped up a little as he led the way downstairs where some of the McCall pack had gathered nervously.

"They have hellhounds?" Dean hissed to you. You shrugged and went to great Lydia who seemed more than happy that you were back to normal.

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