Simon Says

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This chapter contains a somewhat explicit sex scene, so if it's not your thing feel free to skip it. I don't want comments accusing me of not putting up warnings. 

Thank you. 

And as usual, Share, Comment and Vote, my lovelies. 


Being Jace's boyfriend was an experience.

Simon was yet to determine if the experience was good or bad.

"What do you mean?" Magnus asked, when Simon told him about it. "You have a rich pretty boy who worships the very ground you walk on. How is that a problem?"

"Cut me some slack." Simon said tiredly. He had left work about an hour earlier and was in Magnus's loft. "I have not done this before. I don't know the protocol."

"Let me tell you 'the protocol'." Magnus made air quotes. "Let him love you. And communicate."

"I communicate." Simon said defensively. "But, how can I tell him I don't know what I'm doing without looking like an idiot."

Magnus just looked at him with pity. "Clary did a number on you, didn't she?"

Simon sighed. Dating Clary had not been easy. In the ten years they were together, she had been moody, temperamental, spoilt and downright icy most of the time, but she had also been sweet, loving, funny and awesome.

Nowadays, he just wondered if she had been pretending with him.

"She wasn't all bad." Simon finally said. "But that part of my life is over. Apparently, I like boys now."

"That you do, my friend." Magnus grinned. "Now tell me again how you started dating Jace. I need something to lift my spirits."

Simon noticed that his friend looked tired. He remembered that night weeks ago when Alec was drunk and Magnus was out. "Are you OK?"

Magnus sighed. "Yeah. I guess."

Simon felt bad. Here he was dumping his insecurities on his friend and his friend was struggling with something. "Wanna talk about it?"

Magnus shrugged and looked away. "Alec...Alexander and I have been arguing more lately."

"Why?" Simon asked. "What's going on? He's not...he's not hurting you, is he?"

Magnus smiled fondly. "Not in the way you think. You can put the claws away kitty cat."

Simon laughed. "Don't call me that." Then he sobered up. "Talk to me. What's going on?"

Magnus sighed again and his expression was pained. "He wants to get married."

OK, Simon wasn't expecting that.

"That's good, right?" Simon said. "I mean you guys have been together forever."

Magnus shook his head, smiling ruefully. "Yeah, but I don't want to."

"What? Why?" Simon was puzzled. Magnus and Alec were solid. Even with their biggest fights, they always made up. "I don't understand."

"Don't get me wrong, I love Alexander." Magnus said, swallowing hard. "More than I ever thought I would love anyone. But marriage...? I...can't."

"But why?" Simon asked. "It's...Alec."

"I know." Magnus said. "He-He moved out. Hasn't been living here in a month."

"What?" Simon got up and sat next to his friend. "But on Friday? He was here."

"We didn't want you guys to worry." Magnus smiled sadly.

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