Pick A Number

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So, I did a thing. I was visted by the Fanfiction gods and this baby was born. I got out three chapters in two days so forgive any mistakes. I'll get to them later. I hope you guys enjoy it. 

As usual, I love Comments, Votes and Sharing, so do your thing!


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"Is this seat taken?"

Simon looked up blearily. Great. Tonight just keeps getting better.

"Come to gloat, Herondale?" Simon asked, looking back into the brown depths of his shot glass. He had come here to get drunk after his abysmal and pathetic and rejected marriage proposal. He didn't normally drink but he wanted to get drunk and he had seen Magnus lose it after a couple of shots of tequila. So he was here, nursing his second shot of tequila.

Tequila tasted like lighter fluid.

But it was working. He was already feeling a little lightheaded. And when he gathered enough courage he'd toss this one back and order two more.

Maybe then, he's drive into a ditch and just die.

Sounded like a good plan.

"...you OK?" Jace was asking.

"What do you think?" Simon snapped. "I'm just peachy."

"She shouldn't have done that." Jace said. "I swear, I didn't know she was going to do that."

"So you didn't sleep with her?" Simon asked, still looking into his shot glass.

"I-It was a long time ago." Jace said. "Before I knew about you."

"Like that changes anything." Simon said bitterly. "My girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, cheated on me three years ago. Apparently you were so great that she had been pining for you all this time. And I stupidly thought she was unhappy 'cos she thought we were stuck in a rut. Or something. I thought that maybe if I proposed to her, she'd be happy. I thought that was what she wanted." Simon stopped and threw back the shot. He grimaced as he swallowed. He shuddered and struggled not to gag. How do people drink this?

"Simon, it was one time." Jace said quietly. "Then I-I met you and..."

"And what?" Simon croaked. He signaled to the bartender for another shot. "You didn't do anything to discourage her. Otherwise, she wouldn't have...done what she did."

"You have to believe me." Jace said. "I told her I wasn't interested. I should have said something but I guess I thought..." He sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Why?" Simon asked, not looking at him. "You got the girl. You can go back and tell the others that I'm fine."

"Nobody sent me." Jace said quietly. "I followed you after setting Clary straight."

Simon turned to look at him. Jace looked miserable. "Did she cry?"

"I think so." Jace said, smiling a little. "I didn't wait."

"She gets really ugly when she cries." Simon mumbled. "I always tried to make her happy. Never wanted her to cry. I thought it was because I just wanted her happy but, now that I think about it, I just didn't want to have to deal with her ugly crying."

Jace snorted. "You're drunk."

"Not yet." Simon disagreed. "I'm still sober."

"In that case;" Jace said, leaning over the counter. "May I join you or is this a private party?"

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