We Need To Talk

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"What?" Magnus looked like he was going to burst with the way he was holding in a laugh. Simon scowled at his friend.

A few days had passed since that embarrassing morning with Jace and Clary. He and Jace had met up for drinks once in that period but it had been a little awkward.

"Just go ahead." Simon said wearily. "I'll wait."

Magnus burst out laughing and Simon rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Magnus said, wiping his eyes. "I'm sorry. So, you woke up to...that and discovered you may have liked it. So what's the problem?"

"I don't know." Simon said, sighing dramatically. "Am I gay? But I like girls...but I kinda like Jace too. But...I don't know."

Magnus sighed. "Relax. You said you guys are friends, right? So you can talk to him. He's not gonna bite." Then Magnus winked at him. "Unless you like that sort of thing. I know Alec does."

"Oh my God!" Simon groaned. "What is wrong with you?"

"Sorry. Couldn't resist." Magnus smirked. "So...what are you gonna do?"

"I dunno." Simon said. "I still have to deal with Clary. It's like she's lost her mind."

Magnus's smirk fell away. "What's she done now?"

"She was at my place the other day and she saw Jace." Simon closed his eyes. "She didn't like it. Got really nasty."

"She'll get over it." Magnus patted his hand. "She's not used to being turned down. And she's trying to 'reclaim her kingdom'. You treated her like a queen."

"That wasn't enough." Simon muttered. "She still cheated."

"Do you want her back?" Magnus asked suddenly.

"God, no." Simon said, quickly. "I just wish I didn't waste all that time being an inadequate boyfriend."

"So forget her." Magnus said bluntly. "Focus on the rich, pretty boy who wants to spoil you. And then maybe you'll get laid properly."

"What is wrong with you?" Simon exclaimed. "Why is it always sex with you? And what do you mean 'properly'?"

"You don't wanna know." Magus said with a wink.


Simon was thinking of what to make for dinner when he got a call from Jace.

"Hey." He said, opening his apartment door and walking in. "What's up?"

"I, uh, can we talk?" Jace asked, sounding serious. "We need to talk."


"Uh, OK?" Simon said as a sliver of panic rushed through his mind. "You want to meet up or...?"

"I'm on my way to yours." Jace said. "I'll be there in 5."

"Cool, cool..." Simon said before hanging up.

So he had done it again.

Jace was tired of him already and it had only been a couple of months. Was he that pathetic?

First Clary and now Jace?

He thought back to the past few weeks, wondering what he could have done to avoid this. Maybe he shouldn't have been so dismissive of Clary. He could have asked her what he had done to make her stop loving him.

Because she had stopped loving him. That was why she cheated. You don't cheat on someone you love.

At least that was what he thought.

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