"I don't need your help." Elena argues, matching Katherine's stance, "And i don't want it." 

       "And that's why your sisters the smart one," Katherine states, making Elena's face drop. "Do you know where Klaus is?  When he's coming, what he looks like?" 

     "If you know something, say it or get out," Damon growls, moving towards her. I put my hand on his chest, his hand grabbing mine.  

     Katherine stares at me for a second before huffing, "Fine. I'll go to the grill and have some lunch. Maybe Aunt Jenna's free for a bite." 

      "Leave her alone." I glare. Katherine looks over to me, somewhat surprised. "You want to screw with me, fine, but leave Jenna out of it."


    "Why is she still here? She's free?" Elena huffs as we get out of the car, walking up to school. 

    "She wants what we want." Stefan shrugs, "Klaus dead. Maybe she sees us as her only chance." 

     "Or maybe she's trying to lure you and Damon back into her web." I frown. Elena hums, nodding along with me. 

     "I want her gone," Elena repeats. Stefan sighs, looking between the two of us. 

    "So do i." He nods, leading us to the school. "But you're right, she's staying. Shouldn't we at least figure out why?" 

     "How?" Elena frowns, "All she does is lie." 

"Look, i hate it as much as you guys do, but she does make a point." Elena looks at him like he's crazy, "We don't know anything about Klaus, she does." He defends. 

    "Right, but that doesn't mean i want her shacking up with you." 

    "Then we beat her at her own game." I shrug, giving them a quick look before walking into school. I haven't been here on forever it feels like. 


     "It was bad, you know, John planted all these seeds about Isobel and now Jenna knows I'm lying about something." Alaric huffs, throwing his arms in the air. I frown, sharing a look with Elena. 

     "Well, John's gonna end up dead on the kitchen floor if he's not careful," I grumbled, crossing my arms. 

    Alaric gives me a small smile, shaking his head. "Yeah, well easier said than done. I gave him back his ring." I look to Ric's finger seeing the rings were gone. My eyes widen with a frown. "Look, Jenna's keeps asking about Isobel. You know, was she murdered? Why haven't they found the body? I mean, how much longer can she stay in the dark?" 

    Elena tilts her head with a small frown, "You think we should tell her the truth?" 

     Alaric sighs, pacing. "I'm saying i can't be with her and not tell her. It's not fair to her, and it's not the kind of relationship i want." 

     "Not to mention it's becoming dangerous for her not to know," I add. I've been all for telling Jenna the truth, basically, everyone in the house knows, and i know Jenna. She'd keep it a secret. Alaric nods along with me, Elena sighing. 

   "I just thought that we'd at least hold it off until after we dealt with Klaus." Elena frowns, standing now. "You know, and even then, how do we tell someone what we know? How does someone hear that?" 

    Alaric sighs, looking between us, "Look, I'm sorry to put this on you guys. But i feel it's your decision to make, together. And whatever you decide to do, I'll respect it." I nod, crossing my arms, he clearly knows what side I'm on, "I want to be honest with her. But until then, Jenna and I are done." He shrugs sadly. 

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