"Christi." Lupo pads across the bubble towards me.

"Skifter is going to try calming Igbo. It may take a while, so we assume that we won't be able to escape until morning."

"But it's only noon! Right?"

"Most certainly," Lupo responds, "but we must think ahead of ourselves." He walks away, leaving me to ponder my actions. How? When? What will we do to get out of this horrid place?

"Sabrina! Wake up!" I exclaim, hoping Sabrina doesn't still hate me.

"Christi! I don't want to talk to you!"

"But I... forget it." I face away from Sabrina. That's how I'm a good friend. I at least give my former bestie a little space!

Skifter tries to calm us, and swoops next to me.

"Careful of what you say, Master. Your bond between Sabrina must stay intact as long as possible. The power within you is strong. The stronger you are, the more chance you have of defeating Zaroho once and for all. There may come risk, woe to those whose friendship breaks. There will be danger!"

"Why though? What's the danger?"

"That is for me to know and you to find out." His favorite catch phrase... heard it a million times!

"O-kay," I answer. I'm not really happy with his phrase, because it gets annoying over time.

"Igbo will get us out once he is settled back to his normal personality," Skifter responds to my comment. Somehow, Skifter has maintained his cool ever since I met him, even now, in this crisis.

"Why can't you get us out? Is Igbo just better or something?" I shut my mouth. I asked something that may be too much for a Soul Animal to explain.

"Do not fear, Master Christi. Your thoughts are not as they have been. You are thinking more carefully now. But I can answer your question. Igbo, as you know is Zaroho's Soul Animal. Zaroho changed Igbo's name to Escur. The name of darkness. Igbo once was a jaguar of beauty. He was once slender, silver and filled with pride. Not a boastful one, but only just beginning. Now, Igbo was a jaguar of power. He could do some amazing things.

"Until one day, Zaroho and Igbo were fighting against their most feared enemies. Zaroho lost the battle, and continued to thrash his anger onto Igbo. Leaving a pink scar on his left shoulder. Within days, Igbo became blacker, darker. He was no longer the jaguar he used to be. He will always remember those years. Of agony and horror."

"But why is he so great?" I ask, pondering my own beliefs.

"I will tell you when the time comes..." he starts, but I politely interrupt. I'm not really sure that's possible, but I don't know how else to describe it.

"Don't we have time now?" I'm eager to learn the background behind this Soul Animal. These things interest me.

"As you wish, Master Christi." He sighs deeply before inhaling another breath of air, then continues. "Igbo was born before both Lupo and I. He was quite old when we were chosen actually. He was a master of the elements, so strong and mighty. He knew much more than I have ever known. He strived to be the best even as a little cub. He knew every move his master would make. He was the best of mostly every Soul Animal that had ever lived. With his quick thinking and ability to fight and defeat basically every enemy, he was unstoppable. Until the day, he received a burden. His scar."

"Oh." I'm a little sad. That story didn't end like I thought it would. I thought Igbo would rise to power and gain strength and honor. Supposedly not, I guess. I never thought that it would end that way.

"That's why Igbo is so strong. That is why he is so powerful. And that is why you need not disturb him, or his patience will wither and his temper will thrive," Skifter concludes, leaving me to ponder the possibility of getting out of my comfort zone.

"Christi, I'm sorry. I didn't... I was just. Forget it! I was a horrible friend; we both know it." Sabrina raises her head so her eyes meet mine. She's an inch shorter than I am, but still, her posture gives her more control over me. Basically dominion over me. How silly, but I can't blame her. I was pretty foolish then. So was she, but I was, well... yeah.

"I was horrible too, Sabrina. Don't put the burden that I caused on yourself. It was terrible of both of us to turn on each other like that. Skifter says that our bond is important—"

"Of course it is!" Sabrina interrupts, leaving me blank faced.

"If you would let me finish.... I was going to say that Skifter said something really meaningful. He said that our bond was important, because the more stronger our friendship is, the more chance we have to defeat Zaroho!" I respond, hoping my eyes will express the feelings I have right now.

"Okay! Wow! I didn't know that!" Lupo appears behind her.

"Boo!" he whispers, and she jumps in surprise. He snickers, leaving Sabrina crossing her arms.

"Lu-po," she replies, sighing. Igbo flicks his tail at us, and we hurriedly make our way to his place in the bubble.

"I have converted your fake necklaces into keys to get us out of here. They will deactivate the electric voltage around us. It will only hold for a little while, though. So act quickly." He scoops the fake necklaces into his mouth while I touch my neck. He took them from us! Wow! Slick and sneaky!

He hands them to Sabrina and me, and we examine them carefully. Their glinting tones are silvery from Igbo's touch. They fade darker and darker.

"Press them against the bubble wall!" Igbo shouts, "Before it is too late!"

"Are you crazy?" Sabrina shrieks. The current of water around us shifts, and I feel as if I am in a tornado.

I hesitantly press my hand with the key in it upon the bubble wall. The same colors from the portal in my bedroom appear, sweeping Sabrina and me into glory.

I spot something familiar soon. Something I haven't seen for what feels like forever.

We're home.

Illusion: Destiny Awaits (In Editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu