"Fine, I'll do it," Kase groans.

"Okay," I answer, eyeing Sabrina, "go get the rope to tie your hands with."

"WHAT?!" Kase shrieks. I mean, I've never heard a boy shriek before, but it sure is funny to hear it anyway! I continue to look innocent while I exchange glances with Sabrina.

"That was our deal, wasn't it?" Sabrina inquires, cocking her head. She's such a good actress, that Kase is looking like he believes her! Come on, Kase! You can do better than that! I joke in my head. Our plan wouldn't work if he didn't believe her. Sabrina isn't the best actress though. In our school play in 4th grade, Sabrina got the female lead role: Princess Maribell. She was so excited, that she teased me about having the role of an enchanted fairy (which I loved!). She was having so much fun teasing me, that she forgot to memorize her lines. Then, on opening night for the grade, Sabrina was supposed to be the first to speak. Since she had forgotten to even look at her lines, she made stuff up.

The original storyline was this: a fair princess, Maribell, must find her way home from a terrible storm. On her way, she stumbles upon a mushroom. This particular mushroom is magical, containing the powers of all evil. The owner of the magic mushroom is the fairy Thersa. Princess Maribell is imprisoned by Thersa, for wanting to control all good and evil. A prince then rescues Princess Maribell and puts fairy Thersa into a deep sleep. Then Maribell and the prince live happily ever after and blah blah blah. Sort of cheesy, am I right?

So, Sabrina decided to come up with this totally wacko storyline: Princess Maribell has a boyfriend, aka the prince. She breaks up with him because he's totally grotesque and she ain't want to see his face anymore. Well, at least that's what she said. Then, her best friend, a butterfly (that was supposed to be me. Apparently, Wardrobe didn't do a very good job finding me a fairy costume) comes and leads her to the magical world of Lanivrtasia. There she meets the Emperor, the evil ruler of a land nearby. He had a whole galactic army with armed droids and battleships and jets. Then it got kind of wonky. Enough talk about Sabrina's acting skills. It's time to make a deal with 'Kase my boy.'

"Sabrina! Wake up!" I whisper harshly, hoping Sabrina will stir at the least. Kase is gone, again! I mean, how are we supposed to trust him? Especially now? He leaves us while we're stuck in a prison cell. A thought strikes me. He knows how to get out! And he didn't even tell us! How dare he! If I could, I'd... I can't believe it!

"Sabrina! I think I know something! Kase knows how to get out, and he didn't even tell us!"

"And how do you know that?" Sabrina questions, rubbing her eyes wearily. I roll my own and huff.

"Kase betrayed us, and he's gone. He knows how to get out." Sabrina ponders the concept while I think about how we can escape from this wretched place.

"WAIT! Sabrina! I thought we were going to tie Kase's hands together as a consequence!" I gasp.

"Oh, no! We forgot. He could be anywhere!" She shakes her head, and I ask her a question to get our minds off of Kase.

"So, what's all the fuss about Lobo?" I smile slyly.

"1) It's Lupo. 2) There is 'no fuss' about him. He's just a dream."

"A dream boyfriend?" I tease while Sabrina sticks her tongue out.

"EWWW! Gross! No, Lupo is a wolf. He talked to me in my dream."

"What did he say?" I ask, but shush Sabrina. Kase is back.

"I went out to get us some 5-star food." I look at Sabrina, and she shrugs cautiously.

"Ah, c'mon guys! Do you still not trust me? Look, I stole some food from a guard over there, so I care that you're not dead." He shoves a tray of sandwiches close to us, and my stomach growls. Seeing food always makes me hungry. Sabrina lunges for a sandwich (precisely her favorite), cucumber, cheddar cheese and smoked ham drooping from two slabs of pita bread. Darting my eyes back and forth between the sandwiches and Sabrina (who's gulfing it down like a starving child), I rub my stomach.

"Maybe I shouldn't..." I rub my stomach a little more before Kase insists,

"Take it, Christi," he says holding up the tray. It's tempting and I don't remember the last time I ate. I reach for the pumpernickel bread, stuffed with provolone cheese, shredded lettuce, cucumbers, and salami. It's SALAMI! I haven't had that in years! My lips reach the sandwich, and I feel restoration come to me. Food! I think to myself. I sigh in pleasure.

"Christi! Wake up! Get the rope. We need to tie Kase's hands together."

"Why, again?" I drowsily ask.

"We're escaping! Kase is taking us home!"

"Oh, joy! I bet he's going to take us back to another prison cell." Sabrina scowls at my response but starts to tie Kase's wrists. After we have finished, Kase wakes up. He rolls his eyes after seeing the rope.

"Come on. We can get out without being noticed if we go now. You know that we can, right? I know where we can escape. If we go now, then you'll be home with no trouble at all." Sabrina looks eager to go, and I guess I should share her same excitement. I mean I still don't fully trust this guy and I totally trust Sabrina, so...

"Okay, let's go." We follow Kase to the other side of the prison cell, and he literally opens up the wall. There seems to be a hidden passageway we didn't know about. Hmm, suspicious. Why didn't he just do this in the first place?

"Follow me," Kase says as if we weren't doing that in the first place. He climbs through the hole in the wall and we reluctantly do so after his body disappears. Once in the passageway, I feel like I'm very claustrophobic. Sabrina grimaces, so I know she's feeling the same way. Finally, we're out of the stinky, dull and tiny passageway, and onto the floors of the hallway. The lights flicker, and I hug Sabrina. I'm nervous. Kase tiptoes (but not very gracefully) down the hall as the lights dance and the flaming torches burn brightly. Then, the light bulbs above go out, leaving us in the dim light of the fire.

"Ready!" Kase shouts and a guard steps out from the shadows.

"Huh? What's happening? Kase?" Sabrina questions in great anxiety.

"Don't worry, he's good. He'll help us get out." We breathe in deeply, while Kase shouts the same word again. Three more guards step out, and I shiver. Something isn't right. I don't feel too good about this.

"Ready!" Kase cries and a whole army surrounds us. Kase steps back, joining them.

"Fire," he says finally. The army readies their arrows. We've been ambushed. Kase has betrayed us.

And so, the fight begins. 

Illusion: Destiny Awaits (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now