I am tired. Tired of being here, tired from lack of sleep, but most of all, tired because I have not seen a familiar face for as long as I have been here. Christi's face as she screams, doesn't count in my mind, because it is not in person.

The door shifts forward, and I tense up. A guard steps in and roughly pushes my hands behind my back. Something goes over in my head, and all I see is black. I am led outside of my cell, and I desperately wish that I could at least see where I am being kept. Suddenly, rage surges through my entire being. How dare they do this to me!? How dare they do this to Christi!?

Apparently, I am struggling a little or who knows what, but the guard pushes my hands closer to my back. I wince in pain but stop struggling. Since the fury has passed, curiosity now burns. Where am I exactly? What do they want from me? Who is 'they'?

The sack over my head is lifted, and I gaze intently around the room. It looks a lot like my previous cell, but that one had a bit more light. A cot is pushed into the far right corner, and a rough sheet is laid across it. The guard pushes me into my new home, and the door swings closed. The hinges creak, and a slam signifies the isolation and loneliness, that I am left in.

I sigh heavily and lose all of my composure. A loose spring pokes me in my back as I lay down, but I ignore it. My mind starts to drift back to my family and Christi. I hope that they don't miss me too much. They need to move on without me. At least for a while. Slowly and softly, I begin to sing. I have never been a singer, but my mom always used to sing this song before bed.

Close your eyes,

And think of cries

Of a blackbird,

That sings of night.

In the meadows,

It can sing,

Like a flute,

Pitches high above the staff,

Like angels calling,

It can sing,

Of happiness, and love,

But if you close your eyes,

You can see

A blackbird,

That sings of night.

I snap out of my trance. I need to focus.

I search around my cell, hoping to find a hidden doorway or something that would indicate an escape. But no, nothing except plain, grey stone, slabs and slabs of it, that block me from the outside world. I am trapped. Trapped like a mouse. Trapped as if I am a criminal. Trapped. I close my eyes, and memories come swirling in.

The one time that Christi and I decided to feed the seagulls at the beach, even though we weren't supposed to. Unfortunately for us, Adelaide, a snooty girl in our grade, saw us and reported us to the police. Even though we were actually only "feeding" them sand. Although, now that I think about it, calling the police was a bit over the top. I mean, it would have made more sense to call wildlife protection people or whatnot.

I laugh a little to myself, and suddenly break down. I sob at the fact that I might never see Christi or my family ever again. I sob when I remember my husky back at home, Kai. How he would always lick my face when I cried, or when I hurt myself. Man, I could really use some doggie kisses right now. Regrettably, there are no dogs here, and definitely not my dog. I think of his little white patch of fur, right above his left shoulder, and how he always loved me when I'd rub it. I remember the day I got him...

"Moooom, PLEASE!" I begged my mom. She sighed, looking defeated.

"All right, we can look," she gave in. I cheered and went to notify my dad.

"Dad, Dad, Dad!" I squealed. "Guess what?" He looked up from his paper.

"I don't know," he said, not even putting in any effort.

"Mom said we can go look at dogs!" I shouted happily. That had gotten him to look up.

"She WHAT!?" he yelled. I repeated myself. So, we all piled into the car, and I joyfully chatted the entire time before we got there. We had reached the humane society, and I was bursting with excitement. I had unbuckled, and had opened the door before the car had even stopped fully! My dad had given me a warning glance but said nothing.

I skipped all the way up to the door and was practically going to pee my pants if I had to wait any longer. Eventually, my parents had come around the corner, and I raced inside. When the counter lady had said hi, I just waved in response, too excited to speak. I was already carefully examining the dogs when mom and dad had come in.

"I like this one, and this one, and this one..." I told them, pointing them out as I went. Then I had come along a husky. His coat was matted, dull, and he looked really tired. But I loved him. I immediately notified my parents, and we signed the forms. I had come there with an empty lap, but I left with one filled with endless love and plenty of doggie kisses.

I sigh at the fond memory. Oh, how I love that dog! He is just the cutest, most lovable being in the world!

Creak! The door squeaks open. My head snaps up, and my gaze finds a boy, around Katy's or Easton's age. I look at him suspiciously. You never know what some people are capable of. He has soft brown hair and green eyes. He steps in wearily, and our eyes meet. He takes another step forward, and tells me gravely,

"My name is Kase, and I am here to take you home."

Illusion: Destiny Awaits (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now