"AAAAAAH! What?" I exclaim in shock, "what and why?" I'm totally clueless and annoyed by Katy's nosiness.

"School," Katy answers, carelessly. "Uh, DUH!" Then, she struts out of the room, distinctive brown hair waving goodbye to me as she passes.

"Older sisters," I mumble to myself, clearly in the fuzziness of the mind. Messing with other people's brains is the first thing on her list. She's fifteen and doesn't know how to deal with me so I don't freak out.

"I can't believe her," I mutter, just to get a peek into the room from Easton, my sixteen-year-old brother. He and I are very close. Even though he's pretty strict, he's always in the mood to have fun. I moan to him about Katy. He just laughs, messes up my hair and leaves the room. I scowl as he leaves, tall and striding out with sticks of blonde hair. I dress and trudge reluctantly down to breakfast, only to get turned down for not brushing my teeth. My parents, Wayne and Evie Brandon are really strict with hygiene. I guess today is just not my day. Not a single little deed done has been in my favor. I slip on my bracelet as I head to the bathroom.

I decide to comb my hair for good measure. It has just the slightest of waves. It falls softly, ending near my collarbone. After brushing my teeth, I flop into my chair. I'm about to put a spoonful of bland cereal into my mouth when Katy says, "Yo, Christi! It's time for school, whatcha think ya doin'?"

"AAAH!" I scream, narrowing my green eyes. "Leave me ALONE!" She shrugs, backs off, and scurries to get her stuff. Finally, a little peace and quiet. I stare at the open window in the kitchen. As I'm about to close it, I spot a cardinal. You don't usually see those in CA. I want to tell Sabrina this. An idea sparks in my mind. I'll just tell her at school! Or, I could take a picture! YES! A picture will be wonderful to show that I actually saw a cardinal!

I softly close the window, and run, reaching for my phone in the den. The den is located right next to the kitchen, and it has carpeted steps leading down to it, just like the living room. I tiptoe down the steps and grab it. Grasping the back, I raise the lens up to capture the moment. I focus on the cardinal, but as I'm about to snap the photo, it flies away as if it hates the combination of me and cameras.

"Ugh! WHY!?!?!?!?" Sabrina would've loved to see...

Right, she's gone. I forgot... or at least I tried to forget. It's not every day you lose your best friend to the ocean. I trudge to the door, swinging my backpack around my shoulders. My shoes touch the sidewalk while I turn, hoping to spot Sabrina running towards me. I squint through the sunlight, but no sign of Sabrina. I miss her already, we've been through so much together.

Once, my family decided to remodel our house, and I got to sleep and eat and live at Sabrina's house for a whole week! We even built our own treehouse in her backyard... with the help of our dads of course!

"Come on, Christi! Get a move on," Katy teases, leaving me still in thought. After her remark, I lose my ideas and ponders.

"Why do you always have to be so bossy?" I ask, and she flips her hair in return. Why is everything so horrible today? Why, why, why, why????? "Let's just go to school, okay? I've had too much of you today! You keep bothering me, and I've had ENOUGH. Leave me ALONE!"

I miss Sabrina, she would know what to do. She would cheer me up with every smirk and smile. A pun up in her mind, she would know how to deal with me. Without freaking me out as Katy does. A certain teenage sister is going to ruin my life if Sabrina doesn't come back. All these times I've had Sabrina as my friend. All because our dads were in a car accident together. They just crashed. All because of that. It was an accident, that changed my life. That found me a best friend. My only best friend. I can't lose my only best friend, can I? I can't, I can't live without her! A best friend made from an accident.

An accident. It was all an accident. A mistake made to ruin both Sabrina's and my life. If Sabrina still has a life. I mean, she can't be dead! She's a great swimmer. She personally inspected my pool to make sure it was perfect for swimming. I'm serious! She came to my house one day and said, "So, I heard you have a pool now! That's cool! Can I see, Christi, please?" Then she marched into my room, told me everything a good pool must have, then she flew down the stairs and into the backyard to look at my pool. Well, that's Sabrina.

I could have fixed everything. I could go back and then save Sabrina from who knows what? I could have been there for her. I could have saved her. My best friend. I need to get her back. I need to find a way to get her back. Before I lose her even more than I need to. I wasn't even supposed to lose her. She was supposed to stay here in California and we were going to have a wonderful evening after we ate those delicious hot dogs for lunch. An epic evening of pure joy. We would talk and gossip and toast sparkling glasses of juice. It would have been a wonderful night.

Instead, Sabrina's family went home in tears, (why did I do such a horrible thing?) and I lost my best friend. At least my parents were there to comfort them? Ha, pathetic. I'm pathetic. Today can't get any worse than it already has. It has been the worst day of my life. The thing is though, I don't know how to fix anything I did today! I'm a helpless little child that can't even say sorry. I don't know how to make things right. There isn't any inspiration. No inspiration means no ideas. No ideas popping into my head. Nothing I can do. Nothing to say. Everything went wrong.

It was all a huge mistake. That's what it was. Sadly, I remember Sabrina's call before she "drowned." She was so desperate. So scared and wanting help. The help I never gave. I regret everything I did.

And there's no way to fix it.

Illusion: Destiny Awaits (In Editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu