"CUPCAKES!" I shout, nearly diving onto the table. I can't help myself. Their smooth, creamy frosting and soft, moist cake draw me to them like a magnet. Sadly though, they're the mini cupcakes, but they're still just as good!

Red velvet and chocolate are sitting innocently on the platter. I snatch three red velvets and five chocolates.

I can't help myself!

I take a deep whiff of the deliciousness and start to lick the frosting off of a chocolate one. I shift my gaze away from heaven on earth itself and spot Christi looking at me, eyebrows raised. I raise and lower one shoulder, and continue licking. I can practically hear Christi's eye roll.

When I took the mini cakes, I told myself that I would only eat one of each kind. However, somehow I ended up with one red velvet left, and no chocolate. Ah, well, if ya love food, how can you resist it?

I'm about to go back on the trampoline, but I decide not to after all of that food. I turn around on my heel, to find Christi biting into a chocolate cupcake.

"See, you like cupcakes just as much as I do!" I tell her triumphantly.

"Haha, very funny," she says humorlessly.

"How about we have a race, two laps around the yard, and whoever wins gets each flavor of cupcake," I tell her with a sudden strike of inspiration. She nods, and I smirk.

"Just remember, don't fall in the pool," she warns through a mouthful of cake. I shrug. This is going just as I wanted it to! She finishes up and we get ourselves ready for the race of our lives.

I reach for my necklace to convert it into a bracelet, but I notice it is in a slightly different spot than when I had put it down. Odd. I notify Christi, and we go attack Katy, her sister. Who else would touch such pretty necklaces? I'm worried, but quickly shrug it off. I've got a race to run and someone to beat. I bend my knees low and prepare myself. Then, I patiently wait for the signal.

"Go!" Christi's brother, Easton, shouts. I don't waste a beat. I push forward and feel my feet thrumming on the hard ground. Running isn't too bad, but I much prefer swimming. The grass rushes past me, and soon I'm finished with my first lap. I spot Christi just ahead of me. I note that the finish line is only yards away. I put in a burst of speed and manage to pull ahead. I could see her determination, but it was too late. I had already won.

"Yesss!" I shout joyfully, excited to taste all the flavors again.

"That's not fair, you already had every kind!" Christi whines. Just then my mom pops out.

"Actually, she hasn't," she tells us smiling, "we brought some as well!"

"Yesss!!" I shout again. I absolutely love trying different flavors, so this is just fantastic. My mom is amazing.

"What kinds?" Christi inquires. I eagerly await her response.

"Vanilla-chocolate swirl, and mint chocolate mix!" she says matter of factly. I'm practically bouncing around now. All of those amazing flavors! It's too good to be true!

"Pinch me, I must be dreaming!" I instruct Christi, but seeing her smirk I quickly fix my mistake, "umm, on second thought, don't." Her shoulders droop, so I try to think of something.

"Hey, Christi, our deal was the winner got to try all the flavors. But you can have every single kind, but one! That still means you don't get all of them!" I remind her. She perks up at that.

"Hey, you're right!" she exclaims, joy re-entering her voice. We saunter over to the table, where the cupcake plate is filled with an even larger variety. My mouth waters at the sight of the treats. I grab one mint and chocolate, one vanilla chocolate, one red velvet, and one chocolate. I bite into the scrumptious delicacy, and buttercream frosting explodes in my mouth.

Christi is just finishing her last cupcake, the red velvet. She has chosen to have all of the cupcakes, but the chocolate one.

My mind drifts off to a fantasy place. I love thinking about the improbable.

"Hey, Sabrina," Christi says, breaking my thoughts, "how about we go to the beach and try to find some cool shells?"

I smile, answering, "You know it!"

After consulting my parents to agree with the concept, we head to the beach. I can almost feel the sand and smell the salty ocean breeze. Then, we're there; the sun gleams across the clear blue water.

"C'mon Christi, let's swim!" I exclaim happily, racing Christi to the waterfront. I dive for the water, Christi just feet behind me.

"Remember Sabrina, we can't go out too far." I roll my eyes at Christi's response, still splashing with joy.

"Whatever," I answer, beckoning Christi to swim. She sighs.

I stroke my way to a deeper part of the ocean. Christi looks worried but I ignore her protests as I go further into the sea. After a while, I'm about to swim over to Christi so we can go home, but a tug on my foot stops me. I yank my leg from whatever it is, but it's not giving up. It won't let go.

"Christi, I—" I try to say. I don't get out much. Fear swirls in my mind as I'm dragged underwater. My vision is blurry when I try to swim up to the surface. Every attempt to surface results in a drag down further into the deep ocean.

Then, it's no use.

I'm gone. 

Illusion: Destiny Awaits (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now