Start from the beginning

"I don't think there's any way you amateurs are gonna top that. So, practice is over, Vixens. Inner circle Vixens, hang back. You know who you are." Cheryl announced.

 I turned to leave with the other girls, but Toni grabbed the back of my t-shirt, and pulled me back.

"Rude." I said, and we walked over to where Cheryl, and the other girls were already standing.

"In honor of Toni and Jayda joining our squad, I think we should celebrate with a mandatory slumber party at Thistlehouse." Cheryl declared. "Fancy dressing gowns are appreciated. You've all seen The Beguiled, right? Dinner at 8, parlor games to follow."

"Dare I ask what the hell The Beguiled is?" I asked Toni. She shook her head. Cheryl left, and I saw Sweet Pea come towards me.

"That dance was great." he said. I kissed him. I moved his hands to my hips, and pressed my body against his.

"Maybe, I can show you what else I can do, later." I teased. He leaned down to kiss me again, but I moved away, and walked away from him.

"Why are you so mean to me?" He called after me. 


That night, I went to the slumber party at Cheryl's. Everyone else sat in a hairbrushing chain, but I thought it was weird, so I just sat on Cheryl's bed, watching. Then, Cheryl got up to talk to us all.

"Inner Circle, Cousin Betty, I didn't just bring you to Thistlehouse for a girlish slumber party." Cheryl announced. "The truth is, I'm terrified of being alone here. There's a stranger in this house, my Uncle Claudius. He's as mad as the sea, and ever since he blew in, I feel like I'm in mortal peril."

"Wait, I'm confused. Is this real, or are we playing a game?" Toni asked, clearly as confused as I was.

"All to real, Tee-Tee." Cheryl answered. "I fear they're plotting against me and Nana Rose. Mumzie cultivates esoteric herbs in the conservatory, Tannis root, jimsonweed. I'm afraid to eat for fear of being poisoned."

"Cheryl, are you sure you're not imagining things?" Josie asked.

"Well, if she is, Josie, then maybe I am, too." Betty spoke up. "There's a stranger in my life as well. Chic. With him lurking behind every corner, my house feels--"

"Dangerous. Deadly." Cheryl continued for her. "I sympathize. Jayda, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, what is it, Cherry?" I responded.

"Where have you been this last week? And, how did you get the cuts and bruises on your face?" She asked me. The room went silent, and everyone turned to me.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I answered. 

"You can tell us." Cheryl said.

"Guys, don't grill her." Toni defended for me. She understood that I don't want to relive it.

"Please." Betty said. "I know how much Jug was worrying."

"Fine." I replied. "I was kidnapped, and he beat me."

Everyone was silent again. 

"Are you okay?" Josie asked.

"I'm fine." I answered. "Let's just go to bed."

Betty, Veronica and Josie all slept together on the floor, and Toni and Cheryl were in Cheryl's bed. I slept away from them, in the corner of the room. I was texting Sweet Pea, who was also having a hard time sleeping.

Sweet Pea <3

Can you just come home?

To: Sweet Pea <3

I have to be here for Cheryl

Sweet Pea <3

I don't like being away from you :(

To: Sweet Pea <3

Just deal with it

Sweet Pea <3


To: Sweet Pea <3

I love you tho xx

Sweet Pea <3

I love you too xx

I closed my phone, and tried to get some rest, but we heard a huge crashing noise. We all leapt out of bed, and followed Cheryl out into the hall, where she was screaming. We looked over the railing, and there was Nana Rose on the floor, unconscious.

"Someone call 911!" I exclaimed, and Betty quickly pulled out her phone, and dialled the number.

Not the night I was expecting.

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