I stood in the white room again, facing the Crank Newt. He was breathing heavily, and just like I left him in my last dream.

"Newt? Can you hear me?" I whispered, taking a step closer, and he flinched, but this time I didn't wake up.

"No." he snarled, no expression on his face. His voice was low, scratchy, and full of malice. "No one will."

"What?" I asked, reaching out to put a hand on his shoulder. Suddenly he lunged at me, pinning me to the wall, smashing my head against the wall.

"Don't do this!" He screamed, his eyes growing wide as he repeatedly smashed my body onto the wall violently. My dream permitted me to feel no pain, but I felt hurt inside. What was Newt doing? What was I doing that he didn't want me to do?

"Maya!" Newt began to scream my name, but his mouth wasn't moving to form the words.


I was shaken awake, and Newts face was above me, full of panic. He pulled me to my feet, and dragged me along with the others, as we sprinted frantically. The sky was still dark, with  dramatically dark clouds.

"What is happening!" I yelled, glancing at my friends, who were already panting. But my question was answered when a bright flash came from over head, and I took a quick look at the sky. Thunder clouds. We were in the middle of a thunderstorm, in the middle of now where. "Where are we going!?"

"There!" Newts arm reaches our and pointed out, at something that made my heart jump. There were very small, distant lights in the darkness, and I cheered internally.

My happiness faded quickly when a huge crash landed behind us, lighting up our world for a split second, leaving us with the complete terror. Lighting was coming for us, dangerously close behind us.

We ran, and ran, encouraging each other on, and shrieking when lighting landed, landing horrible craters in our path.

Adrenaline fueled me, but I was starting to slow down, due to the immense fatigue that no water for two days gives you.

The lights grew closer and closer, showing us where they really originated from. Giant boxy buildings stood before us, the ground around it was littered with rusted cars and random pieces of metal and junk were laid haphazardly in our way. We soon had to jump, parkour over the junk, dodging lighting bolts, and stumbling along blindly, each flash making our vision white and blurry.

"Almost there!" Thomas yelled, "Just keep-"

His voice was cut off by a crazy explosion that lifted me off my feet and made me crash to the ground, but I quickly clambered to my feet and looked around. To my complete shock, Minho's body was lying on the dirt, his clothes scorched and his eyes closed. Thomas was close to him, spaced out and breathing heavily.

"Minho!" I shrieked, getting the others attention. We frantically jumped into action, getting Thomas to his feet, and lifting up Minho into our arms, running as fast as we could, while Frypan held open the door to the giant warehouse. He yelled something, but the raging storm overhead prevented me from hearing anything but the crazy ringing in my ears.

We ducked into the door, and Frypan slammed it shut, and we set Minho onto the ground, taking out our flashlights and shining them on his dirty, bruised face and crowding around his body. I sat beside him, shaking his shoulders, desperately trying to wake him up, and at the same time, fighting back to urge to cry. I couldn't loose another friend after everything, not again.

"C'mon man!" Newt yelled, waving his flashlight.

He wouldn't wake, and I exchanged a teary look with Thomas. I was ready to give up, when Minho opened his mouth slightly, and groaned quietly.

"W-what happened?" he murmured.

I laughed, relief washing in. "Bro, you got hit my lighting."

He opened his eyes and looked over at me, his mouth curling into a delightful smile. "Oh," he said, almost deliriously. He sat up, slowly, groaning, and holding onto Thomas for balance. We all stood up, hugging Minho and patting his back.

"Hey guys," Teresa muttered, stepping away from the happy group to face the darkness that surrounded us. "What's that smell?"

Everyone grew silent, and began to sniff. Rot. "What is that?" I said aloud, but immediately regretting turning my flashlight to the smell, when a crazed monster jumped out the darkness, snarling and scrambling crazily. I let out a scream and stumbled back into Newt and held me close to his chest, eyes wide.

Strangely, the Cranks didn't get any close to us than wear they had come from. I looked a bit closer taking Newts hands off my waist, then clapping his hand. The Cranks were being held back by thick, rusty chains, and on the other side were either chunks of metal or the supporting, tall poles of the huge warehouse. 

"What the-" Frypan was cut off the by the sound of giant door opening and light spilling into the giant room, revealing so much more Cranks than we thought there were.

"Looks like you've met our guard dogs," a strong female voice echoed loud over the Cranks screeches, and a silhouette appeared in the golden light coming from the doorway, and it began to walk into the crowd of chained monsters, like a complete badass, and slowly walked through them as they snapped and snarled at her, reaching at her.

Her features came into view as she approached us. She had very short brown hair, chocolate brown, judgmental eyes, and torn, dirty clothes. She raised her eyebrows at us, folding her arms, and taking her sweet old time to observe us, then finally said something.

"You guys look like shit."

Changes (Newt x OC) (Maze Runner Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now