chapter 26

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The UA high school doors finally opened again for the class to go back to their usual routine and hero training. Y/n skipped lightly and happily down the street to the school, humming to the pop melody in her earbuds. The fresh breeze helped her mood stay cheery and bubbly.

Her mood improved when she caught a sight of her purple haired best friend talking to his blonde boy crush. She had a moment of hesitation wether to mess with Shinsou as he was chatting with Denki or let him be and perhaps develop some sort of slow pace friendship.

But she decided against the little angel on her shoulder and to mess with her friend. She hid and switched the song on her phone, starting to play despacito. The Hispanic melody put her in a more festive and summer party mood, ready to make a romance real.

Within seconds she came up with a great idea. 'Tell him his eyes are electrifying.' She told him. Out of the spur of the moment thing, Shinsou actually obeyed. "Kaminari, your eyes are electrifying." Shinsou said plainly before realizing what he just said. Y/n had to do her absolute best to not burst out of laughter from that moment.

Shinsou turned in an almost robotic way with an awkward smile but killing gaze as he searched for the fox girl. She stayed hidden as she stifled her giggles. Denki was now blushing deeply and y/n could hear him rant mentally and legit have a gay panic.

She managed to sneak away and let the two blooming rainbows alone. She skipped through the halls of the school, heading straight to her classroom. She pushed the door open quietly with a small smile grazing her lips and her ears perked up from her good mood. Her tail lightly swayed behind her as she walked to her desk.

"Good morning y/n!" Mydoria said, raising his eyes from his usual note book and waving at y/n lightly. 'good morning Mydoria!' She mimicked his enthusiasm through telepathy but also taking the boy aback.

"Your quirk is telepathy?!" He practically screamed. She sweat dropped and scratched the back of her neck lightly, nodding. 'Kind of... It's complicated to be honest.' she said as she waved at Todoroki, who responded with a casual head nod. Izuku nodded and seemed to start to furiously note stuff in his notebook.

"Oh by the way, you were really cool as you fought along with all might. I wish I could have been of better use though..." Mydoria said with a small closed eyed smile and a small sweat drop. Y/n waved him off with a small smile as Bakugo walked in the room.

It took the class aback to see him head straight to the fox girl's desk. He leaned on her desk and glared at Deku, who was now backing away lightly. "Deku, don't bother y/n with your worthless words." He said harshly.

Y/n frowned and slapped Bakugo's arm lightly, gaining his attention. She narrowed her eyes at him in a way that meant 'Be nice'. He sighed and let out a grunt, crossing his arms. "Whatever." He said before heading to his desk and sitting down in his usual arrogant pose.

'Good morning to you too, rage ball.' She said through telepathy with a slightly teasing tone. Bakugo physically reacted and turned to look her right in the eyes. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A RAGE BALL, FOXY?" He yelled to her, making her stick her tongue out to him.

"The hell is up with him?" Kirishima asked to no one in particular but pointing at Bakugo. 'He's just jealous I spoke to Mydoria before him this morning.' y/n answered through telepathy. "OH GOD GUYS WHO SAID THAT?" Kirishima yelled, making everyone even more confused. Y/n facepalmed at the redhead's stupidness.

'Kirishima, it's me, y/n.' y/n said as she turned to face Eijiro. He gasped and pointed at y/n before litterally screeching "OH MY GOD SHE DOES TELEPATHY!" Everyone awed as they thought the quirk was rather cool and useful but didn't really hold the subject.

She turned to Bakugo and winked, making him rather flustered. He turned away and hid his face by leaning it on his hand. 'Good morning to you too, foxy.' Bakugo replied as he kept his face hidden. She smiled lightly at how that simple phrase seemed so adorable for some reason.

The teacher, Mr. Aizawa walked in and cleared his throat, ready to give his class as always. Everyone turned their attention to the teacher who clearly needed more sleep to listen to his lesson. Bakugo and y/n Would steal occasional glances during the morning classes before the lunch bell rang.

Everyone rushed out to the lunch room, the same going for y/n. She ran up to her usual table with Shinsou and litterally attacked her friend with a hug. "Shinsou!" She squeaked rather quietly but excitedly. He chocked lightly but lightly patted her back afterward. "Hey there y/n. How's the day been treating you so far?" He asked kindly.

"Pretty good!" She answered in her quiet voice, making the purple haired boy smile. "What about you? I saw you attempting at flirting, rather poorly at that, this morning. How did that go?" Y/n asked, purposely annoying Shinsou.

He grunted and attempted to swat her head but failed due to her dodging. "I ain't seeing you doing any better." He mumbled before rolling his eyes. "But it went well I guess. Thanks for the slightly unwanted help too." He said before starting to feast on his meal.

Y/n nodded and pulled out her own meal, eating it rather quickly. She stole a few of Shinsou's berries, as always, before getting in their usual conversation routine. Soon after, they went back to their respective classes and went on with their day.

soft (katsuki bakugo x fox! reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin