chapter 10

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'Shinsou I'm hungryyyyyyy' She whined in her head as she was practically sleeping on her school desk. Mr.Aizawa was giving class about algebra, something y/n was quite advanced in already. She waited a few seconds before getting a reply.

'What do you want me to do about it? Teleport a pizza in class 1-A?' He replied sarcastically from his homeroom. Y/n muffled a quiet giggle, making a few heads turn her way. She immediately looked down at her desk, ignoring the glances. 'that would be amazing, extra pepperoni please!' She replied in a cheery mental voice.

They have been doing that for the past week at school. Y/n kept her Quirk activated to conversate with Shinsou in class and they would always say stuff like that. It was hard to not start laughing mid class sometimes, but so far, no one got caught.

'Are you trying to make me hungry too? So mean.' He replied. She could already imagine the boy quietly grunting as he would suddenly get hungry. She smiled internally before actually paying attention for once.

Aizawa let out a sigh and put down his chalk and ruler, looking at the class with a bored expression. "Might as well take a break. I do have something to discuss about." The teacher said through the bandages on his face, making it look like he had some sort of plastic surgery.

He cleared his throat to make sure he got everyone's attention. "For those who don't know, the sports festival is next week. The sports festival is an event that allows you to go through different challenges with your quirks. It came to replace the Olympics with the time." The teacher started, catching many people's attention.

"I expect everyone in class 1-A to attend the festival." The teacher said before dismissing the class. Y/n took her time to put away her material as many ran to the cafeteria. She only rushed once she was out of sight, running to her usual table with Shinsou.

The purple haired boy was already seated and pulling out his lunch. Y/n almost jumped on him when she pulled into the table, surprisingly avoid collision at the last minute. Then sudden maneuver scared Shinsou, he let out a surprised grunt before y/n miraculously fell in the opposite bench.

"What's up with you, your usually way more calm then this." Shinsou said, getting over his initial shock. Y/n shrugged and pulled out her lunch, thin slices of pork with rice (she felt lazy) and her usual berries. 'We are going to the sports festival and I was wondering if you entered the contest.' She said. He rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Sounds silly. No thanks." Y/n let out a whine as she gave Shinsou puppy eyes. 'Come onnnnn we could go together and beat everyone! Think about it!' she tried to convince him but he remained cold. "No." She sighed and tried something else.

'It could prove that you want to be a hero, prove that you can use your quirk to help and not be a villain.' she tempted again. That statement caught the boy's attention, she caught him glancing at her quickly before looking back down at his food. "Maybe." He mumbled out. She grinned and took a bite of her pork, letting her long canines sink into the meat as the taste spread out in her tongue.

"Are you going to use your quirk at the festival?" He asked out the blue. Y/n looked up and shrugged. 'I don't know. Depends on the situation I guess. I don't have a physical quirk so if there's an obstacle course, it's pretty useless. I hand-to-hand combat, it would be easier to use.' she stated, sipping on her water.

"I don't know exactly what your quirk is, but can't it be good for some sort of long distance thing?" He asked, feeling like he should know more about his friend's quirk. She already knew about his, he even tried his quirk on her, but knew nothing about her quirk, other than a part of it that can do telepathy.

'It's a bit hard to explain...' she started. Shinsou looked at her and then the room before thinking of something. "I showed you my quirk by using it on you. We can go outside and you can show me yours." He said, starting to finish up his lunch. Y/n tensed up, unsure if this was a good idea. She has been working on her technique recently, she asked her trainer to pass by so she could try something. She ended up being able to send waves of pain to the nervous system without having to make a mental image. She just looked at the nerves and it worked.

'I don't know... Shinsou, my quirk is litterally a pain in the ass.' she replied. He shrugged it off and put away his things, ready to head outside. Y/n sighed and quickly finished her own meal, packing her things and following the boy.

The got to the basketball court and stood still. "Do what you need to do, I am actually excited to see." He said, a small smirk dancing on his lips. Y/n nodded and exhaled. 'It feels weird. I usually do this in a fighting context, even with my old trainer.' "Just relax and don't think about it too much." She nodded and looked at Shinsou in the eyes.

She took in a sharp breath and looked away before yelling out her famous line. "NIGHTMARE." And with that, her vision turned black with the body traced in white, as always. She stared at the nerves appearing on the body, transmitting the pain she wanted to make him feel. She went easy, not wanting him to get mad at her after.

The 5 seconds passed and her vision came back to normal. When she looked at Shinsou, his face froze in such a funny way due to the pain she couldn't help but laugh. It took him a good minute to unfreeze, he was shocked to hear her actual voice AND hear her laugh ou loud, even though it was actually quiet.

"First of all, your voice is adorable." He stated, moving his limbs a bit as they felt weird. He genuinely thought his bones were reduced to dust in his body. "Second of all, holy shit." He said, making sure his bones were actually intact.

'I do not sound cute, excuse you. And stop looking for injuries, my quirk can't do that. It creates fictional pain in a very high intensity so it basically can paralize your body for a few seconds, up to a minute if you don't fight back.' She explained, walking close to Shinsou and patting his shoulder.

"It felt so real, that's insane. How does your quirk even do that?" She scratched her neck and looked away. 'It's actually a second quirk I have. It's impossible to use it without my telepathy Quirk and can only be activated when I use my special attack, nightmare.'

"Sounds complicated for nothing. I bet you could make a new cool attack with the quirk with a bit more training." She nodded and smiled. They both headed back to class, both thinking about the upcoming festival.

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