chapter 11

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The sun was shining, the birds were singing (no, not tokoyami) and everyone was happy...


Y/n grunted loudly, curled up on herself in the school's back garden, Shinsou watching the scene, slightly amused. "Girls really are a mystery of nature." He said with a chuckle. 'Shut the hell up or I'm going to 'Nightmare' you.' she replied coldly. He backed away slowly, his hands up to try and calm the pained girl.

"Is there anything I can do to help you with... That..." He said, pointing her bottom stomach as the girl kept grunting on the ground. 'Pain killers. And sweets.' She told him through her quirk. He nodded and left for a few minutes, heading in the school.

She stated curled up in the soft strands of grass, hoping that the stupid pain would go away. Shinsou knew that the girl entered the school yard by the back every morning. It was a bit surprising to see her laying on the ground that morning, he soon discovered that her femininity was kicking in and giving her cramps.

Through her grunting fit, she didn't realize someone else walked in the back court of the school. She only achnoledged the new presence after he yelled at her. "OY YOU WEAKLING, STOP SUCCUMBING TO YOUR FUCKING BODY AND MAN UP." Yelled an angry voice nearby.

Y/n's mood wasn't the same as usual, which also means she gets a bit more irritated quickly. She wasn't in the mood to deal with the angry Pomeranian, so she proceeded to raise her arm with her middle finger high up. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU LITTLE SHIT JUST DO?" Bakugo yelled out, little explosions audible from where the girl was laying.

She didn't budge, she didn't care. When she heard him get dangerously close, she didn't hesitate to use her quirk.

After her vision came back, she heard a chuckled and someone getting closer. "Here's the stuff." Shinsou said as he handed her two pills and a bottle of water to start with. Y/n chugged down the pills and water, laying back down.

"I also got Skittles." He said as he waved the purple bag over her head. She grabbed so fast the boys barely blinked. She tore the top of the bag open and started to chew on the bite size candies, a small smile on her lips

"You're such a child I swear." Shinsou started, turning toward the frozen Bakugo. "Freezing a boy because of his short tempter." He finished, patting Katsuki's head as the blonde started to unfreeze from the pain illusion.

"What in the actual fuck was that." He asked in a much calmer voice than earlier. The girl kept quiet and kept eating her berry flavoured candy happily. Shinsou sighed and point the girl, a straight face on display. "That. It was that." He said.

The girl turned her head to Shinsou and did a middle finger as a random cramp appeared again. He just rolled his eyes and ignored the small and weak insult. "Anyways. Excuse her, she's clearly not in the mood for any bullshit." Shinsou said before picking up the girl, ignoring her attempts to shoo him away.

Bakugo practically growled but went to class. Once he was out of sigh, Shinsou was surprised to hear quiet sniffles. Her then realized that y/n was crying. He started to freak out because he had no clue how to calm her down or why she was even crying.

It took a good 5 minutes to calm her down and cheer her up, then proceeding to walking her to class as always. He patted her head, as always and she smiled happily back at the boy in gratitude.

The whole class stared at the two curiously, waiting for the girl to walk in. The first on to speak was Ashido Mina. "Is that your boyfriend? We saw him with you at the hospital too." The question took poor y/n by surprise, but she didn't hesitate to shake her head no calmly.

"So just a friend? Or a bestie?" She asked again. Y/n raises two fingers in the air to mention the second offered answer. "Not to offend you, but you both didn't seem like the types to make friends." The question caught her off guard, but she shrugged it off and went to her desk.

The class was long and boring as always, sadly. The only funny thing that happened was when everyone was working on a team project, that Todoroki sneezed and caught Mydoria's sheet of paper on fire, Iida's ending up covered in ice.

She did realize that bakugo was staring at her, well, more like intense glaring. She ignored him, even considered freezing him again. She never used her quirk on a classmate before, so she was still unsure whether she should appolagize or let it be.

The afternoon of training was hell, her cramps were killing her in every possible way, making it almost impossible to move. Mr. All might seemed to have realized it and gave her a pass to go rest, which she gladly took.

Everyone was hyper that day, the sole reason being that the sports festival was Tomorrow. y/n rathered resting then practicing, which wasn't surprising.

She knew that she was going to end up with a high rank.

She also knew that it was going to be really hard due to everyone wanting to win.

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