chapter 23

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There was an incredible pain that throbbed at the back of both y/n and Bakugo's head, Bakugo being the first awake. She barely peeked her eyes open and saw him sitting across her, gagged, chained and locked to a chair. She felt horrible for not being fast enough to save him, but she thought that she would be able to help him at the least.

He caught her glance before looking down and closing his eyes. 'Fake sleep y/n. If they know you're awake they will hurry over and torture you to talk.' Bakugo said before y/n shut her eyes and let her head fall back forward and fake sleep.

'Bakugo, I'm sorry I didn't pull you out of this mess before.' She started, the feeling of guilt stirring in the pit of her stomach. 'Y/n... Don't appolagize. You did your best.' Bakugo started. She heard his slow breathing as slight movements to not be too uncomfortable.

'I'm actually kind of glad you're here. It's... It feels less scary.'  He said, sounding almost embarassed to say so even by thoughts. 'At least, I can do that much...' y/n said before letting out a quiet sigh.

'Let's make a plan to fuck these guys over, y/n.' Bakugo said, sounding somewhat confident. Y/n thought for a few seconds, trying to find something suitable and that could work without to many setbacks.

Just as y/n was about to spill the plan, the villains walked into the room and went to various corners of the room. Y/n felt her heart pace pick up and her thoughts speed up. 'Bakugo, what if I use my quirk on them?' She said, unable to think straight. 'Then what? Were both chained to our chairs.' 'I know, I know that! I'm trying to think!'

'Y/n, calm down. Take a quiet breath and you'll find something, I'm sure of it.' y/n did as she was told, taking quiet deep breaths. She couldn't see what was happening due to fake sleeping to fool the villains, but she could hear and practically sense them.

She thought carefully of what appended before this whole mess started, before they got chained up. The villains wanted Bakugo specifically, but why? She started to think of different reasons why, scanning them mentally. His quirk was powerful, that was a good reason already. But on the sports festival, he did show a rather bad behaviour at the end.

'Bakugo, they wanted you specifically. I have a feeling that they saw your behavior from the sports festival and may try to get you to join the League.' y/n said, sending her hypothesis to him, hoping he could help her develop a plan.

'I'll talk to them to distract them, you try to get the chains off your arms. Maybe your claws would be sharp enough?' Bakugo proposed. 'its our safest bet at the moment. Let's do it.'

She waited a bit before hearing the chains infront of her rustle. She waited patiently as the villains started to talk to him, actually revealing their plan to him. He main thought was why would a villain reveal their plans like that? But she didn't budge, she stayed as frozen as a statue.

After a few minutes of chattering, they ungagged Bakugo, which he started to go wild. She took opportunity of how loud he was to attempt slicing her chains. She was only able to make minor cuts, nothing damaging enough to get free.

She patiently waited for Bakugo to give her a signal to use her quirk as she attempted to free herself. There was loud explosions and a lot of yelling, but she heard him nevertheless.

"Y/N, NOW!" He simply said. She raised her head and stared at all the villains, everyone's eyes on her. She opened her mouth wide and bit down on the tissue gag, her fangs ripping it.

"NIGHTMARE!" She yelled out her vision going black again. She aimed all of the villains, avoiding Bakugo before activating the painful part of her quirk. She surprised herself again by being able to lat 15 seconds with so many people. During that short amount of time, Bakugo inflicted as much damage as possible and exploded y/n's chains.

'Thanks Bakugo.' she simply said before she stood, wagging her tail gracefully from side to side to make it feel less numb. "No problem n/n. Now let's kick ass." He said, ready to fight. Y/n's ears twitched and she got in her stance.

But before anything could happen, there was a knock on the door. "hEy, did you order pizza?" The villains looked confused, so did Bakugo. Y/n sweat dropped and face palm, confusing the others way more. She was unfazed to see All might bust in the room with other heroes to save the two.

Bakugo walked over to y/n as the wood pro hero restrained the villains. He didn't care about the debris and the yelling, he walked up and wrapped his arms around y/n and held her tightly.

"Thanks..." He said as the girl wrapped her arms around his upper body, nuzzling his neck as his body was warm and it was a natural instinct to go towards the warmth. He leaned his head against hers, petting her lightly.

The moment was short lived because villains were getting warped away out of the blue, and not by the villain named Kurogiri. Someone else was warping them away, taking them elsewhere.

The two students were alerted and were ready to act, but the two of them got stuck in the weird warping substance. Y/n felt herself getting suffocated, holding onto Bakugo tightly from fear. He held her close and tightly, pushing her head in his chest.

"Just hold me and don't let go, I did promise to protect you. Remember?"

"I promise to protect you no matter what, just like a real hero!"

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