"Holy cow," I muttered, covering my mouth and silently gagged. The smell was almost as horrible as the appearance of the man. I couldn't even determine the gender, the plastic bag and rot prevented it.

"Hey, guys, look," Minho tapped my shoulder and I followed his eyes to the ground at the cords I had noticed, and that he was just noticing now. But, I found something new I didn't notice earlier. A cord was leading up to a small lamp that was sitting on a rusty side table next to the sofa and the lump of moldy human. The switch was set to on.

Minho reached out and flicked the switch a couple times, I assumed only for the fun of it, since I would've done it to, to relieve the tension. "They had power," Minho smiled, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I connected those dots quite a while ago," I scoffed, judgmentally.

Thomas elbowed me and chuckled. "Why are you so judgmental?"

"Because you guys are so easy to judge!" I laughed, as silently as I could and raised my hands in the air exasperatedly. Minho and Thomas shook their heads and I smiled at the smiles on their faces. I could tell they hadn't smiled in a long time. Neither had I.

Minho kept his flashlight and his eyes on the trail of cords, while me and Thomas kept looking out as we traveled along, following the cords, so we would hopefully find a generator or something. And we did, in the creepiest part of the mall.

Deep in the underground parking, we slowed to a stop as Thomas got distracted by a chain fence. The place was still dark, but from his flashlight I could see dolls and stuffed animals, intertwined in the fences wires, each one bearing a torched smile, that almost made me feel relieved that they weren't living, since most of them seemed to be in a lethal position, or their fabric was cut, torn, or crusted and stained with a deep, dark splotch, which I could only assume was blood. So much blood. My attention strayed from the desperate dolls, to the space that the fence blocked us off from, and I peered in. From the small light I could see more piles of blankets and sleeping bags, and in the middle was a small mass of what seemed to be the colors of red, white and a mess and tangle of blonde hair. A human was sleeping in the mass. I looked at Thomas and raised an eyebrow, and he raised one back. This human could either be alive, dead, or alive but infected. We stayed silent, dread filling my gut, and peering in on the maybe-alive human, until Minho broke our concentration.

"Hey!" he cried out and we began to shush him as he bent down in front of a box which many switches. A generator. A generator we did not want on, because if this human was infected, it would wake up, maybe. "This looks promising," Minho muttered and switched it on, despite our quiet protests. A loud whirring began, as Minhos smile grew. Lights blinked on one by one, spreading through the mall. Minho laughed and looked at us, and his happy expression was replaced as the color drained from his face and his smile fell. "Watch out!" he yelled and grabbed our arms, pulling us away from the fence just as it shook with the impact of the alive, and very much infected human, or very much infected young girl.

She screeched loudly, her head switching violently from side to side, so quickly that I was afraid her neck would snap. Her eyes were black holes of blood, and so was her wide open mouth. It was like a more active version of the moldy man we saw on the couch.

"Her eyes!" Minho yelled, his eyes wide.

I was frozen in place with the boys, staring wide eyed at the ghastly creature, but we snapped back into action as the screeching grew louder. We had awoken more creatures than just the girl. Loud clangs began to echo along with the inhuman screams and growls, and a crowd of stumbling figures crashed through the junk behind us, and I felt my feet take off, and my hands grab my new friends, and we ran, faster than we'd ever ran before, our guts filled with terror.

Changes (Newt x OC) (Maze Runner Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now