"Yes?" he interrupted, his face lighting up with ugly eagerness.

"When I realized halfway to the cafeteria that it was obviously going to be locked, and that I'd get caught, I turned back," I paused, seeing the disappointment on Jansons face return until I began again. "But I heard guards coming down the hall, so I ducked into the janitor's closet and accidentally tripped over the boxes and got this..." I rolled up my sleeve and showed Janson the scrapes from when I slid through the vents on the way to the boys room.

"Ah, I see," he mumbled, and scribbled something quickly onto his paper. "Is that all?"

"After I heard the guards pass, I booted it back to my room." I drew a long breath. "That's all."

"But how did you get out?" Jansons asked, a small smile creeping up his face, as he realized he had caught me in a corner. I panicked and shoved my hands in my pockets, and pulled something. A key card. I had one in my pocket this whole time! Thomas didn't even need to do his plan! I smiled slightly, but Janson noticed. "What is that?" He stood up from his seat and leaned over the table. "A key card? Where did you get it?"

"I-uh-," I stuttered. Crap. "I stole it."

"Give it," he sat back down and held out his hand, and I sadly slapped it into his hand, and my eyes watched him put it into his pocket, saying goodbye to a sweet clean escape.

"Now, that's all I need from you. Have a good lunch." Janson got up from his seat and knocked on the door. I clicked, then swung open, Grace on the other side. "Bring her to the cafeteria.," I heard Janson say to the guard. "Keep a good eye on her."

Grace nodded as he walked down the halls, but when he was out of view, Grace rolled her eyes at him and we walked to the cafeteria.

I quickly found the boys when Minho waved wildly at me as soon as I stepped into the large room. "Maya!" he yelled, directing all eyes over to me. I waved back at him awkwardly, and quickly took the seat between him and Newt. Aris exchanged a look and a small smirk with me, his eyes flicking over to Newt, implying something very childish. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Okay Tommy, she's here, now put your plan into action," Newt said, and Thomas shook his head.

"Not yet. I need to wait for the Janson guy to do that thing with the kids first," Thomas looked over his shoulder at the front of the room.

"The Reaping," I said, correcting him. Thomas nodded and kept looking for Janson.

Janson did show his face eventually, later than normal because of my interrogation, which the group, fortunately, didn't ask me about. Quickly he did the Reaping, choosing some kids, and rushed them off and out the door. But just as the last few kids were slipping into the door, Thomas stood up and walked over to the door. He pretended to scratch his head, covering his face, but the guards got in between him and the door before he could reach it.

"Whoa, buddy, you weren't picked!" the guard said, crossing his arms over his chest. This was the same guard who had stopped him before, and the hatred between them was almost tangible. The entire little group of Thomas' friends had gotten to their feet, ready to defend him.

"I just want to see my friend," Thomas muttered, but as he said 'friend' he tried to push past the guard, and in his struggle he drew two other guards who held him. Thomas tried to get past them, but we caught him and we crowded around him, now all of us standing in front of the door.

"Control your friend!" one guard snapped, his face red with anger. I groaned inwardly as I saw Janson jog down the hallway and burst out of the open and forbidden door.

Changes (Newt x OC) (Maze Runner Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now