Killer Shot

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NOTE: Remember that the ideas in this story were based on a video, and this was a class project back in high school. This chapter includes a little bit of gore, definitely not my preference, but I had to do it at the time, and I don't want to change the story. 


"What, is everything alright?" Asher was beginning to feel a bit suspicious. Johnny ignored him and stared at Asher being brushed away by a sled. Just then, without amoment to spare, Asher was being brushed away. He stares at his picture for a splitsecond and is called to snap another moment. He turns in excitement with a smile onhis face. His legs shoot up as he ran through the slush.


"Mind taking our picture, it's our honeymoon," he stood there beside his wife both of them smiling as he hugged her.

Johnny took a glance at the new couple, his heart melted. "Sure," he replied in a mellow


"Smile," his back went crooked as he crouched down to capture the image. He snapped the moment. As he looked at the moment, he saw the newlywed man with heavy silver chains tugged his entire body as he tried to slip away.

Panic-stricken, Johnny gripped his camera tight, hoping this time the results wouldn't be like the last one.

"Is everything alright," he asked, the real question was "are you alright," Johnny thought. Before he could respond, he tripped over an electric wire. Electricity coursed through his body angrily; trapping him in a bright citron jail.

Johnny could no longer handle the sight, he roared "no!" multiple times he could no longer wait to see the results. The loud cries of the women to her husband echoed through Johnny's ears as he ran farther and farther with each ragged breath. The cold air coursed through his lungs and dried his already parched throat. His heart continued to beat fast as he ran his way through the mountains into a forest. The sound of his breath inhaling and exhaling was loudly heard as he ran his way through a forest path. Then suddenly a giant arm was pressed against his shoulder forcing him to kneel down.

"Listen up, you need to take a picture of me now," his rough voice pierced through Jonny's ears. Johnny felt a shiver run through his body, he looked up at the angry man. He was afraid to say anything, he just lifted his camera and snapped the picture.

Johnny stared down at the picture he snapped. Tears were about to roll down his cheek as he stared at his pictures results. The dude was standing there beheaded in the pictures. Johnny could only hope that this time it wouldn't end up as a Killer Shot.

A few seconds later Johnny felt something splatter on his eyes. His mouth had something slimy on it. He peeked his eye open and saw the man lying there dead on the ground. Disgustedly, he rubs off the splattered blood from his eyes and runs into his house.

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