A Passion Crime To Take What's Mine

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~A Passion Crime To Take What's Mine~

Izzi's P.o.v

I played with the shirt in my hands and snuck furtive glances at him, while he was unlacing my boot. “just ask me Izzi.” Ben said, obviously annoyed with my staring.

“Fine,” I huffed before asking the question that had been buzzing around my head all night. “Ben, why did you kiss me?”

His fingers froze on my boot and he became rigid. Slowly, oh so slowly, his eyes met mine. His mouth opened, gaping like a fish, before he snapped it closed again. He licked his lips before opening his mouth again, just to close it and clear his throat. I looked at him pointedly. I still wanted my answer dammit! He ran his hand through his hair nervously and looked away. “I don't know what you're talking about.” he said quietly.

I stopped fidgeting with his black t-shirt and leaned forward, catching his attention again. “liar,” I replied, just as softly. He hunched his shoulders, his chin dropping to his chest.

“it doesn't matter.” he hissed. Suddenly his eyes snapped to mine, “it was a mistake.” I leaned back, that stung. It stung more than it should've. I felt my eyes starting to water. I hung my head so that my bangs covered my eyes and jerked the back of my hand across my face, scrubbing the tears away before they have a chance to be seen.

Ben sighed and quickly tugged my second boot off. I didn't look up. “look, you're drunk, you probably won't even remember this conversation in the morning.” he said bitterly.

“Then it shouldn't matter to you either way, should it!” I shouted, tears pouring down my face, my eyes glazed with anger. Ben's eyes widened in surprise. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to me. “you at least owe me an explanation for mind fucking me and my best friend!” he didn't reply instead gave me a confused look, so I released him, sighed and stood up from the couch, walking toward the door of the bus.

“Where are you going Izzi?!” Ben asked, grabbing my arm.

“Away from you!” I jerked my arm out of his grasp, stumbling. I collided with the wall, but continued my way off the bus into the night.

* * * * *

I stumbled my way around several tour buses until I was incredibly lost. Eventually I just gave up and sat down against a random bus, hugging my knees to my chest; letting the tears fall.

“Izzi?” a beautiful voice called out. I started furiously scrubbing at my face, trying to rid myself of any trace of tears. “Izzi, is that you?” I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up into my favorite pair of Caribbean blue eyes.

“A-a-a-andy,” I stuttered brilliantly, “W-w-w-what are you d-d-doing here?” I hiccuped.

He kneeled in front of me and put his hands on each side of my face. “I should be asking you that.” he searched me for any sign of harm, finding none, he nodded to himself and leaned back, releasing my face. “Why aren't you with Ben?” he grimaced at the name. I just looked away, another tear slipping down my cheek. Andy grabbed my chin and turned my face to him, “What happened, Izzi?” he inquired seriously.

“Nothing, just a difference of opinion,” I sighed and rubbed my forehead. “Andy, do you mind if I stay on your bus tonight? I'm really tired and I don't want to deal with Ben or Jayme tonight...” I trailed off, looking away again. I rubbed my arms, it was getting pretty cold out, but then again, it is London...

“Are you cold?!” Andy saw me rubbing my arms, and when I nodded he quickly stripped off his studded leather jacket, slinging it around me. “come on, lets get back to the bus.” he said wrapping his arms around me.

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