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Izzi's P.O.V

I took another drink of my Smirnoff Ice, affectionately known as Bitch Beer by the guys. But hey, what can I say? I don't like the taste of regular beer, don't get me wrong, I can knock them back if I have no other form of liquor, but I'd rather drink vodka and the like. Anyhow, I was joking with the AA guys and laughing when I realized Andy wasn't anywhere to be found. He was just with us a moment ago! The AA guys continued on without me, finding their way through the maze of buses solely by the smell of barbeque and alcohol. Or so they told me. I'm pretty sure they were just following the sound of laughter.

I had come to a stop now, turning in circles, focused completely on spotting my beautiful stranger's face. Where did he go? Frustrated, I ran a hand through my hair. Seconds later, a pair of long, thin, but surprisingly strong arms wrapped around my waist. I was suddenly airborne, being spun around in a circle, those arms never budging from my hips. I laughed at the weightless sensation, I kicked my legs out, swinging them around to help with momentum. A giddy laugh tore from my throat, sounds of pure happiness spilling from between my lips, soon joined by a much deeper voice echoing the same sounds of joy. Completing another circle, a mile wide smile graced my face. My stiletto boots finally found solid ground and I stumbled, still dizzy from all the spinning. A strong hand reached out and caught my arm, stopping me from falling, while simultaneously turning me to face him. Pressed against his chest, I gazed up into those brilliant blue eyes rimmed in charcoal, framed by shining black hair. Andy grinned at me, his eyes gleaming with some affectionate emotion I couldn't quite put my finger on. His hands slid from my biceps, down my arms past my wrists, coming to a rest holding my hands. His smile never faltering, his eyes never leaving mine. I didn't realize how close we were until his breath was fanning against my cheekbones. The grin faded from his face, his eyes roaming over my face, while he leaned in even closer. My heart stopped until his sexy deep voice whispered softly into my ear, “You are so incredibly beautiful.” my breath caught in my throat and my heart started hammering faster than I think it had ever beat before. Andy pulled back only enough to gaze hungrily at my lips, he slowly leaned forward one more time, his lips millimeters from mine. If I thought my heart was beating fast before, it was practically sprinting a marathon now!

Another voice had us springing apart like lightning had just struck between us, which it kind of had, what with all the sparks that were just flying... “FOOD!!” screamed a guy covered in black paint with a bandana in his hair. “Oh, Hey Andy!” he yelled, with a gigantic goofy grin splitting his face that had Andy shaking his head.

“Hey CC.” Andy replied with a half-smile, reaching for my hand.

Still in shock from what had just almost happened, random thoughts decided to strike me. “DAMMIT!!” I hollered, my hand vacating the area that Andy had just tried to capture it at.

Andy and CC exchanged confused glances while eying me warily. “what's wrong Izzi?” Andy asked.

I looked at the ground where my alcohol was now soaking into the ground and pointed. “you killed it!” I looked up at them both with puppy dog eyes. CC burst out laughing and Andy looked like he was about to loose it too. I crossed my arms and stared at them both until they had finished laughing at me. This was a very serious problem! I wanted my alcohol, and I wanted it now! I huffed and walked in the direction of the barbeque. Maybe they'd have some Smirnoff...

Andy's P.O.V

I saw Izzi just up ahead, she was standing alone between a couple of buses, a bottle of Smirnoff ice in one hand, while she raked the other one through her hair. She looked worried. I ran up behind her, surprised I hadn't tripped or something. God knows my legs were long enough to tangle themselves up which could definitely result in me high-fiveing the ground. With my face. Before she had a chance to turn around and spot me, I wrapped my arms tightly around Izzi's waist, and spun her in circles. Damn she was light! It was incredible how amazingly content I was with her body pressed against mine. She kicked out her legs and we spun even faster than before. Her enchanting laugh rang in my ears and without my consent, my own joy-filled laugh sounded around us. Wow, we must look like idiots! When I started to loose my balance because of how quickly we were spinning, I decided to set Izzi back on the ground. As soon as her boots hit the ground I realized that she would be just as dizzy as me, if not more. Izzi started careening towards the ground, but I grabbed her as quickly as I could, pulling her flush up against my chest; promptly falling deep into those gunmetal grey eyes of hers. Seeing the happiness in the grey depths, a grin split across my face.

Staring into those eyes, I couldn't help but lean closer, she was just so beautiful, like an exquisite porcelain doll. A porcelain doll with spunk, I must admit. I slid my hands down her arms, marveling at how soft her silky skin was. I held her hands gently with my own, and leaned even closer, the small smile that had been gracing her face faltered slightly. I whispered into her ear something I couldn't stop thinking since I first laid eyes on her last night outside AA's tour bus, “You are so incredibly beautiful.” I heard her breath hitch, and it brought a ghost of a smile to my lips. Knowing I affected her like that, I'm not gonna lie, it was sexy as hell. I pulled back, just enough to look at her face. Those damn kissable lips of hers completely entranced me, and I decided that I was going to taste them. Right now.

When my lips were millimeters from hers, CC decided to interrupt, screaming “FOOD!” Izzi sprang away from me as if I were diseased. My heart kinda sunk at that thought. “Oh, Hey Andy!” he yelled, with a gigantic goofy grin splitting his face. I just shook my head. CC was just batshit crazy.

“Hey CC.” I acknowledged. I reached for Izzi's hand, just wanting to feel her close to me again.

“DAMMIT!!” Izzi screeched, jerking her hand away from me. What the fuck? We almost kissed a second ago, and now she won't even touch me? Am I really that terrible?

I glanced over at CC, completely confused, and kinda glad to see it reflected in his eyes. Not that that is saying much... I looked over to Izzi and asked warily, “what's wrong Izzi?”

she just looked at the ground, slightly past my legs and pointed, “you killed it!” She looked up at us with puppy dog eyes. CC burst out laughing and I was having a VERY difficult time controlling my own laughter. Her indignant tone and puppy dog eyes over spilled alcohol made me loose it. Izzi looked really annoyed at us laughing at her; she crossed her arms, waiting for us to finish. I took a few deep breaths, trying to sober up, but cracked up again. She just huffed and walked away; presumably to the barbeque.

* * * * *

Hey My Lovelies! I'm very sorry about the lousy update... It was definately NOT what I promised you all, but I figured you deserved something. Its also waaaaay shorter than i wanted it to be, but if I would have kept writing, it would have been waaaay longer than it should be. XP so once again, Please, Please PLEASE VOTE! if anyone has read my messages, you would know that i haven't posted because i don't feel like people are dying for my story anymore, and its kinda discouraging. so click the little button, and leave a comment in the space below, even if its just a smilie, it will make me smile and get a new chapter up that much quicker. a slice of cheese for everyone, and now i will leave you all alone. happy wattpading!

<3 Sammi

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