She's Such A Fucking Masterpiece

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~She's Such A Fucking Masterpiece~

Andy's P.O.V

When CC and I got to the barbeque, I saw that Izzi had already gotten herself a new bottle of alcohol. It also seemed as though she upgraded. In her hand was a fifth of Jack Daniels. My mouth hung open when I saw her knock back at least a fifth of the bottle in one shot. That girl could really put some booze away. She turned and laughed at a joke that the person sitting next to her had just told; I just then realized she was sitting by Ben Bruce. Izzi's eyes flicked over to me and I saw her smile widely, but Ben quickly stole her attention away from me. I looked at Ben then, like really looked at him. I could see how attracted to Izzi he was, just in his posture alone. He was leaning towards her, they were both sitting on a concrete bench of sorts, he had a leg on both sides, facing her. I didn't blame the guy, I would be doing the same if I were in his position, but I wasn't and that made me crazy jealous. I wanted Izzi, I needed her more than he did. He could have a hundred other women, but he needed to leave Izzi alone. She would be mine. Ben's eyes caught mine in a challenge of sorts, as he leaned in close and whispered something into Izzi's ear, making her laugh again, she slapped his shoulder playfully. He wanted to compete with me? It is on. I will make Izzi mine, and first up is making her laugh more because of me than him. I smiled mischievously and turned to CC.

He pulled the piece of chicken out of his mouth and his happy grin slowly faded into wary curiosity, “Andy, why are you looking at me like that?” he asked slowly backing away from me.

I just kept my smile in place and moved a step closer for every step he took away from me. “you're a funny guy CC, and so am I. How about we put our heads together and come up with something that will make Izzi laugh until she cries.”

CC's face brightened and then fell into confusion, “wait, why do you want Izzi to cry?” he asked.

“CC, pay attention!” I scolded, “I want to make her laugh her ass off.” I corrected.

“Then why'd you say cry?” CC yelled throwing his hands into the air. I facepalmed. Grabbing CC by his arm, I dragged him away from the barbeque until we were between a couple of buses. I pulled out my phone and searched “funny shit” on YouTube. A video popped up and I pulled CC closer, showing him. His eyes brightened and the giant goofy ass grin spread across his features. “Please, Pleasepleaseplease, PLEASE!!!” CC jumped up and down, clasping his hands together and begging. “I wanna do that!” he pleaded, pointing to my phone.

I motioned him closer and whispered, “Okay, this is what we're gonna do...”

* * * * *

Izzi's P.O.V

I laughed at another one of Ben's stories and downed the rest of my bottle of jack. I needed another one. I felt a hand land on my thigh and so I turned to face Ben again. A sarcastic remark poised on the tip of my tongue was immediately forgotten because Ben's face was startlingly close to my own, it was also his hand weighing down my thigh. I started leaning away from him, but his free hand came up to cradle the side of my face. He gently pulled me closer to him, I noticed his beer sat abandoned on the table near us, and his soft lips were suddenly pressed against mine. I could feel his cold spider bites warming against my skin. My hands slid around Ben's neck and slipped into his soft hair.

Ben's hand traveled up my thigh until it was gripping my hip. Abruptly he pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. My grip in his hair tightened. A million thoughts raced through my mind, but one face stuck in my head like glue. Andy's. This wasn't right. It felt so good, but I couldn't let Andy see me with Ben like this. I put my hands against Ben's shoulders and pushed as hard as I could, he pulled away and looked at me with confused eyes. I got up quickly, sent a muffled apology over my shoulder and just ran away.

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