Chapter 11: Retribution

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(End of match)

The two legal men were Dominik and Randy; WALTER was laid out by Travis' Sharp Attack and Keith was out from William's East Meets West. The Viper was looking to end Dijak with the RKO while William and Travis looked on; however, Orton turned his attention as he heard Alex's theme played.

Out came the United States Champion and the man he'll face at Takeover: Tampa, his protege and surrogate son Alex. Orton ordered William and Travis to neutralize Alex, but the Pharaoh thwarted the ambush by throwing the American Nightmare and the Fil-Brit Brawler to the barricade.

The distraction was proved effective as Dominik lifted the Republic's co-founder on his shoulders to hit Feast Your Eyes for an upset victory for the Brotherhood. Alex joined the three men in the ring while the Republic recovers. and regroups.

(A/N: I'm gonna rush through the matches)

An hour goes by and it was one of the tag team matches as Raw Tag Team Champions Elleon and Josh took on Trent and Tyler aka Moustache Mountain.

Josh and Elleon proudly represented the vision of Alexa and the Bliss Republic by dominating the Founding Fathers of NXT UK. Tyler put up a fight by being the big strong boi he is, he spun both Josh and Elleon around in the airplane spin.

In the end, the Republic came up on top as Josh leveled Trent Seven with the 25th Hour for the win.

Then a couple minutes passed and it was the other tag team match with the SmackDown Tag Team Champions DemonChild Pierce and Black Flash Colby. Since turning heel, Pierce has brought out DemonChild every now and then. The tag champions went against New Day members Kofi and Big E. The New Day showed no fear against DemonChild and Black Flash as they stood their ground.

Big E stepped up against DemonChild Pierce and the two locked up. Pierce threw E to the ropes for an unfazed collision. Big E managed to faze Pierce with a shoulder block sending him to his corner as Black Flash Colby tagged in. Big E then tagged Kofi in and the two high flyers went to war.

In the end, despite New Day's courageous efforts, the Republic's demons overcame the Power of Positivity as Pierce leveled Kofi with the Case-closer followed by a Dark Emerald from Colby.

There was no main event match for the show, but there was a main event segment which was Alex's response to Alexa's challenge as he defends his US title against his mentor and father figure Randy Orton while Alexa is the special guest referee for the match. The Pharaoh made his entrance and he asked for a mic. He stood in the ring with the patriotic title over his shoulder.

Alex: now earlier tonight, my lovely wife has made a match for Takeover at Tampa which is I must defend my United States title, a title I fought so hard for and won at WrestleMania against my arch nemesis Buddy Murphy and his crony and Corporate puppet Shane Thorne against a man who I've trained with, my second father Randy Orton

The crowd felt the intensity from Alex.

Alex: Randy was the man who saw potential in me when I tried out for a match in the WWE; he saw potential in me and he took me under his wing as his protege. I proved to him how much I want it and it earned me a contract

The crowd clapped.

Alex: I've known my mentor for a long time, and he has done some sadistic things in his career; to name a few he lit a casket on fire with the Undertaker inside. He slapped the late Dusty Rhodes in the face right in front of his son Cody and not once but twice, Randy put his hands and attacked John Cena's father. He even went to the length of putting Superstars out by punting them in the head. But the most sadistic and disturbing thing my mentor has ever done involves a screwdriver

The crowd knew what Alex meant when the screwdriver was mentioned.

Alex: he twisted Jeff Hardy's open earlobe

The crowd cringed at the moment that happened. Then Alex turned to the camera.

Alex: now Randy, you've trained me a long time both physically and psychologically and I know how your mind games are played, and at Tampa, I'll make sure that I will cut off the head of the snake

Then the Republic's theme played and out came the co-leaders Randy Orton and Alexa Bliss. The Viper and the Goddess smirked as Orton got on the mic.

Randy: now Alex, I would love to come down there and get in your face, but Alexa and I know that the Brotherhood is hiding somewhere

Alex: Randy relax, I ordered the Brotherhood to stay put, so it's just you, me and Alexa in this ring

Randy and Alexa walked down and got in the ring. The Viper continued to speak.

Randy: it's funny that you mentioned those sadistic things I have done in my career in the past. You may remember that I was the Legend Killer, and you may remembered that I kicked Mick Foley in the head sending him rolling down a flight of stairs. Now that you mentioned all the sadistic things I have done; do you remember the sadistic things your wife has done?

Alex turned his attention to Alexa.

Alex: before I was in the WWE and before I have met you, I did see some bad things you have done. You have body shamed Nia Jax by calling her fat; newsflash Alexa, I was fat before, but as time went on I took care of myself and my health. Another bad thing is disrespecting a legend in her own right, Mickie James.

Alexa flipped her hair and smirked.

Alex: you see Mickie has paved the path for women Superstars for the future like yourself, Becky, Sasha, Charlotte, Bayley, Carmella, Liv, Rhea, Io, Kairi, Asuka, Dakota, Candice and Tegan; and you ran your mouth disrespecting her

Alexa took the mic from Randy.

Alexa: funny you mentioned Tegan, Alex; how is she by the way?

Alex: she is recovering, but she is not the reason; the reason is the match between my mentor and myself

Alexa: and me as the referee

Alex: Randy, I have respected you since you took me under your wing; you've taught me to outsmart and play possum against my opponents, but now I am my own man, I can stand on my own two feet, and at Tampa, the apprentice will become the master

Randy: bold words Alex Auditore. If you remember years ago that I created a group called Legacy, and then I destroyed it. The Wyatt Family, destroyed. The Authority, destroyed. I have created and destroyed everything in my path for years. You were my greatest creation, but at Tampa, I will be the destroyer

He dropped the mic. Alex went for a shot, but Alexa stood in the way to distract Alex by poking him in the eyes, giving the opportunity to RKO Alex. The Pharaoh laid in the ring as the Goddess and the Viper stood over his body.

Alexa picked up the United States title and handed it to Randy. Then she raised his arms, giving the crowd a preview of whats to come at Tampa. Alexa blew a kiss to the downed Alex as the show came to an end.

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