Chapter 10 - The Sky Tribe's Chief (Final Chapter)

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Chapter 10 – The Sky Tribe's Chief (Final Chapter)

Hak and a couple of soldiers were the only ones who came to the Sky Tribe with me. I wasn't complaining since this was the Thunder Beast we were talking about. His fighting skills could outstand hundreds of men.

I was dead set onto killing Soo-won for bringing this kind of pain into my life.

You could call me selfish but I wanted to kill him for hurting me more than the fact that he planned to attack the Kouka Castle.

"I'm sorry," I blurted out while we were on top of our horses.

Hak turned to look at me. "For what?"

"For not trusting you Hak," I looked down. "You were right about Soo-won,"

"There's nothing wrong in loving someone," he sighed. "Your only mistake was falling for the wrong person,"

"I hoped that I could have avoided it,"

"You can't avoid love,"

"Tell me...Hak," I looked at him. "Have you ever been in love?"

He looked like he was taken by surprise. "What's with that sudden question?"

"Just tell me," I pursued.

"I thought that I was in love..." his voice trailed off. "But I was wrong. She's someone that I want to protect. I was too blinded by the fact that I need to protect her that it came to the point that I lost track of my real feelings for her. I guess you could say that I held false feelings for her,"

Even without Hak dropping the name, I knew of who he was talking about.

"At least now, you can fall in love with someone that you really love," I smiled at him. "You can fall in love with someone you're not just bound to protect,"

He scoffed. "Does a girl like that exist?"

"Who knows?" I shrugged. "I fell in love with Soo-won. Nothing's more impossible than that,"

"Good point," Hak chuckled.


The sight when we reached the main office surprised us. I did not know how I should feel when I saw Soo-won who was badly beaten up, almost lifeless on the ground.

Even with the bruises all around his body, he still managed to give us a smile. "Hello," he coughed with blood pouring out of his mouth.

I almost ran to his side but managed to contain myself.

This could be a set-up.

I didn't want to fall into one of Soo-won's traps ever again.

"Where are the others?" Hak glared at him.

"They escaped from the back..." he coughed up some more blood. "If you run to them now, you can catch up to them,"

Why did he tell us the plan and where they were?

"He might be lying..." my voice broke but I felt like I was punched in the gut seeing Soo-won in that state.

"You can go ahead and kill me if I'm lying," Soo-won tried to sit up and he successfully did it while clutching his stomach. "I'm not going anywhere,"

"I'll trust you just this once, Soo-won," Hak eyed him before he attempted to leave the room.

"Wait!" I called to Hak. "I'm coming with you,"

"Don't," Hak chuckled. "Stay here. You need to talk to him,"


"No buts," he patted my head and left the room—giving me no choice but to comply.

I looked at Soo-won who was staring at the ground.

"What happened to you?" I whispered. I shredded a piece of my clothing and went to his side to wipe the blood that was pouring out of his mouth.

Much to my surprise, he still managed to give me a smile with our faces only inches apart. "If you haven't interfered with my life, I would have completed my mission successfully," he told me. "But you came—and I couldn't bring myself to kill the girl that I love,"

"What?" my eyes widened.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't able to say it when you asked me," he brought his right hand to cup my left cheek. "But I love you, Allana. I love everything about you,"

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. "A—Are you sure?"

"I would face all the consequences for plotting to assassinate the Queen," he looked straight into my eyes. "But please...don't leave me. Stay with me. I want to change...for the both of us,"

I rested my forehead on his. If he was willing to change—that bought me. If he turned his back on his mission for me, I appreciated it.

"I won't leave you," I leaned in closer. "I love you, Soo-won," and I closed the gap between us.


There are going to be three books in the SHI series:

(P.S. Even if you don't read the other stories and just read each one, you would still understand the plot since every story is independent and doesn't affect each other)

Love is Sweeter than Revenge (Soo-won Love Story) - COMPLETED

Love is Sweeter than Protection (Hak Love Story) - TBP

Love is Sweeter than Sins (Ik-su Love Story) - TBP 

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