Chapter 7 - The Sky Tribe's Chief

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Chapter 7 – The Sky Tribe's Chief

Two months had passed and I was getting used to living here in Kuuto. I would sometimes come home back to the Wind Tribe whenever there was nothing else to do here in the Sky Tribe. My parents were proud of me because I made it as a general.

I told Mundok that I was already found out by Soo-won. Mundok made sure that I was alright by asking me some things like a father would do to his daughter or in Mundok's case, like a grandfather would do to his granddaughter.

I also assured Mundok that nothing else was going to go wrong since Soo-won kept the villagers at bay by telling them that I was his fiancé and we were going to be married sometime soon.

Ever since that night—the night when something happened between us, we became lovers. That was something that I did not have a problem to admit considering the fact that it was true.

Soo-won was the only person aside from my parents and Mundok that I did not care if he found me beautiful. I did not know why Soo-won was made an exception but with that bubbly personality of his, it was hard not to take a liking to him.

Soo-won was a gentleman to me despite the fact that I was the general and he was the chief. Even though I was supposed to protect him, he made me feel like he was the one protecting me. Our relationship was kind of ideal in my eyes since we could be together all day and all night.

We even slept on the same bed every night for Kami's sake.

He would also get jealous whenever someone from the Sky Tribe would eye me. Since he was the chief and everybody obeyed him, he ordered them to look at me as a general and not as a beautiful woman...which he also stated that I was but I was his beautiful lady and he was not the type of guy who wanted to share.

Never had it occurred to me that I would fall in love with Soo-won.

I knew that he had made mistakes but those were all in the past now, right?

This was the time to start anew.

I was currently having a cup of tea in one of the tea shops here in Kuuto when a figure sat in front of me. "What are you doing here?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "And how did you find me here?"

"I know that you love tea so much," he shrugged. "Figured out that you'll be here,"

"You didn't answer my first question, Hak," I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"What?" he ordered a cup of tea from the waitress. "I'm now forbidden to know how you're doing?"

"Everything's fine,"

The glint in Hak's eyes became serious—too serious that I thought that he would literally transform into a beast. "I heard from the villagers that you're together with Soo-won, is that true?"

"Yes," I admitted like it was no big deal.

The frustration in Hak's tone of voice was obvious. "I brought you here because I want you to keep an eye on Soo-won, Allana,"

"I'm still doing my job," I shrugged. I was always with Soo-won that I was sure that he was not planning anything behind my back.

"It's Soo-won we're talking about," he reasoned. "He's capable of altering his personality that suits your tastes. He's capable of gaining your trust by lying to you,"

"I think he's not lying to me and that he's really changed,"

"I've known you since we were kids," Hak told me. The frustration in his tone of voice never faltered. "I see you as my sister, Allana. I don't want you to end up getting hurt by Soo-won. He's not someone that you can trust,"

"I love him," I said before I stood up. "If you can't respect my decision then it just means that you don't respect my existence," and I walked away from Hak.


I went back to the main castle of the Sky Tribe. I somehow felt guilty for walking out on Hak like that but I needed to make my point clear. I knew that Hak was just protecting me but he knew that this was the first time that I fell in love.

I wanted him to accept my decision of loving Soo-won.

I wanted to see Soo-won now so I went to the main office of the castle but I stopped on my tracks when I heard that Soo-won was talking to someone. "It was hard to talk to you because someone's been following you every day, Soo-won," an unfamiliar voice was heard from inside the office. "Where is she now?"

"She's having her daily stroll in town," Soo-won answered.

"What's the report?" the unfamiliar voice asked. I tried to familiarize with his voice just to see if I knew who he was but I knew of no one with that voice.

"We can probably attack the Kouka Castle the day after tomorrow," Soo-won said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," even without me seeing Soo-won, I knew that he was nodding. "I managed to gain the trust of Hak's recommended general. It's impossible for her to be a threat now."

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