Chapter 2-Jesse Intro

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Jesse St. James was in New York City, the city of his Broadway dreams. He had flunked out of UCLA because it was harder to attend classes and complete assignments when you are not used to completing your own course work. This was because when he was in Vocal Adrenaline he was king of Carmel High School and no one expected anything out of him least of all to go to class and complete homework it was expected of him to focus only on winning show choir competitions and continuing Vocal Adrenaline's winning streak. So, of course, when he got to UCLA and wasn't the king of it all anymore, he had more trouble than he thought he ever would have fitting in and being Jesse St. James just a normal guy. So, when college didn't work for him, he decided to take a shot at his dreams of being on Broadway. Jesse knew that's tons of people that now stars on Broadway and Hollywood never had formal education or training, he just hoped that the showbiz gods would help him achieve his dreams. He knew he had the talent he just needs a little luck to make his dreams come true.

But he had been in New York for three months, he had additions and some bit parts in the chorus of some Broadway and off-Broadway shows, but he hasn't had his big break yet. He was getting frustrated so when he received a phone call from the office of Carmen Tibideaux at NYADA about wanting to meet with him. So that's how he ended up sitting in the offices of NYADA on a Friday morning. She had heard he was in New York and struggling to make it on Broadway and she wanted to talk to Jesse about a position for him.

Truthfully, he could think what Carmen Tibideaux could want with him, he was intrigued about what she wanted two speak to him about he was rejected by NAYDA when he was a senior at Caramel they said he needed improvement and from that point on he was not a fan of Carmen Tibideaux. But when she calls you answer her call no matter what. While he was waiting for his meeting with Carmen his mind drifted to her, Rachel Berry he for the millionth time wondered what she was doing right at that very moment. If he was being honest with himself, he came to New York not only to make it on Broadway but to be closer to her to being in the city she and he both loved. He wanted both their dreams to come true here. He hoped that at some point fate would bring his soul mate back to him because that's who Rachel Berry is his soul mate. He just hoped once he found her again she would be his forever.

"Mr. St. James Mrs.Tibideaux is ready for you."

Jesse blinked and came out of his daydream and nodded at the receptionist.


Jesse enters Mrs.Tibideaux office, Carmen stands up from her desk and greets Jesse.

"Mr. St. James, nice to you again."

"You too, Mrs.Tibideaux."

"I'm glad you're in New York, I wanted to speak to you about an opportunity here at NYADA."

"Yes, your assistant mentioned something about a teaching position when she called me about setting up this meeting.

"Yes, it's for an assistant professor teaching position in our music department has opened up and I think you would be perfect for it."

"Mrs.Tibideaux, May I call you Carmen?

"Of course, Jesse."

"You know I failed out of UCLA correct?"

"Yes, I heard".

"Then why offer me a teaching position here at NYADA? Plus, I don't have a teaching degree."

"Jesse, you are from one of the best and most winning show choirs in the country, Shelby Corcoran built Vocal Adrenaline to be the greatest show choir of all time and you were their lead. You don't need a musical theater degree from UCLA or any other school to prove your one of the best singers on the planet and what Miss. Corcoran taught you I want you to pass that knowledge you lard under her to future students."

"Well I'm flatted Carmen, Thank You. I would love to take the position you're offering me but again I need to bring up my lack of a teaching degree. Also, I would still like to make time for Broadway auditions if I can."

"Jesse, this position is part-time so you would still have time to do Broadway auditions and on the point of you not having a teaching degree there would be a full professor from a different section of the arts department overseeing you and your course. But, if you want to get your teaching degree your position here at NYADA would give you teaching credits toward obtaining your degree. Also, the position pays $100,000 a year a perk of being a private school."

At hearing that number Jesse's heart almost jumped out of his chest. It took him a moment to take in this information without another thought Jesse spoke.

"Carmen, I would love to accept this position."

"Jesse, that's great news I am glad you are going to be on the teaching staff here at NYADA."

After he accepted the job offer, they discussed the finer points of his position and his start date for the summer term and Jesse left NYADA with more hope than he had in a long while. He didn't know it yet, but fate had a funny way of working out. 

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