What the Heart Needs Chapter 1

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Lima, Ohio Berry Residence Rachel's Bedroom

Rachel was beyond exacted she was heading to New York City in the morning, to spend the whole summer in the city that she loved. Yes, she had been to New York before many times with her fathers, but this was the first time going there on her own there were no classmates or teachers or family on a timetable she had to follow. She was finally free to explore the way she always intended.

She was also looking forward to attending NADYA for their summer theater program, she had applied over Christmas break last year but because she was a Junior she was waitlisted she was very disappointed because she had to wait longer to attend her dream school. But then she received a letter three weeks ago saying that she had been accepted for this year's summer term.

So here she was packing up her life for the summer, she hoped that this summer would finally set her on the path to Broadway stardom. She was so grateful that her life path was finally falling into place. She was glad that she could focus on being away from Lima and in New York this summer. Finn had broken once again, and the glee club had taken his side in the breakup of course. You would think after two years together as a club that Rachel would have formed friendships with the club, but again she was still on the outside looking in.

So, going to NAYDA this summer felt like a godsend she checked her suitcases with the packing lists that were provided with her acceptance letter and she realized she packs everything she would need for her dream summer in New York City. She could not wait to leave Lima behind her for the summer. Being on the outs with the New Directions she would never admit it to any one of them that over the last few months of being in a relationship with Finn she realized that she never truly loved him that it was an infatuation and puppy love and that he was really the first boy that type of attention.

In her heart of hearts, she truly and madly missed Jesse St. James. She had thought many times over the last few months of contacting him, but she didn't want to be rejected by another person she loved again. She knew Jesse had failed out of UCLA but then she heard he headed to New York to try his hand at finally making his dream of Broadway stardom come true. If she was being truthful with herself, she has hope that fate would intervene while they are in the same city this summer and they would reunite and go for their dream together and become a Broadway super couple. She also had hope that Jesse on some level still loved her as much as she loved him. He was truly the only person to understand her drive and commitment to being a star and seeing the real her behind the mask she showed everyone.

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