The Fuck did you just call my Nephews?

Start from the beginning

He spun around and walked to the front of the group. He pulled out his megaphone and spoke into it.

"What's up my people, I'm Leo Valdez, Super Mcshizzle, Bad boy supreme, and I will be your amazingly handsome tour guide. Now that everyone has there badges, I'll be asking Peter Parker, our resident intern, to show us how to properly pass through the security gate.....Come one Peter, don't make me call Hhhaaarrrrlleeeyyy,"

I groan, keeping my head down I walk forward. But Leo wouldn't let me off that easy.

"Damn, look at the way he works the run way. I'm tell ya folks, those hips do not lie folks,"

I whip around, face beat red.

"Leo I will make you work nights for a month!!"

"Sorry boss," he said into the megaphone, not looking sorry at all, "I'm under orders from the head honcho,"

Of course dad put the intern with no shame on my tour. I quickly speed forward, walking from one embarrassing situation into another.

"Peter Parker, All access, all weapons authorized. Hello Peter, please enjoy your tour." The voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke from the celling. I curse, of course she had to be honest.

'Learn to read a room Fri,'

"Why the hell does Penis have all Access?! And how does he have weapons?! Much less permission to carry them?!"

Leo's brow furrowed.

"You're bugs bunny looking ass does not have the authority to ask that question. Would you like a carrot instead, Eugen?"

The whole class laughs, Flash turns red and looks at me.

I'm screwed.

~Time skip brought to you by bad boy supreme

I manage to escape danger up until lunch time, when Leo is scheduled to be somewhere else.

"Look Peter," he slides into a seat across the table, "if he gives you anymore trouble, let me know, me and my friends can beat his ass and not get in legal trouble,"

I smile, Leo's friends where amazing. While I did drop green and blue glittery slim on them, they quickly brushed it off after I explained that it was only meant for Leo.

"I'll think about it Leo. Now shoo, I'm sure something is on fire in the labs without you there,"

He gives me a quick smile and stands up.

"Alrighty my guys gals and non gender conforming pals. My time as your beautiful tour guide has come to an end. Your afternoon guide will be along shortly, so please," he very clearly directed this last statement and Flash, "don't cause a seance,"

With that the Latino elf scampered off to his mad scientist labs. Not even thirty seconds after Leo left I was thrown to the floor.

"How much did you fucking pay him penis," Flash was fuming, and if I'm being honest, it was kinda worth it.

"I didn't pay him anything Flash, I know him from my-"

I was cut off by a kick to my gut.

"You. Don't. Intern. Here." He kicked me between each word, this was extreme even for him, "Like anyone would want a poor orphan like you! Your stupid and dumb, how you even scrape by in this class I'll never know. I swear when we get back to school I'll make sure your expelled!"

By this point, I was starting to see black dots. I felt dread in my stomach, but not because of the many stares I was getting, but because Flash forgot about F.R.I.D.A.Y. The real reason I'm worried is because she won't only alert Harley, but Aunt Carol was staying in the tower as well.

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