"I can't believe that worked," I muttered quietly, then got down to business. "We need to get out of here-," I started, but I was cut off by the sound of Aris sliding out from under the bed, covered in dust. The boys each said hi, then we got back on track.

"Aris showed me a room, well, actually, we never got to go inside it," Thomas said, contemplating on how to explain this. "Vents didn't go into the room. We just got a view of what people were bringing inside the room. I think they're bodies." Then the room got awfully quiet, and I heard Minho suck in a breath.

"We can't confirm it for sure though," I chimed in, looking at each of the pale faces that stared back at me. "But we can hope we're wrong. Every night they wheel bodies into the room, each on a wheeled stretcher, covered with a grey sheet and a glass box seems to cover their heads, that I suppose reads their vitals and displays them on the top," I paused and looked around the room. "Does anyone have a notebook and something I could draw with?"

Newt nodded and bent down, and took his bag from under the bed, then pulled out a stub of a pencil and some rough paper. He handed it to me, smiling, which made me blush, something I enjoyed doing for a long time. Usually I would be embarrassed. Quickly I sketched down what the stretcher would look like, then slapped it down loudly onto the concrete floor. The boys, one by one, studied it, but Minho held it the longest, then passed it back to me.

"I don't think anyone ever really leaves this place," Aris murmured ominously. We all looked at him but he avoided our gazes, and I bet we all wished we could leave this place now.

"Yeah," Minho said, breaking the awkward tension, "We need to leave. But how?"

"I think we need to get inside that room," Thomas mumbled, and we looked at him with wide eyes. "We need to confirm if these people are actually out to hurt us. You could've just seen the hospital ward, where they treat infected people or, you know, something."

"Tommy's right," Newt said, and I looked up at him, giving him a small smile. "Aris and Tommy should try to get in there as soon as we can."

"How, though?" a kid named Jack asked.

I racked my brain for a moment then spoke up, "The door only opens with a key ca\rd that all the guards and doctors carry. We need to get our hands on one of those."

"I have an idea on how to get one," Thomas said, and we leaned in closer to him, expecting him to tell us. "You guys will just have to wait. I can pull it off."

"Why won't you tell us, slinthead?" Minho asked, ending the sentence with another confusing insult.

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Just trust me, shuckface."

"Yeah, fine," I shrugged, passing the subject for another time. "Just, we need that card."

"Okay, sounds like a plan," Aris said, his voice finally rising over a whisper. "We can meet up after we get the card and plan our next move."

"Me and Aris need to leave. Guards come and check up every new hour, and it's almost ten," I said, checking my watch. The boys nodded and traded smiles.

"See you at lunch," Aris said, then ducked back under the bunk bed and we heard his crawling thumps fade off into the vent.

The rest of the boys patted me on the back before I began to slide in after Aris. I heard Newt call after me, "Don't get caught!"

I chuckled. "I won't!" I slid into the vent and closed the door behind me.

I sat in my room, bored. A guard hasn't come to check up on me yet, and it was ten thirty. I checked my watch for the tenth time, and let out a groan, muffling it with my stiff pillow.

Suddenly a loud thump and moan sounded under my bed. I shifted on my bed and peeked over the mattress, my long, blue hair hanging down, brushing the dirty floor. My vent door popped open, and a head of dirty blonde hair slid out.

"Ow," Newt muttered, and rubbed his head, and I hopped off my bed, helping him out from under it.

"What the heck are you doing Newt?" I asked, lightly smacking his shoulder.

He laughed and ducked another slap. He sat down on my bed and sighed loudly. "I'm getting away from the guys I've been around for two years."

"Ah," I nodded, "I can see that." I sat down beside him and grabbed my pillow, lightly punching it. "The people I was in my Maze with are either Griever crap, or they're off in the 'Safe Haven.'"

"Right. Your maze," he let out a loud sigh, longer than I ever heard anyone sigh. "I was told your maze was only boys. How'd that play out?"

"In the beginning it was okay, but -uh- things kind of got out of hand in my second year there." I shifted in my spot uncomfortably.

"Oh yeah," Newt rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, and I quickly thought of a way to change the subject.

"So, what about your maze?" I asked quickly.

"Well, my maze was full of the dumbest, funniest bloody shanks I ever remember knowing. But only eight of them actually made it out," Newt sighed and I patted his shoulder trying to be as reassuring as someone like me could. "I'm just glad to be out. That place is terrible."

"Yeah, the boys always underestimated me, until I got stuck in the maze and killed a Griever, and they wanted to make me a Mapper," I chuckled lightheartedly.

Newt raised an eyebrow at me. "Mapper?"

"You know, the people who go into the maze and map it out! I didn't want to be one so I was made second in command," I remembered John and my smile fell. "The head was my kind-of boyfriend."

Newt smiled. "We called our Mappers, Runners."

"Hey, that would've made much more sense than 'Mappers,'" I scoffed, saying the word 'Mappers' with as much sarcasm and mockery as I could.

"And guess what?" Newt said, and I looked up at him. He was so tall even when we were sitting down! "I was second in command as well."

"Really?" Smiling, I inched closer to him. "Why?"

"I-uh-got injured as a Runner, and broke my-my leg in three places," he stuttered, his voice suddenly turning sad and now I felt sad. "It's never been the same."

"I'm so sorry Newt, I probably shouldn't have asked." I really regretted bringing it up, and I realized how much I actually cared about the guy even though I've only known him for like 24 hours. He smiled and shook his head, then looked back at the floor.

"I just wish everything could go back to normal. When we all were happy, living with our families, we had our memories." He murmured somberly, and I looked at my feet, not sure what to say next.

"Yeah," I muttered, and looked up at him, "Me too." I wrapped him in a hug, and he hugged me back, pulling me close to him. I felt him bury his face in my hair, and I heard him sniffle every so often.

Changes (Newt x OC) (Maze Runner Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now