Chapter 15

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Damienette arranged marriage: part 15

Damian slowly approached and took Marinette's hand. He leaned over so their faces were only centimeters apart.

"I am sorry.'


Damian hesitated. He still was not sure of this. Back in the league his grandfather always told him that emotions are for weak. Kissing someone like that was just a tool to exploit them. His mother had a bit more... romantical approach. That this is part of loving someone and a symbol of commitment. Of course he was five back then so she probably spared him some details. But this was only reinforced when he left the league. It was always symbol of affection and girls at school kept babbling about how magical it would be. He never bothered to really listen, but he did suddenly remember all the talking. And there was Marinette.

She told him that she didn't like being kissed. There was this one instance with Felix where she legitly punched him. She told him that she was waiting with her first kiss for the right moment. Well, she admitted she had to kiss Chat Noir once to save him, but it was just a peck on the lips. That would work... Just a peck... But he still couldn't do it. He didn't want to ruin it for her. Damian, deep down, wanted it to be mutual thing.

In the far corner of the room, Tikki, Ryuko, Viperion and Jon stood awkwardly. It was like watching Sleeping beauty, especially with Marin in this dress and her hair low. But the image was broken by her pain, so visible on her face, and the eerie green glow around her chest. Also, all except Tikki were silently processing other revelations. Excuse us, what the hell?

Damian finally straightened. He couldn't do it. He wanted to. He wanted to ease her pain so much. But he could not do it that way. He had to do it, but his whole body rebelled against him. He knew her for twenty-four hours and she already meant to him more than he would ever admit. Maybe it was because they were married, but she did not treat him like anyone but himself. She did not distinguish between Robin, Wayne, Al Ghoul. She just saw Damian. And she gave him a chance. She opened in front of him and he was not about to abuse this. He didn't want to be like Chat d'Amour who just saw her as his property. She should be allowed to make the choice herself and not be forced.

"You need to do it." Tikki finally urged him. "She is so much pain. I don't know how long her heart will survive."

Damian sighted. He leaned again and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. "I am so sorry."

He was about to kiss her properly when suddenly her face turned from the expression of pain into... calmness. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at surprised Damian with recognition. Tears formed in her eyes.

"I am so sorry! I didn't want to kiss him. I swear. I tried to stop him but he was just so strong..."

"What are you talking about?" Damian asked bewildered

"Chat... He... he kissed me... And then there was the pain. And all the time this scene kept replaying in my mind... I am so sorry..."

Damian pulled her into tight hug and started to whisper to her ear. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It was not your fault and I would never blame you. I am the one who should be sorry for what my mother did to you..." All the time, he kept stroking her hair, smoothening them after they turned into the mess when she wriggled from pain.

"B-but... I... He... We... You..." She couldn't form an intelligible sentence at the moment.

"I do not care. It was not your fault. You did your best I'm sure."

They sat there in peace. It was surprising for everyone gathered (including now awake Chloe who was still trying to process everything that happened. Given the amount of news and emotions in one day, she was doing fine. Finally, Marinette stopped crying.

"If you say 'I'm sorry again', I will go out there and not come back before I bring you skin of that envious bastard." He threatened. "You are not at fault and I will not let you blame yourself." He said in stern voice.

"T-thank you... " She said weakly.

"Now we have to sort out a bit of a mess that formed."

"What mess?" Marinette asked curiously.

"You are Ladybug..." Chloe stated, finally regaining the ability to speak. "You are married. Your husband is Damian Wayne. He is also Robin. You are Ladybug!" The last sentence was shouted.

Kagami looked around and decided that secret identity was not as important as comforting her only friend. "Longg! Open Sky!" The Kwami left her choker and floated next to Tikki. "Mari-san. I honestly have no words to even start describing this situation, but I trust your judgement." The fencer then turned to Damian. "That being said, I feel obliged to challenge you to a duel to test your worthiness to court my friend."

"I like her." Chloe commented.

Luka also decided to just drop his costume. "Sass! Scales rest!" He was now dressed in his usual garments. "I would challenge you for a duel as well, but I think if you can beat Kagami then I will pose no challenge. Beware the Sabine though." He half-joked, half warned the poor boy.

"Can we tell them everything?" Damian asked, looking at Marinette.

"I... Fine..."


When they finally sorted this mess out and left, they decided to take a stroll through the park.

"I... thank you." She finally said after walking a bit in silence. "I just... I mean we... And he... You... we... Ugh! Why is this so hard!" Marinette threw her hands up in the air and accelerated the pace until Damian stopped her and cupped her hands with his.

"tt. You did nothing wrong. You are perfect to me. My own Angel." He said, trying to comfort her.

"You... You think I am an Angel?" She asked shyly.

"You know how my brothers call me demon spawn. I... Earned this. I was awful. And it didn't help that others always saw me as either Robin, Wayne, Al Ghoul or just Demon Spawn. You just saw me as Damian. I should be the one thanking you." He said honestly.

Marinette blushed, becoming the color of her dress. THey just stood there as the sun set behind the buildings.

"Just to be clear. I do not care if he kissed you. It was wrong and I will still skin him alive for that." Receiving a glare from her he huffed, but continued. "But I want to make sure that you understand. You are not the one to blame. If he tries something like this again, there will be no place in heaven, hell or earth that he will hide. That I can promise to you."

Marinette was silent, taking his words in. A smile was plastered on her face. "Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you. I..."

"Shhh. I know. I am also happy." He paused for a moment. "But if we already revealed the marriage to your friends, I think it is time to reveal it also to your parents." He stated. "Otherwise they might learn from a different source and I do not wish to be at war with them.

Marinette agreed and they walked back to the bakery, hand in hand. They entered and Marinette led him to the living room. She could hear the talking and got curious, but shrugged it off as a TV playing.

"Maman! Papa! I am home! There is someone I wanted to intro..." She walked into the living room, still holding Damian by his hand. The sight was as scary as it was amusing.

Sabine was standing next to Talia Al Ghouls who sitting there... tied with heavy ropes. 

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