Chapter 7

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She was maybe the second person to learn the truth behind his name. Damian means to tame and his mother named him that because he was ultimate proof that she tamed The Bat. He expected her to laugh, but instead she pulled him into a hug to comfort him. He also revealed that he loved painting and went as far as to sketch her. She was happy to pose as long as he in turn allowed her to take measurements.

Marinette brought out what was best in him and he would be damned if he let her just suffer in silence.


Marinette was so tired that she found herself unable to sleep. This day was so full of emotions: both good and bad.

When she first met Damian, back at the temple, he was rather cold and indifferent. He struck her as selfish even. But he was also dead honest and very serious about his loyalty. He even stabbed his own brother to defend her honor. Okay, after spending the day with him she was pretty convinced he would stab him for some more meager reason, but it was still... cute in some strange way. Nobody has ever done something like this before. Even Chat Noir never stabbed anyone to defend her honor. Hit on the head with a baton? Sure. But never stab. And he threatened Lila. Marinette was unsure if he wouldn't actually follow up on his threat.

The date she went on was great. She felt the freedom unlike ever before. She knew she could tell him anything since they already knew each others' greatest secrets. She could freely tell him about her adventures as Ladybug. And he was also quite handsome when he smiled. Not that he wasn't when he was not smiling, but she liked his smile. His actual smile not the malicious grin he often wore. Damian played the cold and closed mean guy, but he was actually quite soft. He loved animals and painting. He even wanted to sketch her! Damian was yet very grounded person. He had this no-nonsense aura around himself. But he was patient enough to endure with her small panic attacks. She remembered his gentle touch on her hands. His words of encouragement. And his deep green eyes. They were two whirlpools of emerald. So majestic, yet so caring. With that image imprinted on her mind she finally fell asleep. Her dreams were undisturbed by a knocking on her window.


Next day Marinette woke up still tired, but in much better mood. She was ready for school. Well, good for her since she was almost late like usual. In panic, she quickly grabbed her purse and was about to run downstairs when Tikki flew in front of her.

"Marinette! Aren't you forgetting something?" The girl looked around and didn't catch what Kwami ment. "Your clothes!" Marinette looked down and saw she was still in her pijama. In record time she managed to dress up and was about to run downstairs when Tikki stopped her again. "Backpack?" Once again Marinette rushed to grab her things and get down and not get late. Her parents were already waiting for her in the bakery.

"Here is your breakfast cherie." Her mother smiled handing her a box of pastries.

"And here is something special for you to share with your boy." Her father smiled and handed her a box of macaroons. They both had a smile.

"And remember Mari. If he hurts you, just say a word and I will break his every bone into dozen pieces." Her mother gave her most prominent smile ever. Somehow, it made the threat even more real.

"I will maman. Bye papa! Bye maman!" Marinette shouted and run away before they offered more 'help'. She loved them, but after yesterday's evening she was not sure she would allow them to meet Damian any times soon. She couldn't protect him forever, seeing as he was technically her husband, but she could at least give them some time to get used to the idea of her dating someone. Maybe once Hawkmoth was gone. She did not want to have to escape from another thorny prison. Or maybe after the trip to gotham. They should be happy to see her back that they might not outright kill him for marrying her without their knowledge. She fully planned on telling them everything once there was no threat looming over their heads. Marinette giggled imagining Talia facing her mother. It was funny that somehow the confrontation would always go in favor of Sabine.

She barged into class almost right when the bell rang. None of her classmates cared enough to even batch an eye at her. She did notice Damian in the back and made her way to him.

"I swear... If that harlot tries telling another lie about me or my family, I will not even need the bleacher. They will never know where to look in the first place." He growled.

"What did she say?" Marinette grasped. While Damian had a soft side, she also knew he would not hesitate to stab her, making it look like a nasty incident.

"She kept babbling about how she knows the Waynes and She and Me have an on and off 'thing' and probably this whole trip is because we had a fight and now I want to apologize that way." His hand twitched dangerously close to his sword. Why did he bring the sword today?

"I can't let you just stab her. And it's not like you can convince any of them change their minds that way." Marinette placed her hand over his, at the same time making sure it would make it harder for him to grab the sword if he heard something more from Lila. "Here. My parents made them for us." She opened the box of macaroons.

"I am not a fan of sweets." He answered, but with relief she noticed he stopped glaring daggers at Lila.

"Then try this one." She pointed to the yellow one. "It's made with a bit of lemon juice to add more sourness."

Damian reluctantly picked the treat and took a bite. Suddenly, the corners of his lips went up. She proudly watched the 'ice prince' smile at something so common as a macaroon. "This is a very good macaroon. I am sure it could rival whatever Alfred makes." He exclaimed, trying not to sound overly excited.

"Somehow I feel like this is better compliment than when Uncle Jagged offered to write a song about my parents' bakery..." She giggled. Damian looked at her stumped. She only giggled again. "You should've seen how Tim reacted when he heard. Suddenly next day Wayne enterprises ordered catering for the whole building. Apparently the CEO wanted to celebrate some deal. I am not sure if any worker besides Tim saw the pastries though."

"Knowing him? I have no idea. If it was Jason or Dick, they wouldn't even make it to the building before this morons ate it all." Then, a dark realization dawned on Damian. "Was by any chance a blonde with him when they picked up the order?"

"Uh... I don't know. I was at school when it happened. Why?"

Damian groaned. He should have connected the dots sooner. Brown was suddenly not hanging in the mansion twenty-four/seven and she was not seen on patrols. Father said that he was aware of her location. "If Brown is here too, then I am almost sure this pastries didn't make it. And she might be causing a sudden jump in the bakery's revenue."

"Huh?" Marinette wasn't following.

"Stephanie Brown is Drake's girlfriend. Saying she has a sweet tooth is understatement of the century. More of a sweet jaw if you ask me. She can smell sweets from mile and always get there before you. Especially when Alfred is baking. And she can rival Cass in her stealth skill when it comes to stealing them." Damian explained to Marinette and watched her stiffen another giggle. What was it with girls and giggling? But Damian had to admit Marinette looked cute when she did. Slow down Romeo or you will crash into a stop sign.

"Well then. I will be happy to bake her something. But Tim didn't mention her."

"He said he is running his independent investigation, so I assume you do not see him often?"

"Yeah. He is quite busy at the office. Isn't he missing the school though?"

"Drake is seventeen and already has three P.H.D. He goes to school either to hang out with his less intelligent friends or to argue with the underpaid teachers by pointing every mistake and inaccuracy."

"Sounds like fun." The mention of the teacher suddenly made Marinette aware that Madame Bustier was nowhere to be seen. "We've been sitting here for almost twenty minutes now. Maybe I will go check for her..." Marinette suggested more to herself than Damian. She was about to stand up when Madame Bustier walked into the class with Chloe following her. Only now anyone noticed that the blonde was gone.

"Children. Chloe wanted to say something to all of you." The teacher started.

"Yes. I wanted to apologize for my utterly ridiculous behavior in the past and hope that you will give me chance to earn forgiveness from the better part of you." Chloe stated nonchalantly.

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