"Tutta colpa mia" - Eddie blurb [Requested]

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"Ogni giorno mi sveglio e tu sei già andato via. Ancora." (Every day I woke up and you're already gone. Again.)

Individuality and personal space were things that you greatly cherished. And that's why at first you had reserves on getting into a relationship. You knew that it wasn't really fair to be with someone when you didn't want to spend all your time with them. But then you realised that yes, you could still be with someone and keep your necessities untouched. Sure, finding a balance between what you wanted and what the other person wanted wasn't easy and was also the very reason why so many couples fell apart. However, with Eddie things seemed to be working out just fine. You were both pretty busy so it wasn't unusual for you to spend some much needed alone time without it being a strain on your relationship. With this being said, you'd never had thought that one day you would be in a place where you'd willingly throw away your need for personal space if that meant being with him.

You had really underestimated Eddie's busy agenda until it got to a point you weren't spending evenings alone because you needed it to recharge your batteries but rather because he wasn't available. So it was Netflix and chill by yourself anyway. At first, you didn't really notice so you didn't complain but it had been a couple of weeks now and you found yourself missing him. Eddie was usually the life of the party compared to you, ever so jolly and outspoken, he brought a dash of extravagance and unpredictability in your life. Not wanting to sound needy or overbearing, you tried to be sneaky about it and just send him a message asking to see him. You never did before and that alone should have been a sign enough for him that things weren't great. Thanks to you, Eddie was a very observant guy and had come to know you pretty well. So the night to the same day you had reached out to him, he surprised you with food and your favourite film.

"If this is what happens when I ask you to meet then I' definitely need to do it more often." Welcoming him in, you joke after seeing the bags in his hand. Not that he wasn't thoughtful usually. but it felt like ages ago from the last time you had seen him.

"Your wish is my command, my lady." Always his charming self, Eddie swept you off your feet and he soon made you forget the weeks of absence by engaging you into a very intense recollection of his most recent scoop. He was so passionate about his work, you had always admired that.

"How about we continue this some other place, eh?" He could also be very passionate about other activities if you know what I mean. Wrapped around each other you soon find your way to your bedroom. Gosh, how you had missed feeling his skin on yours. There was nothing quite like it. Not even your favourite book came close. And that was saying something.

"I missed this. I missed you so much, Eddie." You confessed, shivering from the pleasure he was giving you, deeply buried inside you his forehead resting on yours.

"You've no idea how much I've missed you Y/N, I don't think I can be without you for long." His words were so comforting they felt like ambrosia and they managed to push you to reach your peak.

Cuddling to his chest, him holding you like you were his most precious belonging, you felt contempt like never before, bashing into the aftermath and the feeling of having him so close to you. However, as the sunlight filled your room and you rolled over to his side to find it empty, you couldn't help but remember his words with disdain. You should never trust the words of a man close to his orgasm, you thought as disappointment filled you turning a perfectly beautiful morning into a bad day.

Tom Hardy's characters imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora