"Great expectations"- modern Alfie Solomons x reader [Requested]

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a girl on Tumblr sent me this prompt for an imagine with Alfie: "You better have a very good reason for waking me up at four in the morning." I hope you like it and remember that feedback and requests are always very appreciated!

"No way!" you whispered excitedly at what you had discovered.

It never occurred to you that you can literally find anything on the internet. And by anything you mean, the endless content about your latest obsession, whatever it was. You had always been passionate about literature and learn as much as you could about the little things of authors' lives.

You couldn't put into words the joy and the bliss you felt whenever you learned something completely useless academically but that gave you a better insight about the author personality all the same. For example, lately you had discovered that Lord Byron vaccinated his children against cowpox or that he named his dog smut which you found incredibly funny seeing that nowadays the word is used to describe scenes of sexual natures, which surprisingly fits perfectly with Byron's lifestyle. Or that one time Shelly wrote a letter to Keats worried about Byron's mysterious disappearance and then wrote a follow-up letter in which he explained that the Lord had almost died of dehydration and malnutrition because he was so engaged in other activities if you what I mean. Keat's answer was the best thing though, he basically told Shelly that he should have left him there. The three most famous poets argued like petty girls in high school and you loved it!

Not to mention all the stuff you learned about Greek Mythology and Etymology which were somehow deeply related.

However, what sent you into pure bliss as of right now was the sudden realisation that no one really knew about author's voices, which sounds like an obvious thing but somehow that never occurred to you. No one knew about Byron's or Keat's or even Plato's voices. What if they had a funny voice? Or like a lift or something? Wouldn't be absolutely ironic if someone like Plato who is so snob and racist have a shrill, high-pitched voice? That would be karma's doing but much to your dismay there was absolutely no way to know. Imagine how upsetting it would be to find out that someone like Lord Byron whose name alone is enough to send you shivers and was able to be a token of his status, who you had always thought to have a very deep, husky voice that it must have been one of the reasons why he people of both sexes found him so irresistible had instead a strident or thin voice? That would be mindblowing. As it was the fact that if Oscar Wilde had lived just a little longer maybe we would have registrations of his voice. How cool would that have been?

This were the little things you lived for. It's unusual, you're aware of that. For that reason, you had always been very careful in sharing this interest with the people in your life. Some of them shared the same excitement to your surprise, others didn't really care for it but usually smiled politely just not to upset you. You'd always understand when someone was on your same wavelength but were grateful nonetheless that you were lucky enough to have supportive people in your life that even if they found you weird were kind enough not to tell you.

When you first started dating Alfie, you never really let him on this unusual hobby you had. Sure, he knew about your love for literature and reading but that was it. It was only after the first month that you had gradually initiated him to it to see what his reaction was. At first, you justified your discoveries by saying that your teacher had said them or that you had read them in the book you were studying, which sometimes was the truth. Letting him know that that was exactly what you spent your free time doing and sometimes even the time you should be sleeping or studying was a whole other thing.

Over the dates you had been to you had found out that Alfie was quite the intellectual. Despite his rough exterior he had read his fair share of books and was very passionate about literature. That was one of the things that had attracted you to him, to be honest. Your head was saying that you should go ahead and share a new piece of information you had found casually, without making it too much of a thing. If he wasn't as excited by it as you were then in the worst-case scenario you wouldn't share those kinds of things with him anymore and in the best case, he'd enjoy hearing just because he loved you and he would appreciate every little thing you enjoyed with him. Just like you'd listen to him complain about work problems or over the difference between rum and bread which apparently wasn't discussed.

So one day, you let your enthusiasm carry you away and called him to share the realisation that had hit you. Currently, Alfie was in the USA for business reasons. Something about making a deal with a potential partner which would allow him to expand his rum overseas. However, that didn't register to you until you were met with his sleepy grunt and the blackness of his room.

"Y/N?" his raspy voice was the only thing you could hear along the sounds of him shifting in the sheets. When he called you last time he had told you that he would leave his phone on so that whatever happened you could call him. He wasn't expecting you to actually do it though.

"Oh shoot. I forgot about the time difference Alfie, I'm sorry. Go back to sleep, this can wait until later." you quickly apologised

"What is it?" he ignored you and moved around so that he could turn on the light on his bedside table.

"It's really nothing babe, I'm sorry. I got carried away from the excitement and forgot you were in the States."

"Well now I'm up, ain't I? So you better have a very good reason for waking me up at four in the morning," he said rubbing the sleep from his eyes finally letting you see his face. Gosh, how could he be so handsome when he literally just woke up? You really were lucky.

"So, I was wasting my time on the internet like I usually do until I came across a post that left me shook." you started explaining

"So far this doesn't seem like a good reason to wake me, love," he muttered but you could see it from his eyes that he didn't really mean it. To be fair, only the fact that he didn't tell you to go to hell and actually was ready to hear you out got him the "best boyfriend of the year" award.

"It wasn't a normal post, Alfie. Hear me out. Have you ever thought about how we have never listened to the voice of the most famous poets of all times?" Now it was out and it was time to study his reaction.

"That- well I've never thought about it pet. That's weird, innit?" The gods were smiling upon you and had graced you with the most fantastic human being in the whole world. He had actually stopped to think about it before answering you and had a face of utter surprise just like you had when you first read the post.

"You know what's even more mind-blowing? The fact that if Oscar Wilde had lived a little longer we would have known his voice? Now how cool would it have been?!" By now you were sure anymore if your enthusiasm was for the fact itself or for how much you loved and appreciated the man laying on a bed on the other side of the planet.

"Fuck, that really would have been cool. Is it because he died in the 1900s?" he asked engaged with the conversation just as much as you were.

"Yes! I did a little research, right? And I found out that first gramophones were being patented in that time. So ten years or so later and now we would have known his voice. What an unfortunate series of coincidences." you shared his feelings and what you learned with him.

"What?" you asked when you noticed that he was staring intently at you without saying anything. He had a little smile on his face and the intensity of his gaze was actually starting to make you feel self-conscious.

"You really are a geek, aren't you love?" he asked and it was one of those rare times where the word was told with affection and not with scorn.

"I guess so." you timidly admit. Love wasn't the only thing you could see in his eyes, there was also a lot of tiredness.

"I love you Alfie, thank you for listening to me even if I interrupted your beauty sleep."

"Don't even say it, love, you can always count on me. Even if it's to share something like that at four in the morning." he snickered lightly but behind his words was the unspoken promise that whatever it was you could share everything with him and that almost made you cry of happiness.

"Well, I promise I won't do it again. I mean the four am part. Go to sleep baby, I'll see you tomorrow right?" you softly said.

"You will pet. Goodnight, well I guess it's a good morning now. I love you." his sweet words were the last one you exchanged before hanging up.

Well, that had gone way better than your greatest expectations.

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