Chapter One♥

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Things in Forks have grown increasingly tense as vampires began to arrive again. You had a fairly peaceful handful of years after the Voltori came planning to kill Bella's daughter. The town was basically vampire-free, besides the Cullen's. There were still some encounters every so often over the years, mostly with wandering ones passing through town, usually resulting in them being scared off by the pack without incident. But then something changed about a month ago.

The pack stumbled across a clan of multiple vampires that had been hunting in the area, and they got much too close to the Reservation. One of them happened to see Sam's son, Kai, and that started an entire scenario. According to what your husband Paul informed you, the vampires expressed an interest in eight-year-old Kai, and that was why they kept coming back, no matter how many times they got chased off. The pack had even managed to kill one of them, but it didn't stop the rest from returning.

You have been on edge for days now, your children's safety being threatened is your absolute worst nightmare come true. The vampires kept returning to the Reservation, even letting it be known to the wolves exactly what they were after, and the horrible things they were planning. Apparently, they wanted to kill all of the children of the pack, to prevent the possibility of any of them being shape-shifters like their fathers - they want to wipe out their enemy.

Tonight was going fine. The men were out on patrol late again, leaving you alone at home with your three children. The idea that there were blood-sucking demons out there right now trying to kill your husband and hunting your children was nearly enough to give you a panic attack - but you needed to be strong, for them.

You have been inside all day - too scared to leave the house - and forbidding the children from doing so either. They did not know about the Pack's abilities, nor did they know that vampires existed, and you wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. It was growing increasingly hard though, with your eldest son asking why you seemed scared and why they weren't allowed outside.

Whenever Paul was actually home - which was rare now - he was tense and angry, constantly looking out the windows and going over the perimeter. You miss your husband more than anything, you feel more vulnerable than ever with him gone, but he had no choice.

You were cooking dinner when you saw it standing out there, looking right at you through the window, a terrifying smirk on her face. You dropped the bowl that you were holding, startled and terrified by her closeness. "Dakota!" You scream for your eldest son, trying to think of some way to fight her off. Where the hell were the guys? You ran from the kitchen as soon as you saw her, abandoning the broken bowl on the floor and running for your children.

You tugged on Dakota's arm, dragging him into your bedroom and pulling him down onto the floor, putting a finger to your lips to tell him to stay quiet. "Don't say a word." You mutter with tear-filled eyes, standing up and closing the curtains hastily, glancing out quickly to make sure she wasn't watching. You knew that you had limited time, probably less than two minutes if you were lucky before she broke inside. "Call your father, tell him mom said to get home as fast as he can. Quiet." You whisper, then run out of the room to grab your other children. "Mommy what's-" Your middle child, Jace asks, and you quickly put a finger to your mouth and run past him to where your three-year-old daughter sat on the floor.

You lift her hastily and take your son's hand, jumping when you hear a bang. You pull him along as fast as you can into your bedroom and open the closet door, pointing urgently for them to hurry inside. You hand Aiyana to Dakota and crouch down to their level momentarily, brushing a hand over your daughter's cheek. "I love you guys." You whisper, a tear slipping from your eye. "No matter what you hear, no matter what." You start, emphasizing your last words, glancing at the door once more, wondering why she hasn't broken inside yet. "Do not come out. Do not. Stay as quiet as you can. Stay here." You demand sternly, leaning over to press a kiss on each of their heads quickly then shutting the door as quietly as you possibly can and locking it.

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