Part 41: 22 days

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"Y/N? I'm back.." I sat frozen, "I brought some blankets..." He turned the corner, "Why are you keeping me here?" I asked. "Y/N.. it's dangerous... and say, what do you have there?" 
"I found one of his notebooks.."
"You were right Hajime... to say the least he's... he's obsessed with me."
"C-can I see?" I nodded and handed it to him. He flipped a few pages, "I've read through at least half of it... it only gets bad in the middle."  He flipped a little beyond the middle and screamed once he had the chance to read it. "What the fuck is this!?" 
"It's Nagito's writing... duh."
"Y/N.. what is 'that moment'?" 
"'She broke into Hopes Peak again, however this time it wasn't to see me. She's been avoiding me as of late. I just know she has. Doesn't that moment mean anything to her?'" Hajime read. "Do you know what that moment happens to be?"
"No idea... actually... maybe I do." 
"Hajime, in the place I stopped he was mentioning a moment in time where he almost died. Apparently some girl saved him-"
"Does it mention their name anywhere?"
"Go to the bookmarked page and skim over it." I said. "Wait... Y/N... the person who saved him... is you." 
"It says right here, 'At the end they said their name was Y/N.. they stayed with me while I was in the hospital recovering." 
"Want me to continue reading?" I nodded, he flipped a ton of pages before reading once again. "Uh it says, 'I've been away from her for two months now, every second I can't feel her next to me is agony. Junko.. that fucking bitch refuses to let me see her. She'll hurt her if I try. I can't let that happen... I have no idea where my love is. I'm tempted to just beat the information outta her, but then she would hurt Y/N... Y/N would die and I would lose the best thing that's ever happened to me. I won't lose her. I...' Oh god what the fuck??" 
"What's wrong?"
"He admits to killing people..." 
"Right here... it says, 'I eliminated the despairful people that dared hurt her. So far I haven't been caught... not even suspected. I'll be the end of Junko, after I ensure Y/N's safe... I'll become a symbol of hope like you Y/N.. won't you be proud? All I have to do is rid the world of despair. I'll kill that fucker Junko Enoshima... just so I can be with you once again.." My eyes widened. "Did... did you just say what I thought you said?"
"There's no way..." 
"Y/N? What?"
"That Junko he was talking about.. is Junko Enoshima? She... She has to be the one who took him away!"
"Wait.. you know her?"
"I fucking hate her!" I screamed. "Wait how do you even know her!?" 
"Me and a friend were at the mall and she pushed him into a fountain... I got into a fight with her... long story short she's a total bitch. And what's more is that she hurt Nagi!"
"Y/N look... you get that you're in danger right?" 
"I can deal with it Hina.."
"You realize why you have to stay in here right?" I scoffed, "Yes Hina.."
"Well... okay then... night Y/N." He said getting up and waving goodbye. I scooted over to the makeshift bed he made. Please... just come back Nagi..

(Quick  P.O.V Change)

"Y/N.. I've had everything taken away from me... even you..I won't let it happen again. I need you... I'll be with you soon... just please wait for me.. besides... I won't let you escape me even if you tried~<3" 

(Yeah that was it for that P.O.V Change...)

"Y/N?" I set down Nagi's notebook. "Yeah? What's up?" Sonia walked into the light. "Oh hey.. wassup Soni." 
"I brought some breakfast! Along with your backpack!" 
"Oh... thanks.." 
"Y/N would you like to hang out? You've been in here without any company for a while.."
"Aren't you lonely?" 
"Hey wait, Hajime told you the news.. right?" She nodded. "That Nagito's alive.. correct?" 
"Yeah.. say.. wait what do you have in your hand?" 
"Oh! It's the phone that he called you on.. I thought maybe you might be able to hear from him again... so here." she said handing me the phone. "Hopefully you will be able to!" she said smiling. "Oh! And before I forget.. would you happen to want to teach me how to play one of your videogames?" I stared at her in shock. "You? You of alllll people want to play one?" I asked. "Yes! They seem most enjoyable!" 
"Okay..? Uh can I have my bag?" She handed it to me and I pulled out my switch and fire emblem three houses. "Wanna play this? It has nobles like yourself." 
"You have no clue what it is.. do you?" 
"Nope!" I laughed, "Okay okay.. I'll teach you the basics. Sit down next to me"

"So basically.. the guys highlighted in blue are your allies, you control all of them and wanna guess what the guys in red are?"
"Our mortal enemies!"
"Sure! You can't let your allies health reach zero." She nodded, "Got it!" I pointed to the bottom of the screen, "Right there is how much damage you'll do to the enemy-" Sonia instantly started attacking the enemy. "Why'd you do that!?" I exclaimed. "Shit! My health's low now..." Sonia exclaimed. I snickered, "That's what I was trying to warn you about!" 
"What do I do now?" she asked. "Pull that unit back and send others forwards to defend them." 
"Onwards!" Sonia said rushing forwards. "Okay... now that guy's the boss... so to win you need to kill him." She nodded, I sat back and watched as she put Claude in the worst position which ended up getting him killed. "Fuck!" Sonia yelled. "Princess!" I gasped. "How vulgar of you-"
"Motherfucker killed me!" 
"Oh jeez... okay.." 

"There!" She exclaimed after at least 15 turns, "I destroyed the enemy!" I clapped. "Congrats on beating the first level!" 
"The first!? There's more??" 
"Yes lol... wait... holy shit.. I said lol outloud.."
"What does lol mean?" I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing. She cocked her head. "Oh wait! Y/N I must be going! Thank you for teaching me how to play!" 
"No problem Soni! See you later?" 
"Of course! See you!" 

I curled up with Nagito's jacket and the phone. I decided out of a whim to try redialing the number that called last time. "Pick up.. pick up.. pick upppp" I said as it rang. It went to voicemail after a while. "N-nagi? Where are you? I.. I miss you.. I miss you so much... no matter what you do I still and will always love you... so please...

(P.O.V Change!)
-come back..."  
"Y/N! I screamed and thrashed inside the cage they were keeping me in. "You want to see her huh? I wonder how it would effect you two if all you could hear were each-others voices... would it make you go insane?" They laughed as I screamed and kicked at the door. "GIVE HER BACK!!" I screamed. "Oh quit yapping.. you only have 22 days left... then you'll get to see her again~" they teased. I kicked at the door again causing it to burst open. I crawled out of it and got up. I looked around for them, I found a person slumped over on the other side of the room. "Your task is simple... if you want her to live then all you have to do is kill them.. got it?" 
"Y-yes.." I walked over to the person who seemed completely out of it. I bent down and looked at their pathetic figure. "Your very existence is preventing me from being with the one I love..." I laughed. "I know you... you hurt her... so I'll make this absolutely awful for you~" I pulled their head up by their hair, their eyes were glossed over. "You're the despair that tried to make her forget me... you're one of the ones that put us in here.." I said. I slammed their head into the wall, causing them to scream. "Keep going." they ordered. I didn't stop slamming their head into the wall until they stopped moving altogether. "Good... now.. do you want to hear her again?" 
"Y-yes!" I practically shouted. "N-nagi... I... huh? Akane? Hajime? What are you doing?" I heard them laugh then my love scream. The audio stopped there. "See? They're hurting her. They're destroying her 'hope'." I clenched my fists. "Don't you want to see them hurt? So they can't hurt her ever again?"
"Then do it. Kill them." I nodded, I promise... I'll save you...  

(Hey! Sorry I haven't been posting as much! Life is wack rn so I kinda have to help people out before I can work on writing, sorry about that!)

When Hope Blooms - (Eventual Yandere!) Nagito Komaeda x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon