Part 16: Let The Games Begin

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"So... you want to sing?" a baby faced man asked me. "Uh yeah, why do you think I'm stealing this microphone?" He rolled his eyes, "Oh I don't know... maybe it's to shove up your lovers ass." What. Just... what? "First of all ew, second of all, who the hell are you?" 
"Names Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, the ultimate yakuza."
"Ooooohhh scary, my names Y/N, the ult angel, nice to met you?" He scoffed. "Piss off with that shit, you're literally stealing a microphone, not very angelic if you ask me." 
"Eh.. fair point, anyways see ya Fuyu!" I dragged the microphone out of the supermarket. "Heyhey, what chu doing Y/N?" Chiaki came up behind me and asked. "Ah! Chichi what the hell!?" I yelled at her. "What are you doing with that microphone?" she calmly asked me. "Stealing it." 
"Why?" I sighed. "I wanna help with the party so I'm bringing this to the old building." 
"Is that just an excuse to see Nagito?" How did she- "Perhaps my friend, perhaps."
"Well.. good luck!" she said smiling up at me. "Now go see him, it'll make him happy." 

(P.O.V Change)

"Nagi!" I heard Y/N shout. "Huh? Y/N?" I turned around and followed the sound of her voice. "When I arrived I saw Teruteru harassing her. "I must say.. your boobs look extra big in that body suit miss-" she slapped him. "I suggest you shut up Hanamura." I spat walking up to Y/N. "Nagi!!" she excitedly said. "Y/N why are you here?" I asked. "I wanted to bring this." she said shoving the microphone forward. "Hm?" 
"I wanted to spice up the party with a song..." she said. I smiled, "That's a wonderful idea!" I beamed. "Here let me help you set this up."  I offered. "Thank you ko!" I smiled and took the microphone from her.

(Once again P.O.V Change)

"Whoahh... Ko did you do all this!?" He laughed. "Do you like it?" 
"Highly. How'd you clean this place so fast?"
"I might just be the ultimate maid Y/N~" I gigged. "Okay sure, then as your king, I demand a hug." 
"If you say so princess~"
"I said ki-" he pulled me into a hug. "" 
"Is this okay??" he softly asked. "Y-yeah..." I wrapped my arms around him. He mad a noise. Wait... was that a moan?? I giggled. "Hm?"
"Nothing, nothing..." I told him. "Y/N? Do you really have to go?" he whispered. "You're the one who said you didn't need help." I pointed out. "I regret saying that... having you stay here... would be amazing..." he quietly said. "Ko..." I said pulling back and cupping his cheek. "Y-Y/N!? What!?" I kissed his nose.  "I'll protect you.. I promise.." 
"Y-Y/n... I..."
"SOMEONE'S GETTING LAID TONIGHT!! Shame it's not me..." Fucking bitch ass Teruteru. "Excuse me for a second."  Nagito calmly said. He walked over to Teru and slapped him. "Please do shut up." he smiled. He bent down and whispered something to Teru who's eyes widened. "Hey um.. I'ma head out." I said waving goodbye to Nagito. "Alright! I'll see you at the party!" Nagito said waving back.

(You know it's that time)

"Unless you want to die~" I whispered to Teruteru. "W-what!?" he said once she left. "Oh nothing... it would just be a shame if you were to anger me." I took out my concealed knife. "W-what is that!?" he shrieked. "A knife duh," I brought tape painted with glowing paint  out as well. "Now... if you don't mind me-"
"Why do you have a knife!?" I laughed. "I'm planning to murder someone!" How stupid is he!? "If you try and stop me now it won't do any good, whether it's today, tomorrow or even months from now, I will get the killings started."
"W-what the hell!? No matter how much you want to get off the island that's nuts!' I chuckled, "You have me mistaken, I only want the killings to start." 
"Because I simply care for everyone! Your hope needs to be able to shine! That's exactly why I want you all to prove to me that hope will never lose to despair!" I said hugging myself. "Are you messing with me!? What the hell are you saying!?" 
"Ah of course, I expected you wouldn't.." His eyes went mad. "You freak! You're crazy! There's something wrong with you!" That's what everyone says... everyone besides her.. "That's just the nature of love." I said. "Besides, how longer do you think you can live on this island? All your hopes will end here if something doesn't happen. .. what a waste. And to think, so many people are out there waiting for you!" This seemed to trigger him. Got him... My usual smile widened."Oh I forgot to mention.. there's a secret passageway in the storage room that goes under the floor boards I suggest you stay clear of that." He'll take the bait... luck wills it. 

"Body search" Togami told me. "What!?" Ibuki screamed who was  currently behind me. "Okay. I don't mind." Togami patted me down, finding nothing on me he said, "Go ahead." I went into the main party room, I had to say, I did a good job cleaning it. I waited patiently for Y/N in the corner of the room. Upon seeing how (mostly) everyone else besides her was there, I decided to go back to the entrance. There she was, she was currently undergoing a body search by Togami. Jealously overwhelmed me. How come he gets to touch her but I'm not!? God stop it me.. I was leaning against the wall, I looked up to see her, we made eye contact. She mouthed the words 'Help me', I covered my mouth in a vain attempt to mask my laughing. She smiled. "You're free to go." Togami told her. "Thank god..." Y/N and I whispered. Y/N skipped over to me, "Nagi!!!" I laughed. "What's so funny?" she asked. "You're the only person who's ever excited to see me... in my whole life... it's.. it's cute." I said matter of factly. "Cute!?" she exclaimed. "Shall we go to the party?" I asked her. "Sure Ko." she held her hand out. I accepted her offer, this is my new favorite thing... I love this... I love her... "Ko? You're blushing..." I am? I smiled. "Sorry... is it stupid?" 
"No! No it's really cute... hey.. I need to go to the mic, I'll be with you in a second okay?" 
"Okay.. I'll be cheering you on." She muttered a thank you and headed on her way. I'll miss you...

"Hey everyone!!" Y/N said. "Let's get this party started, shall we?!" She must've told Ibuki about this beforehand because she turned on speakers which started blaring music.  (the song below lol) 

People begun dancing, her singing along with Ibuki's music was... incredible to say the least. But I needed to stop focusing on her. The room exploded with applause once the song was over. Y/N quickly thanked everyone for being so kind and ran over to me. "Y/N! That was amazing!! You did so good!" 
'R-really?? Thanks nagi!!" I heard a loud buzz, Shit... it's already happening... "Y/N... I.." Then the lights went out. "Nagi!?" she screamed. Im so sorry... my first and last love... I used the lamp cord to make my way over to a table in the corner where I taped the knife. "Wah! The powers out"
"I can't see squat!" 
"It's pitch black! My future is pitch black!" 
"E-everyone calm down!" Y/N said, Y/N... I hope you'll miss me. "Ow!.. Hey don't step on my foot!" I got under the table only to be met by Togami. "Hey what are you doing!?" I reached for the knife. "Stop it!" He then shoved me out from under the table. "O-ow!" I said. "Nagito!? Nagito where are you!?" Y/N yelled out. I slowly got up and followed her voice. I fell down, tripping over the floorboards. Then I heard Y/N yelp as someone fell onto me. "N-nagi..." they cried. I wrapped my arms around her. I had to protect her. "G-guys where are you!? Wasn't the blackout just in the kitchen??" Teruteru... It figures.. I would end up surviving after all... The lights popped back on. I clung onto Y/N, Thank god you're okay..  She was shaking terribly. "Ssshhh.. it's okay... I'm here Y/N.. I'm here." 
"Nagi!?" she gasped. She looked up and instantly slammed her head back into my chest. "Huh? Nagito, Y/N, what are you doing?" Soda asked. "Hugging duh." I said. "W-wait... what's that smell?!" 
"What's wrong Akane?" Hajime asked. "There's blood!! Coming from under the table!!" 

 (Wait guys is this actually real!? Cause if so thank you sooo much!! I'm really happy that at least one good thing happened in a otherwise horrible day! But damn 940 outta 45.2K stories.. I really can't believe it lol)

 I really can't believe it lol)

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