Part 37: Love Like You

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While leaving the class trial Sonia and Ibuki ran up to me. "Wait! Y/N!" 
"Yeah? What's up?" 
"I-" Ibuki shoved her, "I mean we wanted to let you know... that we're here for you!" she exclaimed. "Thanks... say.. can you guys help me out with something?" I asked. "Uh sure!" 
"Ibuki can you and Soni go grab everyone and bring them to my cottage?" They nodded and left to go gather the others.

"Why are we here?" Hajime asked. "To watch Nagito's goodbye..." I softly said. "His what?" I opened the computer on my desk. "I want you all to see the side of him that I got to know, the real him." I plopped the flash drive into the computer and clicked on the video file titled, 'I'm sorry..' 

"I-is this thing on??.. How the hell... ah... there we go! If you're watching this then you survived... or at least I hope you did.. heh... sorry, I shouldn't be crying.. I just started and I'm already... Y/N... I really hope you're the one watching this... as you can see I'm recording this while you're asleep. You're really cute... ah, sorry! Getting off topic... again.. Look.. I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do.. I'm not doing it to hurt you in any way.. but.. I want.. no... I need to become a symbol of hope like you. I know I'm a bad person, I've always thought so, at least, up until I met you.. then I just knew I was bad because you're so good... and I knew that I could never be like you. But still... you made me doubt that countless times, you made me believe I've always been good... Y/N.. I love you so much.. I- oh god.. I.. Y/N.. I'm so sorry, I should've been there for you more.. I should've been kinder, I should've gave you the world when I had the chance... and now? I'll never get too, you've done so much for me... I can never repay you for that kindness. That angelic kindness you try to show to everyone... Y/N this might be surprising... or maybe you already know, but I gave you your talent. It was in the amidst of chaos when I called you my ultimate angel... it's such  fitting title, no? You saved me... You saved a worthless demon like me... and tried to show me the hope hidden deep within me. Maybe this will finally make me the thing I've always wanted... I want to be the ultimate hope, now I know it's a more fitting title for one such as yourself but.. with you I've always felt like I was or at least could be the ultimate hope. And this is the final step... to sacrifice myself. As I recall you know a song with the lyric, 'one life surrendered so your's can begin'? Fitting really.. Y/N you have so much ahead of you.. you can bring so much more hope to others! I... I really admire that.. Y/N, I have nothing left for me, you... and our.. our baby.. god I can't believe I'm saying that!.. You two are the only things that make me want to live. And you... my precious hope, are everything to me. I've lost everyone Y/N... my parents.. my friends.. any family of mine? Dead. I was... no.. I still am worried I'm going to lose you.. but I.. you're the one losing me. I really am bad huh? You know.. that reminds me about the moment I fell in love with you.. from the very first moment I woke up with you in my arms... I was the very first person to wake up on this island. And wouldn't you know it, I was curled up with you. It... it felt oddly normal, it's weird right? I woke up with a complete stranger in my arms.. yet.. I wanted to stay there with you forever... Actually I tried to go back to sleep with you ^0^;; Um.. where was I going with this??? Oh right.. I got the overwhelming urge to watch over you, protect you my dear. So I did. People woke up and questioned why I was looking over you so intently.. I lied and said I wanted to help but.. ahahaha.. I'm obsessed with you.. I've always been.. I only became more obsessed as time went on. I only fell more and more in love with you as well. You're so kind.. and god.. your smile... your laugh.. whenever you're around me, you always seem so happy.. because of me.. and only me right? You're everything I want to me. You're my ultimate hope... the only ultimate hope.. You're so kind to others... and so forgiving.. even to the people you hate! You choose to focus on the good part of them.... and don't even get me started on how cute you are... you never let anyone stand in your way of justice.. I just love that about you... I love everything about you! I love that that someone as special as you are mine... and mine alone.. I-"
"A-ah!? Baby what are you doing awake!?" 
"I could ask you the sameeee, come back to sleep with meeee ;-;" 
"H-hey I will... I'm just making a video for our child.."
"You are!? H-hey let me join!"
"Okay okay! Come snuggle with me babe."
"Gladly..... Hey!! Baby, we love you soooo much!" 
"Yeah, your mommy and daddy love you, our dear ray of hope.."
"We're.. we're kinda in a bad situation right now.. but we'll both get out of it!"
"We promise... your mommy will always be there for you... I know she will.."

"Finally she's back asleep..... you'll both see this huh? Please know this. I love you both so.. so much. Don't ever forget that, I'm so sorry I won't be in your lives... I'll always watch over you.. remember that..please.. And Y/N.. thank you.. for being my first and final love.. please take care of our little ray of hope... I.. I'm so sorry... please live on.. for me.."  

(Well that chapter was shorter than usual! Anyways I still hope you guys are liking the story so far!!!) 

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