Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: One Way Reunion

*Endless Void, Femiya POV*

     I don't know if this is one of Zelretch's pranks or not. I can't contact Alaya, well that's good. I really don't wanna hear her whine. This boy may have something to do with this, he's giving the look when Zelretch is bored. Oh root, don't tell me he's the student I've been hearing about, the one who out-pranked Zelretch. He slowly approaches me.

Boy: I'm here to offer you a deal you cannot regret. And the name's P.E.G.

Femiya: 'Déjà vu.' And what would that be?

P.E.G: To see the boy in your memories.

     My eyes slightly opened, he knew and given the fact that he was one of Zelretch's students. I'm sensing something.

Femiya: There's a catch, isn't there?

P.E.G: Yes, the catch is you will live your new life to the fullest.

I blinked once, twice, trice, fries? IDK.

Femiya: What do... You mean?

P.E.G: I mean, come on. Do all you Emiya's really don't believe in second Chance's?

Femiya: I used to, until I lost faith in humanity.

P.E.G: *Sigh* So this is the reason master just push them to their destination without explanation.

     Well Zelretch is more of a 'We learn as we go' type of teacher. At least he didn't make another troll. One is already enough, but two? Root have mercy on us.

P.E.G: Look, I'm just a guy who can control two true magic. So don't make this harder for me, go see your lover.

Femiya: 'Lover? Since when did I have a lover? But he did say I'll be at peace, better than working for Alaya.'

*In another part of the Void, 3rd POV*

     Zelretch sensing one of his student's having trouble. He decided what a responsible teacher would do.

*Back to where we were a moment a go*

     Suddenly beneath Femiya's foot a rift opens and sucks her in. P.E.G saw what happens and say something a normal person would say.


*Camelot Capital, Arthur's POV*

     After the Holy Grail war, I came back to Avalon. But, after returning there. I was presented with the remains of the Holy Grail, the uncorrupted parts of the Grail, when I ask the grail what it wants. It simply replied with teleporting me back to Camelot where I was suppose to die when I bled to death. Instead, I have more power. And with that, I overpowered Mrodred.

     When I dis-armed her, I reasoned with her. She apologized and helped us locate the whereabouts of Morgana. She put up a fight, but she was killed by Mordred using Rhongomyniad. The spear I was suppose to use to kill Mordred.

     The irony was hot for Morgana, she deserved worst. But beggar's can't be chooser's. When we head back to Camelot to celebrate, the wizard of Flowers, Merlin. Came back from his quest. He had a potion on his hand, but he tripped on his robe and the liquid inside the bottle came running down on my face, when he explained what was inside the bottle it was a potion of Immortality.

     And centuries later, I became the most powerful being in the mortal realm. Ruling a Kingdom full of innocent people, they worshipped us. The Knights of the Round Table, after the many, many years of living. I slowly stopped feeling emotion. Don't get me wrong, I care's for my subjects. But, I just never show it.

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