Chapter 27: The Karma and Radio demon

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Alastor just sighs and sits down. He's seen this stuff used before and there is no way to recover from it. He just lies around to wait for his death. The red electricity fades from his body meaning the Argent was taken from it.

He looks at Geltahmiin to see her smiling down at him. Alastor tells her, "Well as my dying wish, tell Stan and Charlie to have an amazing wedding."

Geltahmiin: What are you talking about?

Alastor: Before I was manipulated, he told me he would propose to Charlie with his family's heirloom.

Geltahmiin: I will.

She pulls out a voice recorder and sits down across from him. "Use this recorder to record anything you wish to say to those you care about," Geltahmiin said.

Alastor: Thank you, I feel my power draining so I have between 15 to 10 minutes before I die.

Geltahmiin: Alastor, I may hate you for what you did to me, but I love BJ a lot and I believe he deserves to hear from his best friend before he dies.

Alastor: *Coughs* Since when did you two hook up?

Geltahmiin: I confessed my feelings for him one night when I was drunk and made out with him. I think it was almost a month ago when it happened. But just record the message before you run out of time.

Alastor nodded and cleared his throat. His grey skin was turning pale. He turns on the recorder and starts to speak. "By the time any of you hear this, I will be deceased. Geltahmiin poisoned me and I deserve it so I only have about 7 minutes. Stan, I remember you showing me the ring and telling me about your plans for the future with Charlie. I wish I could see your face once you see her in the dress and waltzing down the aisle. Then William, Geltahmiin told me about how you two are together and- *coughs intensely and spitting out blood* and I want you to protect her like how you protected your freedom so long ago from the Nazis. I will most likely see none of you again and I bid you farewell."

He falls over barely breathing. Geltahmiin looks closely at him. His veins had a purple color flow through them.

Geltahmiin: Alastor, the Argent is fully removed from your body. I think it's your choice to live or not.

Alastor: D-Darling, I thi-think it's too late for that.

She smiles and rolls her eyes. "Do you think I don't know how to control my own powers? So live or die, it's your choice. The clock is ticking."

Alastor: Just do what you'd want to happen. I've accepted it.

Geltahmiin: Ok I may hate you and want you to die, but BJ, Stan and Charlie they care for you. So I guess, I guess I'll have to learn to *urk* tolerate you.

Alastor: *Wheezing* Are y-y-you really sure about that?

Geltahmiin stabs him in the shoulder with a syringe filled with questionable fluids. His skin goes back to normal. He inhales deeply and let's out a nice sigh of relief. He grabs Geltahmiin's hand and she pulls him up from the floor.

Alastor: Thanks for doing that.

Geltahmiin: Don't mention it. Also do you remember that Stan is corrupted just like you?

(In the background)

Tachanka: Awww come on! Where is the death and misery!?

Kapkan: Shut up tovarish!

(Back to Alastor and Geltahmiin)

Alastor: I believe that the power of love could revert him back to normal. Did anyone happen to tell you the tale of how Charlie and Stan fell in love?

Geltahmiin: Well angel tells me almost everything that happens So I believe so.

Alastor: Have you seen his guitar skills?

Geltahmiin: Yes I have. Ah! Play the song, bring back the memories via strong emotions associated with said song!

Alastor: Bingo darling.

Geltahmiin: That's brilliant! Wait there's two problems though. One, the Marauder will be with him. Two, getting Stan to be still long enough for him to listen.

Alastor: That is true.

Geltahmiin paces back and forth thinking for a moment. After a while she mutters to herself and starts to face palm while laughing. "I almost forgot about the upgrades I put in the praetor suit."

Alastor: What would you be talking about?

Geltahmiin: TL;DR I figured out time travel, I was able to help BJ stop the Nazis through manipulating them, and I made him the praetor suit using the body of another. I upgraded it a shit ton lately and I added a few things without telling Stan.

Alastor: That's smart but how will it work!

Geltahmiin: One simple phrase and it will send a gas into the Marauder's body and form spikes  piercing his body and his organs. Quite dangerous and a tid bit sadistic but eh.

Alastor: About how long did it take to do all of that?

Geltahmiin: Maybe 3 hours. But like I said, I made it so I can put upgrades on it.

Alastor: Good point.

They step out of the room to look for Charlie and Stan to convert him back to his original self and maybe kill the Marauder.

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