Part 4

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The next day, I woke up in a room that I felt I should remember, but didn't. I walked downstairs to my mother and father who spoke to me as normally as one could imagine, yet they felt somewhat foreign. The only thing that seemed to make any sense in my mind was the faint memory of the name "Cassian".

"Alena, Sweetie, could you go grab the mail for us?" My mother asked. Alena? My name is Alena? I mean, obviously it is, but for some reason, it doesn't sound right. "Alena, are you feeling alright? You look a little pale."

"Sorry, I'm just a bit dizzy. I'll go grab the mail though," I assured my mother before walking out of my house and down to the mailbox. As I opened the mailbox, I noticed a piece of paper lying in the front yard. Ignoring my task, I strolled across the freshly mowed grass and picked up the folded piece of paper. It was a bit tattered and looked as if the wind had carried it this far. It was dressed in a few muddy stains, making it look as if it could possibly just be a discarded napkin that didn't quite make it into the dumpster outside a restaurant. Unfolding it, I examined what seemed to be a letter.

Dear Alexia,

I don't know where they took you, but everyone is pretending as if you never existed. I even asked your parents and they told me that I had the wrong house. I know I'm not crazy because I would never forget the name of my best friend and the girl I love. It feels strange writing that down when I never got to tell you that. Although you never said it either, I know that you heard my argument at the ceremony because you repeated some of my words when you made your condemning speech. I promise I will not let your sacrifice be for nothing. I will either escape this place or start a movement. Whether I physically lead them or your words and my actions lead them, the men and boys of Kamsdeli will rise and become part of a movement that will change society forever. I will continue to hold onto the hope that you are out there, and just know... that I will always love you.


There was that name again-- Cassian. The girl addressed in the letter had a name that wasn't dissimilar from my own, and it was evident that she had made some bold actions back in a place known as Kamsdeli. I closed my eyes and begged the fog in my head to clear, but to no prevail. I just hoped with all of my heart that Cassian wouldn't let Alexia wander alone for eternity.

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