Chapter 1

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(Crimson's Pov) ~Italics are thoughts~

*Beep Beep Beep*
"Ugh it's too early for this shit", I groaned while smacking my alarm off. Slowly I peeled my covers back and stood up stretching, hearing my joints crack in satisfaction. After standing there dreading the day for about 15 minutes, I decided it was time to start getting ready for school. "Thank goodness it's my last year", I mumbled tiredly.
Walking into the bathroom, I looked into the mirror and cringed. "Damn, what even is my hair doing?" I did my business then grabbed my brush and started brushing out the rats nest I call hair and decided to leave it in it's natural semi straight state. "Makeup time", I whispered to myself and did a quick and simple smokey eye. After spending about 30 minutes in the bathroom, I figured I should get dressed seeing as my clock read 7:30 A.M. meaning school started in 30 minutes. I quickly picked out and threw on an outfit (pictured above), grabbed my bag and phone and ran down the stairs. I quietly walked into the kitchen to see my parents sitting at the table talking, immediately they stopped and got up leaving the room. This is a normal thing for me seeing as my parents have been avoiding me since I was 14. Shrugging, I popped some toast into the toaster and waited for it to pop up. After a few minutes the toast popped up and I quickly spread butter on the two slices and decided to begin the 10 minute walk to the dreaded place we call school while munching on my breakfast.
  Seeing the building ahead I sighed, "Just keep your cool today Crimson, don't let them push your buttons again" Slowly I approached the main doors and pushed them open, walking in with my head held high and my 'I don't give a shit' attitude radiating from me. Like every day, people turned and stared at me while whispering. Geeze do they have staring issues?, I thought to myself. Finally approaching my locker I swiftly did the combination and grabbed my book for my first hour, English.
Walking into the classroom, I went to the seat in the very back corner near the window and sat down while boredly glancing out towards the forest that sat about 10 yards from the school. I must have zoned out, because suddenly I heard the teacher Mrs. Dash calling my name for attendance "Here" I mumbled. The rest of class seemed to fly by as we all independently read 'To Kill A Mockingbird' for a book report. When the bell finally rang, I slowly stood up and began to creep towards the door when a foot was kicked out in front of me causing me to trip. Angrily my eye twitched as I attempted to cool down my anger but it didn't seem to be working so I whirled around and looked at a guy named Trevor. He was smirking up at me, slighting cringing away from my eyes at the same time then glanced around at the few people who remained in the room, I glanced behind me but the teacher seemed to have left also. Facing Trevor again, I gritted my teeth and seethed, "What in the hell is your problem?", grinning he replied in a snarky tone "Oh I was just stretching my legs before getting up but you decided to plow them over. Why? Are you getting mad baby?" Smiling, I walked up to him " Of course not sweetheart, I'm livid" Grabbing the front of his shirt I swung my fist into his nose, hearing a satisfying crack. I continued to swing at him blacking out until someone pulled me off of him throwing me to the ground, finally returning to my mind I looked down at my hands that were covered in blood and smirked. I looked at Trevor, seeing his nose clearly broken and gushing blood, his lip and eyebrow split. And severe swelling and brusing around his eyes and and jaw. "Miss Frost!!", I heard the principal Mr. Carter yell at me while glaring. Looking up at him from my place on the floor I smiled innocently "Yes Principal Carter?". He continued to glare at me "You're suspended for 2 weeks Miss Frost, please leave the school grounds immediately. I will be contacting your parents about your actions"
Rolling my eyes I grabbed my things and walked out the classroom door mumbling "It's not like they'll care anyways". Exiting the school I decided to take a walk around the forest seeing as I had nothing else to do. Walking towards the woods I decided to put in one of my headphones and blasted 'Voices' by Motionless In White. I entered the trees and noticed how it got darker with each step, shrugging I kept walking while staring up at the towering trees that surrounded me. After walking for about 20 minutes I saw something move in the corner of my eye and stopped walking while turning towards the movement. Pausing my music, I removed my headphone and stuffed my phone and headphones in my bag quickly. I absentmindedly began to walk towards where I saw the movement when I heard a twig snap behind me, spinning around quickly I came face to face with orange goggles. Jumping back I held my hand to my chest "What the hell man?!" I mumbled to myself. I heard a low mumble of "Whoa your eyes" come from the owner of said goggles. Looking up I examined what seemed to be a teenage boy with brown hair, orange goggles and a mask covering his mouth. He had two bloody hatchets at his sides, his right hand sitting on one of the handles at the ready to pull it out if needed. "Uh hello?" I said to the boy, suddenly he launched at me and I prepared for the pain but instead I felt arms wrap around me and my feet lift off the ground. In an excited tone the boy yelled "HI I'M TOBY, WHAT'S YOUR NAME? WHY DIDN'T YOU RUN? WANNA BE FRIENDS?" Chuckling, I pushed myself out of Toby's arms and back onto my feet taking a few steps back. "Hi Toby, I'm Crimson nice to meet you. I didn't run because that would have showed vulnerability and weakness. And uhh sure I'll be your friend", I replied shrugging. I assume Toby smiled because his mask seemed to lift up a bit, "AWESOME! So what are you doing out here?" he questioned. "I got suspended from school  for 2 weeks for beating up a dude who tripped me." I said smirking. Giggling, yes giggling, Toby help up his hand for a high five which I gave him. We continued to talk for what felt like hours and probably was seeing as it began to get darker.

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