"Babe it was not that serious.", I told him.

"Bit- Girl, alright. Okay. It was not that serious, okay. So the next time I'm eating you and you wanna tap out imma say that it ain't that serious.", he smiled before pecking my lips three times. There was a knock on the door before his surgeon and two nurses walked in.

Yohan's POV

"Good morning Yohan and you too Zoriah. We already went over the procedure and everything else that needed to be covered so now it's time to prep you for the operating room. We're gonna be doing a double stapedectomy which should take no more than three hours and thirty minutes. Do you have any questions?", he said. I forgot his name like five seconds after he told me yesterday.

"No sir.", I sighed.

"Alrighty then, nurses you may start prepping him. I'll see you in the operating room sir.", he said before leaving out of the room. Zo slid out of the bed and went to the foot of the bed, while one the nurses did some shit with my IV and the other one untangled some cords.

"Zo stop it.", I said making her eyes snap up to mine. She nodded and sighed.

"I'll walk with you to the elevator, but then I gotta go love.", she said softly smiling at me.

"I know love.", I told her.

"Sir can you take your hearing aids out please?", one of the nurses asked. I saw Zo roll her eyes and hold her hand out for me to put them in her hand. She took them and put them in her backpack that was laying on the couch against the window.

"Today is the beginning of a new chapter in your life.", she signed to me.

"Of our life.", I signed back. The same nurse that Zoriah rolled her eyes at turned to her and said something which she willingly signed to me.

"Awwww that's cute. Did you learn sign language before or after meeting him?", she signed.

"She knew it before she met me. One of her cousins is deaf.", I spoke out loud. The nurse jumped and Zoriah and the other nurse bussed out laughing.

"You play too much.", she signed while still laughing.

"Okay sir, you're ready for the operating room.", the nurse said and Zoriah signed for me after she finished laughing. Zoriah sighed and went to grab her backpack.

Once Zo had all her stuff they rolled me out of the room and into the hallway. They had me backward to where me and Zo could still talk while we went down this long ass hallway.

"Zoriah.", I signed.

"Yes?", she signed back.

"Remember think happy thoughts. I'll help you start. Think about how I'll be able to hear you moan without having to turn my hearing aids up. I sound like an old ass man.", I signed to her before laughing.

"Stop being nasty and that's because you are an old man. You nasty 19 my king.", she signed back.

"And you're still a baby my queen.", I signed making her roll her eyes.

"This is where we part ways, but only for no more than three hours. I'll be back before you wake up.", she signed making me realize that we had made it to the elevator.

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