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Sky's POV

We stood there in silence for quite some time. Eventually, Kisuke let out a sigh and replaced the hat on his head. Out came a fan, flashing in front of his face. He gazed at me, or at least I thought he was gazing. I couldn't really see his face. He started talking.

"Hi! I'm Kisuke, but I guess you already know that by now. Why don't you come on in and I can explain some things to you?"He spoke kindly. I stared at him before frowning. Kisuke...this guy is Kisuke? Why do I get the feeling....we've met? Other than him saying my name randomly, I don't understand how...

"Fine. Just as long as you don't lie and you actually give me some information. That guy over there seemed to just be pissy,"I replied jerking a thumb back at the pale guy. He gave an annoyed noise and crossed his arms. His green eyes seemed to glare at me, but I could only think of him as emotionless. He didn't seem to look like he was used to showing emotion.

"How rude. I seem to recall that I just saved your life,"The pale guy replied. I stared at him. He stared back, his eyes gazing into my own green ones. Eventually he jerked his gaze away, sighing. "Just follow Kisuke. I don't want to deal with a stupid human girl anyways." I grew angry. Jerk. And didn't he say I wasn't human earlier??? What a complete asshole. I don't like him. I turned on my heel and stalked off, following after Kisuke. Kisuke was and had been laughing at us, muttering something I couldn't hear.

"Excuse me? What was that?"I asked. He looked back at me. He chuckled and muttered shook his head, saying "Nothing!". When we finally got to a room he took the long sword I had been half-dragging. He motioned for me and half-mask guy to sit down on the floor at a table as he looked the sword over.

"Interesting. Your blade is unlike any I've ever seen. I am impressed. You have indeed grown," He commented, smiling. Grown? He speaks as if he's known me since I was a child. He looked at me and sat the blade down behind him, resting the hilt against the wall. "I guess I should explain who I am and what is happening to you. Hmm, where to start." I just stared blankly at him. Kisuke smiled at me, like he knew what I was thinking. "Well first I guess I would like to know what happened to your mom. She kinda ran off without me, dragging you with her. That woman was so weird. Not that I could say much myself." I just blinked as he kept blabbing on and on. He knew my mom? What?

"Um excuse me. But how would you know my mother?"I asked. He leaned on the table and gave me a surprised look.

"My dear, I'm your biological father,"Kisuke told me. I shook my head. He grinned. There's no way, I physically look nothing like him. Besides, I remember my dad, just barely. This isn't him. I sighed and shook my head again.

"You're wasting my time, dude. No you're not. He left me when I was six, disappeared," I replied, annoyed. Kisuke let out small chuckles. "I'm, sorry, but you can't be him. I mean, just because I don't remember his appearance doesn't make you him, he was a shady man." I sighed and leaned back. Kisuke didn't say anything. "So tell me something real instead of this bullshit you're concocting."

"Haha, you're so much like your mother. Sorry to tell you, but I am your father. If you'd like I can even do a blood test. The man you thought you knew as a biological father wasn't your real one. My full name is Kisuke Urahara," He replied gazing at me. My eyes widened. What? "Your last name is the same, isn't it? We gave you an English name because we thought that worked best. Of course, it sounds good too."

"You're not my dad,"I insisted. He smiled at me, shutting his fan with a click. He took his hat off and pointed the tip of his fan at his eyes. Green. mine. Emerald. My eyes widened. "No. No, no, no, I can't....I can't do this. Not today of all days." I stood up and turned on my heel to walk out.

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